How To Set Up Secure and User-Friendly Frontend Post Submission Forms In WordPress

Looking for a way to set up secure and user-friendly frontend post submission forms to empower your audience and boost engagement on your WordPress site?

Allowing users to contribute content directly from the frontend is a powerful approach that can set your website apart. Whether you’re aiming to encourage guest posts, gather user-generated content, or simply make it easier for your community to interact with your site, enabling frontend post submissions can be a game-changer. But as with all things on the web, it’s crucial to find the right balance between user-friendliness and security.

Imagine giving your users the freedom to submit posts without needing to navigate the complexities of the WordPress backend—all while ensuring that your site remains secure from spam and malicious content. With the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin, you can achieve this and more. This tool simplifies the submission process for your users while providing robust security features to protect your site.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up secure and user-friendly frontend post submission forms that invite meaningful contributions while keeping your website safe and efficient.

Why Enable Frontend Post Submissions?

Enabling frontend post submissions on your WordPress site can significantly enhance user engagement and content diversity. Here’s why it’s a valuable addition:

  • Encourage User-Generated Content: User-generated content is a great way to increase engagement and build a loyal community. By allowing users to submit posts, you give them a platform to share their thoughts, ideas, and expertise, making them feel valued and involved in your site’s growth.
  • Simplify Guest Posting: Guest posting can be a cumbersome process, often requiring multiple email exchanges and backend access. Frontend post submission forms streamline this process, allowing guest authors to submit their content directly without needing to navigate the WordPress dashboard. This simplicity makes it easier for more contributors to participate.
  • Improve Content Diversity: With a diverse range of contributors, your content will naturally become more varied and interesting. Frontend post submissions open the door to different perspectives, ideas, and content types, enriching your site and keeping your audience engaged.

Key Features of the Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin

The Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin is packed with features that make it an ideal tool for setting up secure and user-friendly submission forms. Let’s explore some of its key features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Form Builder
    The plugin’s drag-and-drop form builder makes it incredibly easy to create submission forms. You don’t need any coding knowledge; simply drag the elements you need into the form. This intuitive builder allows you to create customized forms that suit your specific needs, whether you’re collecting blog posts, images, or other content types.
  • Unlimited Forms and Custom Fields
    Flexibility is at the heart of this plugin. You can create unlimited forms with various custom fields, such as text boxes, file uploads, checkboxes, and more. This flexibility allows you to tailor your forms to collect the exact information you need from your users, making content submission a breeze.
  • Frontend Post Management Dashboard
    Managing submissions directly from the frontend is a huge time-saver. The plugin’s frontend post management dashboard allows you to review, edit, and approve submissions without having to navigate the WordPress backend. This feature streamlines the content management process, making it more efficient and accessible.
  • Security Features
    Security is a top priority when allowing user submissions. The Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin includes Google Captcha integration to prevent spam submissions and ensure that only legitimate content is submitted. Additionally, you can configure the post status, author, and format settings to maintain control over the content published on your site.

How to Set Up Secure and User-Friendly Frontend Post Submission Forms

Creating secure and user-friendly frontend post submission forms with the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin is a straightforward process.

Follow these steps to set up your forms:

Step 1: Purchase, Install, and Activate the Plugin

  • Purchase the Plugin:
  • Download the Plugin Files: After purchasing, download the plugin files from your CodeCanyon account. You will receive a ZIP file containing the plugin.
  • Install the Plugin:
    • Access the WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New: In the dashboard menu, hover over “Plugins” and click “Add New.”
    • Upload the Plugin: Click on the “Upload Plugin” button at the top and select the downloaded ZIP file from your computer.
    • Install the Plugin: After selecting the file, click “Install Now” to start the installation process.
  • Activate the Plugin: Once installed, click “Activate” to enable the plugin on your site.

Step 2: Add New Form

To create a new submission form, begin by navigating to the “Frontend Post Submission” section in your WordPress admin dashboard. From the submenu, select “Add New Form” to initiate the process of creating a new submission form.

Add New Form

Start by configuring the basic details of your form. You’ll need to toggle the “Form Status” to either enable or disable the form’s availability on the frontend. Then, provide a descriptive title in the “Form Title” field to help identify the form within your dashboard. Next, create a unique identifier for the form, known as the “Form Alias.” It’s important to ensure that this alias is unique and doesn’t include any special characters except underscores (_), as it will be used for displaying the form and managing its settings.

You will also need to choose the “Post Type” that the form will collect. This could be any of the default WordPress post types or any custom post types registered on your site. Additionally, decide whether the form will require users to log in before submission or if it will allow guest submissions without login by selecting the appropriate option in the “Form Type” field.

Once you’ve completed these steps, save your changes to proceed to the next stage, where you can further customize your form and configure its security settings.

Step 3: Customize the Form

Form Setting

After you click “Add New Form,” it lands on the “Basic” settings tab. To proceed with creating a submission form, you need to click on the “Form” tab, which will bring up the interface displayed in the image above.

  1. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Use the intuitive drag-and-drop builder to add elements like text fields, file uploads, checkboxes, etc.
  2. Field Customization: Click on any form field to customize it. Adjust placeholder text, set mandatory fields, or provide specific instructions.
  3. Add Custom Fields: Add as many custom fields as needed, such as text areas, date pickers, or file uploaders.
  4. Post Status Specific Submit Button: Customize unique submit buttons for different post statuses (e.g., Draft, Pending Review, Private, Published) to streamline the submission process.

Step 4: Customize the Layout

layout setting
  • Form Template: Choose from 22 pre-designed form templates to shape the structure and style of your form. These templates allow for easy customization and ensure consistency in form appearance.
  • Custom Fields Display Template: Select from 6 custom field display templates to control how custom fields are presented after submission. This allows you to maintain a clean and user-friendly display for the data collected through your form.

These options offer flexibility in both form creation and the way submitted data is shown to users.

Step 5: Configure Form Security

To enhance the security of your frontend post submission form, start by integrating Google reCAPTCHA. Begin by obtaining the necessary reCAPTCHA keys. Visit the Google reCAPTCHA site to generate your site key and secret key, which are required for activating reCAPTCHA on your forms.

recaptcha settings

Once you have your keys, navigate to the “Security” tab within your plugin’s settings. Here, you’ll find fields to input your reCAPTCHA site key and secret key. Enter these keys to link your form with Google reCAPTCHA, enabling the spam protection feature.

To secure your forms, toggle the switch next to “Enable reCAPTCHA in frontend form” to activate reCAPTCHA for your frontend submission form. This will help prevent spam submissions. Additionally, if you want to add an extra layer of security to your login form, you can also toggle the switch next to “Enable reCAPTCHA in login form.”

You can further customize the reCAPTCHA settings by modifying the label text to match your website’s tone, such as changing it to “Are you human?” or any other phrase that aligns with your branding. Additionally, you have the option to customize the error message that users see if the reCAPTCHA validation fails, ensuring clear communication and helping users understand what went wrong.

By following these steps, you’ll set up a secure, user-friendly frontend post submission form that enhances engagement and simplifies content management on your WordPress site.


Enabling frontend post submissions on your WordPress site is a powerful way to boost engagement and content diversity. With the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin, you can easily set up secure and user-friendly submission forms that encourage user-generated content while protecting your site from spam and malicious activity. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ll empower your audience to contribute directly to your site, streamline guest posting, and manage submissions with ease—all without compromising security.

You can also check out our documentation on the Frontend Post Submission Manager.

How To Set Up An Opt-in Content Locker On Your Website?

Do you want to increase your website’s engagement and grow your email list effortlessly?

An opt-in content locker might be the perfect solution for you. By restricting access to valuable content until visitors subscribe or perform a specific action, you can entice users to join your mailing list, boosting your lead generation efforts.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up an opt-in content locker on your website using subscribe to unlock lite plugin, step-by-step, so you can start reaping the benefits of this powerful marketing strategy.

Understanding the Subscribe to Unlock Lite plugins

Subscribe to Unlock Opt-In Content Locker Lite is a free tool designed to effortlessly capture subscribers on your WordPress site. It works by locking specific content until users subscribe. You can verify subscribers using either link verification or unlock code verification.

You can configure form, choose a stunning layout from our 2 beautifully pre-designed templates, export subscribers, and whatnot. With this plugin, you are just a few seconds away from collecting the subscribers from your WordPress site because integrating a subscription form in any site is that easy with our plugin.

Subscribe to unlock lite


  • 5 Pre Designed Subscription Form Templates
  • Two Locker Modes – Hard and Soft Lock
  • Two Email verification methods are available – Link or Unlock Code
  • Enable disable each form components
  • Ajax Form Submission
  • Subscribers CSV Export
  • Backend Form Preview
  • Enable/disable form components
  • All device-friendly and browser-compatibility
  • Dedicated Support
  • Translation Ready

How To Set Up an Opt-in Content Locker On Your Website?

To set up an opt-in content locker on your website using Subscribe to unlock lite plugin, we need to install the plugin. So, here we are providing a few steps to set up this plugin:

Step 1: Install the Subscribe to Unlock Lite Plugin

  • First log into your dashboard.
  • After that move the cursor on the plugin and click on add new plugin.
  • Then search for a plugin named “Subscribe to unlock Lite”
installing subscribe to unlock lite plugin
  • Now, click on install, and after a few seconds activate the plugin.
activating subscribe to unlock lite plugin

Download The Plugin

Step 2: Configure The Plugin Settings

After installing and activating the plugin, at the left side of the WP Dashboard, you will find a Subscribe to Unlock lite plugin.

Now, here you can click on that plugin or settings, and it will land on the settings page of the plugin.

General Settings

In this section, you can configure 4 settings i.e. General, Form, Layout, and Email Settings.

General Settings

Here you can see many form fields and options are available in general settings.

According to your requirements, you can choose and select the available option for your website.

Here’s a breakdown of the individual options available in the general settings of the Subscribe to Unlock Opt-In Content Locker Lite plugin:

1. Lock Content: Enter the content that you want to display after a successful user subscription. This field is optional, as content can also be locked directly within your page or post editor using the built-in lock button.

2. Lock Modes: Choose between two lock modes:

  • Hard Lock: Completely hides the locked content.
  • Soft Lock: Partially hides the content by blurring it, allowing users to preview it before subscription.

3. Subscriber Verification:

  • Link Verification: After a visitor subscribes, they receive an email with a verification link. Clicking this link verifies their subscription and unlocks the content.
  • Unlock Code Verification: Alternatively, subscribers receive an email with a unique unlock code that they must enter on your site to access the locked content.

4. Form Success Message: Customize the message displayed to users upon successful subscription.

5. Form Required Error Message: Customize the message shown to users if they fail to fill in all the necessary required fields in the subscription form.

6. Form Error Message: Customize the message shown to users if an error occurs while sending the email, such as an invalid email address or server-related issues.

These settings provide flexibility and control over how content is locked, verified, and displayed to users, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly subscription experience on your WordPress site.

Form Settings

Here, in form settings, you can see different form field lists.

Form Settings

As you can see in the above picture, many form field lists are available:

  1. Heading
  2. Sub Heading
  3. Name
  4. Email
  5. Terms and Agreement
  6. Subscribe Button
  7. Footer Text

Now make a form with available fields to lock your content.

Layout Settings

In this section, you can configure essential settings related to the layout of the subscription form. You can choose from one of the five beautiful pre-designed templates available in this lite version.

Layout Settings

Here are two available Options:

Form Layout: This option includes a dropdown menu with all the available pre-designed templates. You can select one from the five templates currently available. Each template offers a unique design and layout. You can preview and select the template that best fits your website’s style.

Form Width: Customize the width of the subscription form to match your website’s design. Although each template comes with a default width, you can adjust it according to your preferences. Enter your desired width in pixels (px) or as a percentage (%) to ensure the form integrates seamlessly with your site.

Email Settings

In this section, you can configure all the necessary email-related settings, such as the sender’s name and email address. This ensures that all communications sent to your subscribers are properly branded and professional.

Here are the available Options:

  1. From Name: Set the name that will appear in the ‘From’ field in the emails sent to subscribers. This should be your name or your business/website name to ensure subscribers recognize who the email is from.
  2. From Email: Set the email address that will appear in the ‘From’ field in the emails sent to subscribers. This should be a legitimate email address associated with your domain to maintain professionalism and trust.
  3. Email Subject: Enter the subject of the email sent for subscriber verification. This subject should clearly indicate the purpose of the email, such as “Please Verify Your Subscription” or “Confirm Your Email to Unlock Content”.
  4. Email Message: Configure the message content that will be sent to subscribers for verification. The message should provide clear instructions on how to verify their email address, whether through clicking a verification link or entering a provided unlock code. Personalizing this message to reflect your brand’s voice and tone can enhance the user experience.

These settings allow you to personalize the layout and branding of your subscription forms and email communications, ensuring a cohesive and professional experience for your subscribers.

Step 3: Locking content using shortcodes

You can add the lock content directly in the subscription form’s general settings when creating a form and then insert the shortcode anywhere within the page or post’s content editor.


You can lock any content by simply wrapping it with our plugin’s shortcode inside the classic editor block, as shown below:




Be Locked




using shortcodes in post

This is how it looks like in preview when we lock the content using shortcodes.

preview in frontend
unlocking content with code verification

Now heading towards the subscriber list.

Step 4: Subscriber List

In this section, you can view all the subscribers who have subscribed through various subscription forms. You can also filter subscribers based on different forms and export the subscriber list to a CSV file for further external use.

subscriber lists


In conclusion, the Subscribe to Unlock Lite plugin offers a straightforward way to set up an opt-in content locker on your website, boosting user engagement and email list growth effortlessly. With features like pre-designed templates, customizable settings, and easy shortcode implementation, you can quickly incentivize visitors to subscribe, driving lead generation efforts effectively.

With the Subscribe to Unlock Lite plugin, you have the tools to implement this powerful marketing strategy effortlessly. Start unlocking your website’s full potential today for meaningful business results.

How To Add Article Read Time On Your Website?

Adding an article read time to your website can significantly enhance the user experience, providing readers with a quick estimate of the time required to engage with your content.

This small yet impactful feature not only helps in setting clear expectations but also increases reader retention by making your articles more approachable.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to add article read time using the Article Read Time plugin on your WordPress site.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to offer a more user-friendly and transparent reading experience for your audience.

So, let’s dive into how to add article read time seamlessly and effectively.

Why add article read time on your website?

Before diving into how to add article read time on your website, let’s understand why add article read time on your website.

At first, it sets a clear expectation for readers to let them know how much time it will take to read the article. This will build trust and help users make informed decisions about allocating their time.

Additionally, displaying the read time can attract more readers by reassuring them that your content is concise and digestible.

Moreover, it enhances accessibility, allowing users to plan their reading sessions accordingly, whether they have a few minutes to spare or are looking for a longer read.

How to add article read time on your website?

Now that we’ve highlighted the significance of adding article read time, let’s delve into how you can implement this feature on your WordPress website using the Article Read Time plugin by WP Shuffle.

Follow these simple steps to enhance your website’s user experience:

Step 1: Install the Article Read Time Plugin

1. Access your WordPress website and sign in.

Once logged in, you’ll automatically be directed to your Dashboard.

2. Go to ‘Plugins’.

Locate the menu on the left-hand side of your screen and click on ‘Plugins’.

3. Find ‘Article read time’.

Navigate to the top of the screen and click on ‘Add New’. In the search bar that appears, type ‘Article Read Time’.

4. Install the plugin

After searching, a list of results will appear. Look for the “Article Read Time” plugin among these results. Click on ‘Install Now’ for the installation process.

installing the artice read time plugin

5. Activate the plugin.

Once the installation completes, click on the ‘Activate’ button, which replaces the ‘Install Now’ button.

activating the article read time plugin

Download the plugin

Step 2: Configure the plugin settings

Once the plugin is activated, you will be able to view the Article Read Time menu in the left admin menu. And you can then click on that menu to configure the settings page of plugins.

In this section, you can configure two settings options i.e. Basic Setting & Layout Setting.

Basic Setting

In the basic setting, the default status was displayed as disabled.

article read time - Basic Settings

To display a section in the front end, you can check the status and then configure the settings as per your need.

enabling the status

After enabling the status, you can configure all the basic settings such as StatusWord Per Minute, Select Post Type to Display, etc.

So, you can set the word per minute to read the article by user and choose the enable and disable section for post type according to your needs.

To display a section in the front end, you need to enable the following option provided in the above picture. Then click on save settings.

Now heading towards the layout settings.

Layout Settings

Within this section, you have the option to adjust essential settings of the layout of paragraph templates. You can select one template from our two beautifully pre-designed options for paragraph types.

Default Layout Settings

In this section, you’ll find several options to customize your paragraph templates:

  1. Display Section: Choose where you want the paragraph template to appear—either at the beginning of content, end of content, or both.
  2. Display Type: Select between paragraph and block display types.
  3. Choose Paragraph Template: Pick from our selection of 2 beautiful pre-designed paragraph templates.
  4. Heading Text: Set the heading text to be displayed on the front end.
  5. Word/Character Count Message: Utilize this textarea option to display a word/character count message on the front end.
Layout settings

After selecting and choosing the option click on save settings.

Step 3: Progress Bar Settings

In this section, you have the flexibility to personalize the color and style of your progress bar using our built-in customization options. These options are particularly useful when the pre-designed template doesn’t quite meet your requirements, and you need to tailor the form to your specific needs.

Progress Bar Setting

Here are the available customization options for custom color styling:

  • Progress Bar Status: Enable or disable the progress bar on the front end.
  • Display Position: Choose where to display the progress bar.
  • Display Styles: Select different styles for the progress bar, such as normal or gradients.
  • Background Color: Customize the background color of the progress bar.
  • Primary Color: Customize the primary color of the progress bar.
  • Bar Thickness: Adjust the thickness of the progress bar to increase its size.

After selecting all the options. Click on Save Settings.


Preview of Article Read Time


Adding an article read time to your website can significantly enhance the user experience by providing readers with a quick estimate of the time required to engage with your content. This feature not only sets clear expectations but also increases reader retention by making your articles more approachable. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can seamlessly add article read time to your WordPress site using the Article Read Time plugin by WP Shuffle. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to offer a more user-friendly and transparent reading experience for your audience, ultimately improving engagement and satisfaction.

How To Submit a WooCommerce Product From The Frontend?

Do you want to submit a WooCommerce Product from the frontend of your WordPress website?

Well, you can do this with ease. You just need to follow our article.

Allowing users to submit a WooCommerce product from the front end easily can enhance user engagement and streamline the content creation process.

To achieve this, you’ll need to install a Frontend Post Submission Manager PRO plugin. This type of plugin typically offers features such as a frontend dashboard, frontend product editor, and frontend uploader for WooCommerce user profiles, product submissions, and memberships.

While there are several frontend WooCommerce product submission plugins available in the WordPress directory, let’s focus on “Frontend Post Submission Manager” for our purposes.

With this plugin, you can empower users to submit WooCommerce products directly from the frontend, providing them with a seamless experience and giving you greater control over user-generated content.

To submit a WooCommerce Product From the frontend, you must have two plugins i.e. WooCommerce and Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin.


WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin that allows users to create online stores and sell products and services easily. With WooCommerce, we can create a good level of e-commerce website.

It is a free e-commerce plugin where you can have many available options i.e. you can add product categories and product tags, add galleries, add a single image, write product descriptions, set feature images, and add price & shipping. These are the options that will be available in this plugin.

To set up the WooCommerce plugin and add new products, you need to follow these simple steps which are given below:

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard
  • Find the plugins then move a cursor on it and click on add new plugins.
  • After that search “WooCommerce”. Now, install and activate the plugins.
  • Then you can see the plugin will appear in the dashboard and move a cursor on the product, then click on add a new product.
  • Now create a product according to the available field and option.
  • Insert the available field and create a ecommerce product and publish it.
add new product

By following these steps, you can create an e-commerce product from WooCommerce plugin.

How To Submit a WooCommerce Product From The Frontend?

With the help of the Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin, you can submit a WooCommerce product from the frontend.

As I know there are many available plugins where we can allow users to add a WooCommerce Product from frontend. So, here I am using the plugin i.e. “Frontend Post Submission Manager” pro version.

For the Pro version, click on the provided link-> Frontend Post Submission Manager

After receiving the plugin files from the given link,

  1. Unzip the file downloaded plugin from codecanyon. You can download all your purchased files from
  2. Upload all the files to the /wp-content/plugins/frontend-post-submission-manager
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. For customizing the plugin’s settings, click on the Frontend Post Submission Manager option menu in the WordPress left admin menu.


  • Open your Dashboard-> Plugins-> Add New
  • Click on Upload Plugin
  • Click on Choose File
  • Select the file file and click Install Now
  • Once the plugin is installed click on Activate Plugin
  • Once you are done, to customize the plugin’s settings, click on the Frontend Post Submission Manager option menu in the WordPress left admin menu.

After activating the plugin, the plugin will appear on the dashboard.

Now move a cursor on it and click on add new form.

Add New Form

Then you can see a form with fields and options. Now insert the field and select the option.

Here you need to select a product option in the form type. When the user submits the WooCommerce product form from the frontend, it will be added to the product post.

After that select a form type according to your needs so the user can submit the product with or without logging in.

Adding a new form

After inserting the fields and selecting the options, click on the save button.

Now go to the dashboard and click on all forms.

Here you can see the list of forms. Now click on the form you recently created.

WooCommerce Form

After clicking on the form, many fields and options can be seen on the basic setting.

Basic Setting

Here you need to manage the basic settings by inserting text and selecting the available options.

You can read this for full setup -> How To Set Up Guest Posting For Your WordPress Website?

Basic settings of form

After completing the basic settings, we will move forward to form settings where we can create a form that allows users to submit a WooCommerce Product from the frontend.

Form Setting

Form Setting for WooCommerce

As you can see there are many form fields available in the form settings.

Now open the form fields one by one, insert the text, and select the option provided in the form.

Product Title

Post Title

In this field, you can show or hide a form field with a switch.

You can also choose if it’s necessary to fill in or not.

Then, you’ll see a text field for the ‘Field Label’ (what it’s called) and ‘Field Note’ (extra info).

You can also limit how many characters can be used in the post title.

If someone writes too much, you can set up a message to let them know.

Post Content

In post content, here are the available options and steps to follow:

  1. Open the “Post Content” Field: Go to the form editor and find the “Post Title” field.
  2. Choose Editor Type: In the options for “Post Content,” pick the editor type you want:
  • Simple Textarea: Basic text area without editing tools.
  • Rich Text Editor: WYSIWYG editor with HTML and visual versions, including text editing tools.
  • Visual Text Editor: WYSIWYG editor with only a visual version, no HTML.
  • HTML Text Editor: WYSIWYG editor with only an HTML version, no visual interface.

3. Set Character Limit (Optional): If needed, set a character limit for the post content.

4. Save Changes: Once you’ve configured everything, save your changes to apply them to the form field.

Product Content Form

5. Enable Media Upload (Optional): If needed, enable the “Media Upload” option. This allows users with appropriate permissions to upload supported file types directly from the Visual or Rich Text Editor.

6. Select the file extension type according to your need.

Follow these steps in all the fields that are available in form fields. For Detail -> Click here!

Now, we will make some custom fields for product price.

You can see a custom field on the right side of the form field. For Price field use “_price” as meta key so the price will be display in price column of product post.

Now make the custom field according to the above picture and click on the add button.

After clicking on the add button, on the left side, you can see the custom field was created.

Added Custom field

After completing all the form fields of the form settings, click on the save button.

Now we will be heading toward the layout settings.

Layout Setting

layout setting of ecommerce form

Under this setting, you can choose 20 different form templates for form and 6 different custom field display templates for your form.

Choose the form templates and custom fields display templates according to your needs.

After that click on the save button.

Using the shortcodes

copy the shortcodes

Now copy the shortcodes from the form list.

Go to the pages -> click on add new pages, insert the shortcode, and publish it.

WooCommerce Product Form

Now it will create a form in the frontend. Now, click on Preview to see the form.


WooCommerce Form Preview

When a user fills up the form and submits the post. This is how the form will look like.

preview of woocommerce product form
screenshot of woocommerce product form

After inserting and selecting the form field click on “submit product”.

Now, go to the admin dashboard and click on the product.

As you can see the product submitted from the frontend was now added to the product post as a draft.

submiited product from frontend available in product post

Now click on it and edit the post that was submitted by the user from the frontend and publish it.

edit product from woocommerce form and publish it
Display product detail from frontend post submission manager form

This is how the product looks like when it was published.

preview of frontend submit product

By following these steps, you can submit a WooCommerce product from the frontend by using the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin seamlessly into your WordPress site.


In conclusion, enabling frontend product submissions in WooCommerce can significantly enhance user engagement and streamline content creation. By using plugins like Frontend Post Submission Manager PRO, users can seamlessly submit products from the frontend, enriching your e-commerce platform’s offerings. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently set up and customize the submission process, empowering users to contribute directly to your online store from the frontend interface. This improves user experience and gives you greater control over user-generated content, ultimately contributing to the success of your WooCommerce-powered website.

How To Set Up Anonymous Guest Posting On Your WordPress Website?

If you’re looking to provide a platform for anonymous guest posting on your WordPress website,
we have a Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin to submit and manage anonymous posts from the front end with or without logging in.

With Frontend Post Submission Manager, users can easily create and submit posts, whether they’re logged in or not. This powerful yet user-friendly plugin streamlines the entire process, enhancing user engagement and driving up content generation on your site.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up anonymous guest posting on your WordPress site, ensuring both freedom of speech and responsible content management.

From plugin selection to moderation strategies, we’ll cover everything you need to know to establish a safe and inclusive environment for anonymous contributors.

Let’s get started by understanding the importance of anonymous guest posting.

Understanding the importance of Anonymous Guest Posting

Anonymous guest posting plays a crucial role in fostering open communication and inclusivity on your WordPress website. Allowing anonymous guest posting on your WordPress website can significantly enhance the dynamics of your online community. This anonymity can encourage hesitant individuals to participate, leading to a more vibrant and engaged online community. Moreover, it provides a platform for discussing controversial or personal subjects without fear of judgment or repercussions, ultimately enriching the depth and breadth of discussions on your site.

How To Set Up Anonymous Guest Posting On Your WordPress Website?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up anonymous guest posting on your WordPress site using the Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin, ensuring both freedom of speech and responsible moderation.

Install and Activate the Plugin

First of all, you need to go to your WordPress Dashboard and then find the plugin section and click on it.

After that, you can see an add new plugin at the top left corner and click on it to add a new plugin.

Now search for the “Frontend Post Submission Manager” plugin and install it.

Installing Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin

After that activate the plugin.

Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, configure a form to allow guests to post anonymously. You can customize settings such as post status, validation messages, and required fields to meet your needs.

Accessing the plugin

Now, you can see the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin appear on your WordPress Dashboard then move a cursor on it, and click on All Forms.

After clicking on All Forms, you can see two available form lists i.e. Guest and Login Require Form.

Frontend Post Submission Manager Form Lists

Configuring a Form

To configure a form, you can simply click on the guest form or you can click on the edit button on the form list.

After clicking on it, you can see different available settings on the screen i.e. Basic, Form, Layout, Notification, and Security.

Many settings are available but we will use a few settings only according to the requirements to enable the anonymous guest posting form.

For setting up all the settings -> How To Set Up Guest Posting For Your WordPress Website?

Now moving forward to the basic setting.

Basic Setting

Basic Settings of Anonymous Guest Post

In Basic Setting, you can see the Form status which was disabled so enable the form status and then set the title of the form which will appear in frontend.

By default, the post status was set to pending review. You can configure the status of the submitted post, such as Publish, Draft, or Pending, based on your requirements.

After that enter the validation error message to display whenever the error occurs which helps the user to guide the corrections.

Then enter the form success message to display whenever the form is submitted successfully. It confirms to users that their submission was successful.

Now, heading towards the form setting.

Form Setting

As you can see in the form setting, many form fields are available and to enable or set up anonymous guest posting, we will make a form with only a few important fields that are needed.

Form Setting - Anonymous Guest Posting

Post Title

At first, you can see a Post Title field, here we will open this field and enable the show on form and required option so the title of the post will appear in the form.

Post Title Option

Then enter the error required message to display on the form when the field label of the title is empty.

Add the field note and you can set the character limit for the post title and make a character limit error message so that the user can write according to the limit.

Post Content

Now it’s time to set up a post-content field. In post content, we can choose the available Editor type i.e. Simple Textarea, Rich Text Editor, Visual Text Editor, and HTML Text Editor.

Post Content

When selecting a text editor, consider your preference for simplicity or complexity.

A basic textarea offers straightforward functionality, while a rich text editor provides both HTML and visual versions with editing tools.

Opt for a visual text editor if you prefer a WYSIWYG interface without HTML options, and choose an HTML text editor if you prefer working solely with HTML, devoid of visual elements.

Each option caters to different editing needs and preferences.

Optionally, set a character limit for post content.

Save changes after configuring settings.

Post Image

Post Image

Toggle “Show on Form” to display or hide the “Post Image” field as needed.

Choose if it’s required or optional. Define the “Field Label” for clarity. Add instructions or notes in “Field Note” for users.

Customize the “Upload Button Label” to prompt image uploads.

Optionally, set a file size limit with “Upload File Size Limit” and specify the error message for exceeding this limit with “Max Size Error Message”.

Now after setting up the post title and post content field, open the “Author Name and Author Email” fields.

Author Name and Author Email

To enable or set up anonymous guest posting on your WordPress website, you’ll need to adjust the settings to allow submissions without requiring users to provide their name and email.

Author name and email

This essentially means disabling the required fields for “Author Name” and “Author Email.” By doing so, users can submit posts anonymously without needing to disclose personal information.

After setting up the form settings, click on save.

Using the Shortcodes

Guest Post Shortcodes

Now, copy the shortcodes from the above.

Go to pages and click on add new pages.

Pasting Shortcode of Anonymous guest posting form

Then paste the shortcode and publish it.

Preview of the form

This is how the Anonymous Guest Posting form looks like after publishing it.

Preview of Anonymous Guest Posting Form

When an anonymous user fills up the form and submits the post. This is how the form will look like.

Preview of form display
Form submission successfully

Now go to the dashboard and click on the post, there you can see the post was in draft.

Pending Post

Now click on it and then you can see the frontend post submission manager where the author name and email are empty.

anonymouse form

By following these steps, you should be able to set up anonymous guest posting by using the Frontend Post Submission Manager lite plugin seamlessly into your WordPress site.


Setting up anonymous guest posting on your WordPress website can greatly enhance the inclusivity and diversity of your online community, fostering open dialogue while protecting user privacy. By utilizing the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin, you can create a seamless experience for anonymous contributors while maintaining control over content moderation.

Throughout this guide, we’ve outlined the importance of anonymous guest posting in facilitating authentic expression and meaningful discussions. We’ve also provided step-by-step instructions on installing and configuring the plugin to enable anonymous submissions.

By following these instructions, you can establish a safe and inclusive environment where users feel empowered to share their thoughts and perspectives without fear of judgment or repercussion. Remember to implement moderation strategies to ensure responsible content management and safeguard against abuse.

With careful consideration and the right tools in place, you can create a vibrant and engaged online community where diverse voices are valued and respected.

How To Set Up Guest Posting For Your WordPress Website?

Looking to set up guest posting on your WordPress website to expand your reach and engage with a broader audience?

Guest posting can be an invaluable strategy. By allowing other writers to contribute content to your WordPress website, you not only enrich your site with fresh perspectives but also foster collaborations within your niche community. 

Setting up guest posting may seem overwhelming, but it can be a seamless process with the right tools and strategies. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to leverage plugins to streamline the guest posting workflow on your WordPress site, making it easier for both you and your contributors to create and publish content. 

Let’s start by understanding the concept of guest posting before we delve into setting up guest posting for your WordPress website.

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting is essentially contributing content to other blogs within your niche. This practice not only draws attention to the author’s website or personal but also fosters industry recognition. 

Enabling guest posting on your WordPress website involves allowing contributors to submit content directly to your site, creating a mutually beneficial arrangement within your niche community.

Additionally, guest authors gain valuable backlinks to their website and social media profiles, enhancing their branding efforts. It’s a highly effective strategy for expanding reach and establishing authority in the field.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to set up guest posting for your WordPress website using a guest post WordPress plugin named “Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite” to streamline the process and maximize its benefits.

Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite

The Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite is a robust and intuitive WordPress plugin, that offers seamless posting directly from your website’s front end. It’s completely free and designed to streamline the process of submitting posts. With this tool, users, whether logged in or not, can effortlessly create and submit posts, boosting user engagement and content creation on your site.

Download the Plugin

Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite Plugins


  • Drag and Drop Form Builder: Simplifies the creation of custom submission forms.
  • Unlimited Custom Fields: Offers flexibility in collecting diverse data with various field types.
  • Frontend and Backend Display: Ensures easy access to custom field data for both users and administrators.
  • Pre-Designed Templates: Provides visually appealing options to enhance form aesthetics.
  • Guest Post Support: Encourages guest contributors to submit content, fostering engagement.
  • Secure Form Submission with Google Captcha: Guards against spam with Google Captcha integration.
  • Notification Configurations: Allows customization of notifications for admin and users.
  • Frontend Form Preview: This enables users to preview form entries before submission.
  • Redirection after Successful Submission: Offers a seamless experience by redirecting users to specific pages post-submission.
  • Configurable Post Status: Provides flexibility in configuring post status, author, and format.
  • Character Limit Configuration: Allows setting character limits for content submissions.
  • Enable/Disable Form Components: Tailors the form by enabling or disabling specific components.
  • Ajax Form Submission: Ensures real-time submissions with smooth Ajax form functionality.
  • Developer Documentation Available: Offers resources for developers to customize the plugin.
  • Device and Browser Compatibility: Optimized for universal accessibility across all devices and browsers.
  • Translation Ready: Facilitates expansion to global audiences with translation-ready features.

With its user-friendly interface and extensive feature set, Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite appears to be a valuable tool for websites seeking to enhance user engagement and streamline content generation.

How To Set Up Guest Posting For Your WordPress Website?

Enabling or setting up the Guest Posting with the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin lite seems straightforward. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Install and activate the plugin

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New Plugin“.
  • Search for ‘Frontend Post Submission Manager‘ and install it.
  • Once installed, activate the plugin.

Step 2: Accessing the Plugin

  • After activation, you’ll see the ‘Frontend Post Submission’ option on your WP dashboard. Click on it.
  • After clicking on it, you can see two form lists i.e. Guest Post Form and Login Required Form on your screen.
Form list of Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite

Step 3: Configure a Form

  • Within the plugin interface, you’ll find options to edit forms as desired.
  • To configure a Guest Post Form, Click on it.
FPSM Guest Post
  • After clicking on it, you will land on Basic Settings.

Step 4: Basic Setting

  • Here you can see many fields i.e. Form Status, Form Alias, Post Status, Post Author, Validation Error Message, Form Success Message, and Redirection.

Let’s summarize each setting:

  1. Form Title: This is the title given to the form while creating it. It helps identify the form within the plugin interface.
  2. Form Alias: The alias is given to the form while creating it. This alias is used internally by the plugin to fetch settings and list posts in the frontend post management dashboard. It’s not recommended to edit this alias.
  3. Post Status: Configure the status of the submitted post, such as Publish, Draft, or Pending, based on your requirements.
  4. Post Format: This option lists all post formats supported by your active theme. If your theme doesn’t support post formats, this option might not be available.
  5. Validation Error Message: Enter the message to display when any validation error occurs in the form. This helps guide users in correcting errors.
  6. Form Success Message: Enter the message to display upon successful form submission. It’s a way to confirm to users that their submission was successful.
  7. Redirection: Enable redirection after successful form submission. There are two types of redirection:
  • Redirect to Published Post: Automatically redirect users to the published post after submission.
  • Custom URL Redirection: Redirect users to a custom URL specified by you after submission.

These settings allow for customization and control over the behavior and messaging of the form submission process.

Basic Settings
  • After that click on Form.

Step 5: Form Setting

  • Now, here you can see many form field options which are available in this section.
  • In this section, there are many available form fields i.e. Post Title, Post Content, Post Image, Post Excerpt, Author Name, Author Email, Categories, and Tags.

Post Title

Now, you need to open that “Post Title”. As you can see there are many fields or further options available when the user clicks on that particular form field. 

Post Title Option
  • Here, you have the option to toggle the visibility of the form field using the “Show on Form” toggle. Additionally, you can set the field as required or optional by toggling this option as needed.
  • Following that, you’ll find fields for “Field Label” and “Field Note”
  • The Field Label is what will be displayed on the form when it’s used on the front end, while the Field Note provides additional information that will appear just below the field.
  • If necessary, you can set a character limit for the post title. 
  • If the character limit is exceeded, an error message can be displayed in the “Character Limit Error Message” field.

Post Content

In post content, here are the available options:

post conten field

Certainly! Here are the steps:

  1. Open the “Post Content” Field: Begin by accessing the “Post Title” field within the form editor.
  2. Select Editor Type: Within the options for the “Post Content” field, locate the “Editor Type” options.
  3. Choose Editor Type: From the available options, select the desired editor type based on your requirements:
  • Simple Textarea: Choose if you prefer a basic textarea without editing tools.
  • Rich Text Editor: Opt for this if you want a WYSIWYG editor with both HTML and visual versions, including text editing tools.
  • Visual Text Editor: Select if you want a WYSIWYG editor with only a visual version, without an HTML option.
  • HTML Text Editor: Choose if you want a WYSIWYG editor with only an HTML version, without a visual interface.

4. Set Character Limit (Optional): If required, specify a character limit for the post content within the “Character Limit” setting.

5. Save Changes: After configuring the desired settings, save your changes to apply them to the form field.

Post Image

Post Image

Here’s a structured guide for the “Post Image” field:

  1. Show on Form: Toggle the option to enable or disable the display of the “Post Image” field on the form according to your requirements.
  2. Required: Choose whether the “Post Image” field is mandatory or optional by toggling the required option as needed.
  3. Field Label: Enter the label text that will be displayed on the form for the “Post Image” field when used on the frontend.
  4. Field Note: Provide any additional information or instructions regarding the “Post Image” field. This note will be displayed just below the field on the form.
  5. Upload Button Label: Specify the label text for the image uploader button, indicating to users that they can upload an image.
  6. Upload File Size Limit: If desired, set a size limit for the uploaded image to restrict the file size. Enter the maximum file size allowed for the uploaded image.
  7. Max Size Error Message: Enter the error message to be displayed if the uploaded image exceeds the specified file size limit.

After customizing these options, save your changes to apply the settings to the “Post Image” field. This structured approach ensures that the “Post Image” field is configured according to your specific needs and preferences.

Post Excerpt


To customize the “Post Excerpt” field, follow these steps:

  1. Show on Form: Toggle this option to decide whether to display the “Post Excerpt” field on the form. Enable it if you want the field to appear, or disable it if you don’t need it.
  2. Required: Choose whether the “Post Excerpt” field must be filled out by users before they can submit the form. Toggle this option based on your requirements.
  3. Field Label: Enter the label text for the “Post Excerpt” field. This text will be visible to users on the form.
  4. Field Note: If you want to provide additional instructions or information about the “Post Excerpt” field, enter it here. Leave this field blank if you don’t want to display any notes.
  5. Character Limit: If necessary, specify a character limit for the “Post Excerpt” field. Users will be restricted to this limit when entering text.
  6. Character Limit Error Message: Enter the message that will be displayed if users exceed the specified character limit for the “Post Excerpt”.

After customizing these options, save your changes to apply the settings to the “Post Excerpt” field. This ensures that the field behaves according to your preferences and requirements.

Author Name and Email

Author name and email

To configure the “Author Name and Email” fields, follow these steps:

  1. Show on Form: Toggle this option to determine whether the “Author Name” and “Author Email” fields will be displayed on the form. Enable it if you want the field to appear, or disable it if you don’t need it.
  2. Required: Determine if completing the field is compulsory for submitting the form. Adjust this setting as needed.
  3. Field Label: Enter the label text for the field. This text will be visible to users on the form.
  4. Field Note: If you want to provide additional instructions or information about the “Author Name” and “Author Email” fields, enter it here. If not needed, leave this field blank.

After configuring these settings, save your changes to apply them to the “Author Name” and “Author Email” fields. This ensures that the field behaves according to your preferences and requirements.



To configure the “Post Categories” field, follow these steps:

  1. Show on Form: Toggle this option to decide whether the “Post Categories” field will be displayed on the form. Enable it if you want the field to appear, or disable it if you don’t need it.
  2. Required: Choose whether selecting categories is mandatory for form submission. Toggle this option based on your requirements.
  3. Field Label: Enter the label text for the “Post Categories” field. This text will be visible to users on the form.
  4. Field Note: Optionally, provide additional instructions or information about the “Post Categories” field. Leave this field blank if not needed.
  5. Field Type: Select the type of field input. Choose between “Select Dropdown” and “Checkbox”. Select Dropdown presents categories as a dropdown menu, while Checkbox allows users to select multiple categories by checking boxes.
  6. First Option Label: If you choose “Select Dropdown” as the field type, customize the label for the first option in the dropdown menu.
  7. Display Child Categories of: If you want to display child categories of a specific category, select it from the dropdown menu. Choose “None” if no specific category is selected.
  8. Exclude Categories: Enter the slugs of categories you want to exclude from displaying on the front end, separated by commas.
  9. Auto Assign Categories: Choose the default categories that will be automatically assigned to the post.

After configuring these settings, save your changes to apply them to the “Post Categories” field. This ensures that the field behaves according to your preferences and requirements.


Post Tags

To customize the “Post Tags” field, follow these steps:

1) Show on Form -> Toggle this option to decide whether the “Post Tags” field will be displayed on the form. Enable it if you want the field to appear, or disable it if you don’t need it.

2) Required – Choose whether entering tags is mandatory for form submission. Toggle this option based on your requirements.

3) Field Label – Enter the label text for the “Post Tags” field. This text will be visible to users on the form.

4) Field Note – Optionally, provide additional instructions or information about the “Post Tags” field. Leave this field blank if not needed.

5) Field Type – Select the type of field input. Choose between “Select Dropdown”, “Checkbox”, and “Textfield”.

  • “Select Dropdown” presents tags as a dropdown menu.
  • “Checkbox” allows users to select multiple tags by checking boxes.
  • “Textfield” lets users manually enter tags.

6) First Option Label: If you choose “Select Dropdown” as the field type, customize the label for the first option in the dropdown menu.

7) AutoComplete: Enable this option if you want the field to provide auto-complete suggestions based on existing tags. Users can choose from existing tags or enter new ones.

8) Auto Assign Tags: Choose the default tags that will be automatically assigned to the post.

After configuring these settings, save your changes to apply them to the “Post Tags” field. This ensures that the field behaves according to your preferences and requirements.

Custom Fields Settings

Custom Field Setting

To create a custom field, follow these steps:

  1. Label: Enter the label for the custom field. This label will be displayed on the form, indicating what type of information should be entered.
  2. Meta Key: Define the meta key for the custom field. Use plain text without any special characters, and replace white spaces with underscores (_). The meta key is used to store the custom field’s data.
  3. Field Type: Choose the desired field type for your custom field. Below are the available field types:

In Lite Version

  • TextField: Allows users to input a single line of text.
  • Textarea: Provides users with a larger area to input multiple lines of text.

If you’d like to access additional field types beyond the Textfield and Textarea options, you’ll need to upgrade to the Pro version of the Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin.

This upgrade will unlock features such as Select Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio Button, Number, Email, Datepicker, File Uploader, URL, Tel, Youtube Embed, and Hidden field types, providing you with more versatility in creating custom forms tailored to your needs.

These additional field types in the Pro version offer greater flexibility in collecting various types of data from users, enhancing the functionality and customization options of your forms.

Choose the appropriate field type based on the information you want to collect from users.

By following these steps, you can easily set up guest posting form on your WordPress website using the Frontend Post Submission Manager plugin lite, allowing contributors to submit content directly to your site and expanding its reach and engagement.

Next, we’ll navigate to the layout settings to choose Form templates and custom fields Display Templates.


Guest Form

After submitting the guest post, it will be available in the add new post.

add new post

Step 6: Layout Setting

Layout custom field template

In the layout settings, you have the option to customize the appearance of your guest posting form:

  1. Choose Template: Select a template from our 5 pre-designed template options to determine the overall layout and styling of your form. This helps ensure your form matches your website’s design aesthetic and functionality needs.
  2. Custom Fields Frontend Display Styles: For any custom fields added to the form and chosen to display on the front end, you can customize their appearance. This allows you to tailor the visual presentation of custom fields to match the overall design of your form and website.

Now, moving forward to Notification Settings.

Step 7: Notification Settings

Notification Setting

To configure notification settings for frontend post submission, follow these steps:

Admin Notification:

  1. Enable: Toggle this option to enable or disable admin notifications. When enabled, notifications will be sent to specified email addresses.
  2. Notification Emails: Enter the email addresses, separated by commas, where you want to receive admin notifications. If left blank, notifications will be sent to the email address of the site admin configured in your site’s general settings.
  3. Subject: Enter the subject for the admin notification email.
  4. From Name: Enter the name that will appear as the sender in the admin notification email. Avoid using real names to prevent emails from being marked as spam.
  5. From Email: Enter the email address that will appear as the sender in the admin notification email. Use an email address that does not resemble a real person’s email to avoid spam filters.
  6. Message: Enter the message content that you will receive in the admin notification email. You can use placeholders like [post_title] and [post_admin_link] to dynamically insert the submitted post title and post admin link in the email message.

Post Publish Notification:

post approve notification
  1. Enable: Toggle this option to enable or disable post-publish notifications. When enabled, notifications will be sent when posts are published.
  2. Subject: Enter the subject for the post-publish notification email.
  3. From Name: Enter the name that will appear as the sender in the post-publish notification email. Use a generic name like “No Reply” to avoid spam filters.
  4. From Email: Enter the email address that will appear as the sender in the post-publish notification email. Use an email address that does not resemble a real person’s email to avoid spam filters.
  5. Message: Enter the message content that you will receive in the post-publish notification email. You can use placeholders like [author_name], [post_title], and [post_link] to dynamically insert the submitted author name, post title, and post link in the email message.

To access the Post Submit Notification and Post Trash Notification settings, you’ll need to upgrade to the Pro version of the Frontend Post Submission Manager Plugin. With the Pro version, you’ll unlock these features, allowing you to configure notifications related to post submissions and trashing actions, keeping you informed about activity on your site.

Configure these settings to ensure you receive notifications related to frontend post submissions and post publishing.

Step 8: Security Settings

Security Setting

To set up Google reCAPTCHA for your guest form, follow these steps:

  1. ReCaptcha Site Key: Obtain your reCAPTCHA site key from the specified link. This key is required for integrating reCAPTCHA with your form.
  2. ReCaptcha Secret Key: Similarly, obtain your reCAPTCHA secret key from the provided link. This key is also necessary for the integration process.
  3. Enable ReCaptcha in Frontend Form: Check this option to activate reCAPTCHA on your form’s front end. This adds an extra layer of security by verifying that users are not bots before submitting the form.
  4. ReCaptcha Label: Customize the label text for the reCAPTCHA field that appears on your form. This label informs users about the reCAPTCHA verification process.
  5. ReCaptcha Error Message: Define the error message that will be displayed if the reCAPTCHA verification fails. This message informs users about any issues encountered during the verification process.

By configuring these settings, you can effectively integrate reCAPTCHA with your form, enhancing its security and minimizing spam submissions.

Step 9: Using the Shortcode

Guest Post Shortcodes

To utilize the shortcodes generated by the plugin, follow these instructions:

  • The frontend dashboard shortcode [fpsm_dashboard alias=”alias_of_your_form”] is generated for forms that allow guest submissions.
  • This shortcode displays the frontend dashboard where users can manage their submitted posts.
  • Similarly, replace “alias_of_your_form” with the alias of your specific form.

By inserting these shortcodes into your WordPress pages or posts, you can easily integrate the form and frontend dashboard functionality into your website.

By following these steps, you should be able to set up guest posting by using the Frontend Post Submission Manager lite plugin seamlessly into your WordPress site.


In conclusion, by utilizing the Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite plugin, enabling or allowing guest posting for your WordPress website becomes a straightforward process. This powerful tool streamlines submission management, enhances user engagement and enriches your site with diverse content. With features like customizable forms, secure submissions, and notification settings, you can effectively collaborate with guest contributors while maintaining control over your content. Embracing guest posting not only expands your reach but also establishes your authority within your niche community. So, take advantage of this opportunity to foster collaboration, drive traffic, and elevate your WordPress website to new heights.

So, why wait? Install the Frontend Post Submission Manager Lite plugin today and start accepting guest contributions to take your WordPress website to the next level.

How to secure Your WordPress Website from Hackers

Are you concerned about ensuring the security of your WordPress website against potential hackers? You’re not alone. With cyber threats on the rise, it’s crucial to take steps to protect your site. In this guide, we’ll explore simple yet effective steps to secure your WordPress website against malicious attacks, ensuring peace of mind for you and your visitors.

Why does security matter for WordPress?

Security is crucial for WordPress because it’s widely used and open-source, making it vulnerable to hackers. Exploiting vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access and data breaches, risking user trust and website integrity. Regular updates, strong authentication, and security plugins are essential to secure your WordPress website.

Here are several reasons why you should prioritize security to secure your WordPress website:

  • Protection Against Hacking
  • Preservation of Reputation
  • User Confidence
  • SEO Performance

Why does security matter for SEO?

Security matters for SEO as search engines prioritize secure sites, boosting their visibility in rankings. Secure connections enhance user trust, reduce bounce rates, and protect sensitive data. Insecure sites may face penalties, affecting SEO performance and overall visibility in search results.

Security is a crucial aspect of SEO for several reasons:

  • User Trust
  • Search Engine Ranking
  • Data Integrity
  • Mobile Optimization

Security is not only essential for protecting user data and preventing cyberattacks, but it also plays a significant role in improving search engine rankings and overall SEO performance.

How to secure Your WordPress Website from Hackers

Here are some simple yet effective steps to secure your WordPress website against malicious attacks, ensuring peace of mind for you and your visitors:

1. Keep Updated Your WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins

Keeping your WordPress themes, core, and plugins up-to-date is one of the simplest and most effective methods to secure your WordPress website.

Developers frequently release updates to patch security vulnerabilities, so failing to update your site regularly could leave it susceptible to exploitation.

It’s a small effort with significant impact—a digital form of preventive maintenance that fortifies your site’s defenses and ensures it stays robust and resilient in the ever-evolving online landscape.

Remember, hackers are persistent, and they often target outdated software. By embracing updates, you not only enhance security but also tap into performance improvements and ensure seamless compatibility.

Treat updates as your website’s armor, securing your WordPress website from potential breaches while keeping it optimized and ready for the dynamic digital challenges ahead.

2. Use Strong Passwords

A strong password stands as your initial barrier to securing your WordPress website from unauthorized entry.

Avoid using easily guessable passwords like “password123” or “admin.” Instead, opt for a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. You might want to think about utilizing a trusted password manager to create and securely store complex passwords.

Remember, in the world of cybersecurity, simplicity is the enemy. The more complex and unique your password, the harder it becomes for hackers to breach your defenses.

So, take a moment to beef up your password game and fortify your WordPress fortress. It’s a small yet mighty step towards safeguarding your precious online space from prying eyes and potential threats.

3. Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of verification before granting access to the WordPress dashboard.

This commonly requires a combination of something you know, like a password, and something you have, such as a smartphone or authentication app. By enabling 2FA to secure your WordPress website, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access, even if your password is compromised.

Think of 2FA as your website’s trusty guardian, standing watch to ensure only the right people get through. By enabling this feature, you’re putting up an extra hurdle for would-be intruders, significantly lowering the chances of unauthorized access. It’s a simple yet powerful way to bolster your site’s defenses and keep your digital fortress secure from any unwelcome guests.

4. Limit Login Attempts

Ever had someone try to guess your password over and over again until they got it right? That’s what hackers do in brute force attacks, except they do it at lightning speed with computers.

But fear not, you can prevent their efforts by securing your WordPress website, limiting how many times they can try, and locking them out temporarily.

Just grab a security plugin that offers this nifty feature, and you’re good to go. With a simple tweak, you’ll be adding an extra layer of protection to your WordPress dashboard, making it much harder for cyber-crooks to break in.

By putting a cap on login attempts, you’re essentially slamming the door shut on brute-force attacks. It’s a simple yet effective way to safeguard your site against unauthorized access and keep those persistent hackers at bay.

So, don’t wait until it’s too late; set up login limits today and give your WordPress security the boost it deserves.

5. Install a WordPress Security Plugin

WordPress security plugins provide an additional layer of protection by securing your WordPress website and scanning your site for vulnerabilities, malware, and suspicious activity.

Look for reputable security plugins that offer features such as firewall protection, malware scanning, and real-time threat detection. Some of the popular choices include Wordfence, Sucuri Security, and iThemes Security.

So, if you want to secure your WordPress website and give it an extra layer of protection, consider installing a security plugin like Wordfence, Sucuri Security, or iThemes Security.

With features like firewall protection and real-time threat detection, these plugins are like having a security team on standby, ready to spring into action at the first sign of trouble. It’s a simple yet powerful way to safeguard your site and keep it safe from any digital threats lurking out there.

6. Harden Your WordPress Configuration

In addition to using security plugins, you can further enhance your website’s security by implementing additional measures to harden your WordPress configuration.

This includes disabling file editing within the WordPress dashboard, limiting XML-RPC access, and protecting sensitive files such as wp-config.php and.htaccess.

By hardening your WordPress configuration, you’re basically adding layers of protection to your website. It’s like reinforcing your digital walls to keep out any potential threats.

So, take these extra steps to lock down your site and keep it safe from any cyber-snap attacks. After all, a little extra security never hurts anyone—except maybe the hackers.

7. Regularly Backup Your Website

Despite your best efforts, there’s always a possibility that your website could be compromised. That’s why it’s essential to regularly backup your WordPress site to ensure that you have a recent copy of your data in case of an emergency. Consider using a reliable backup solution that offers automated backups and easy restoration options.

Now, when it comes to picking a backup solution, go for one that’s reliable and easy to use. Look for features like automated backups; it’s like having a backup buddy who’s got your back 24/7.

And make sure it offers simple restoration options too, because when disaster strikes, you want to be able to get your site back up and running with just a few clicks.

So, don’t wait until it’s too late; start backing up your website today and give yourself that extra peace of mind knowing your digital masterpiece is safe and sound, no matter what.

8. Implement User Role Management

Implementing user role management is essential to “secure your WordPress website.”

By assigning appropriate user roles and permissions, you control who can access various parts of your site, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes or data breaches.

With user role management, you can restrict access to sensitive areas and functionalities, ensuring that only trusted individuals have the necessary permissions.

Regularly reviewing and updating user roles helps to adapt to organizational changes and prevent any potential security loopholes.

By taking proactive measures in user role management, you strengthen the overall security posture of your WordPress site, safeguarding it against potential threats.

9. Employ Web Application Firewall (WAF) Protection

Consider implementing a web application firewall (WAF) to “protect your WordPress site” from various online threats, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.

A WAF acts as a shield between your website and the internet, filtering out malicious traffic and preventing unauthorized access to your site’s resources.

By deploying a WAF, you add an extra layer of defense that can detect and block suspicious activity before it reaches your WordPress site, thereby reducing the risk of security breaches and ensuring the continuous operation of your website.

10. Monitor and Audit Third-Party Integrations

Third-party integrations and plugins can indeed boost your website’s functionality, but they can also open the door to security vulnerabilities.

To keep your WordPress site secure, it’s crucial to regularly monitor and audit these integrations to ensure they align with security best practices.

Keep an eye out for any unnecessary or outdated plugins and remove them promptly. Stick to trusted plugins from reputable sources to minimize the risk of compromise.

Stay proactive by staying informed about security updates and patches for your integrations, addressing any emerging threats promptly to keep your WordPress website secure.

11. Use Secure File Permissions

Ensuring proper file permissions on your WordPress server is a fundamental step in securing your WordPress website.

By setting strict permissions for sensitive files and directories, you limit access to only essential users and processes, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access.

Regularly reviewing file permissions is essential to identifying and rectifying any misconfigurations or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

By prioritizing secure file permissions, you reinforce the defenses of your WordPress website and enhance its overall security posture.By implementing these measures, you can secure your WordPress website and safeguard it against potential vulnerabilities.


How often should I update WordPress core, themes, and plugins?

It’s recommended to update WordPress core, themes, and plugins as soon as new updates become available. Regular updates patch security vulnerabilities and ensure your website remains protected against potential threats.

What are the risks of not updating my WordPress website?

Failing to update your WordPress website exposes it to potential security threats and vulnerabilities. Hackers often target outdated software, exploiting known vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your site or compromise its functionality.

Why is it important to secure my WordPress website?

Securing your WordPress website is crucial to protecting it from cyber threats such as hacking, malware, and data breaches. It helps safeguard your data, maintain your website’s reputation, and ensure the trust of your visitors.

What are secure file permissions, and why are they important?

Secure file permissions ensure that only authorized users and processes have access to sensitive files and directories on your WordPress server. Properly configuring file permissions helps prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of exploitation by attackers.


Securing your WordPress website is vital for protecting data, reputation, user trust, and SEO. Regular updates, strong passwords, and two-factor authentication create a solid foundation. Additional measures like limiting login attempts, using security plugins, and configuring your site enhance security. Regular backups, user role management, and a web application firewall provide comprehensive protection. Stay vigilant, monitor third-party integrations, and maintain secure file permissions to ensure a resilient defense against hackers.

Protect your WordPress site and keep it safe from harm. Your website’s security is in your hands!

Feel free to adjust and customize the content to better fit your style and preferences. Let me know if you need further assistance!

How to Add New Users in WordPress?

If you’re alone working on your website and now, you want to let another person contribute to your website then, simply you can simply add new users in WordPress. When you add a new user to your WordPress website, you can provide the whole access or provide them with only the required privilege. This will make your site secure even if you have to allow other users to play around.

Do you want to know how to add new users to the WordPress site? If yes, then adding users to WordPress is fairly an easy process.

Let’s get started,

How to add new users in WordPress?

Here in this article, we’ve mentioned some of the steps to add new users to the WordPress site.

You can check each of these steps. I’m sure in the end, you will be able to add the users, provide them a role in your website, and many more.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on ‘Users‘.
  3. Click on ‘Add New’.

Here in this step, you have to enter the details of the new users.

  • First, enter the user name.
  • Enter email.
  • Enter the user name.
  • Set the password for the user. You can either use the recommended random password by WordPress itself or create your own. WordPress then just delete that password and then enter your password.
  1. Click on the ‘Roles’ option and select the proper role for the user. (WordPress has different roles for the users which you can assign to new users.)
  2. Click on the ‘Add Users’ option.
Add New Users

What are user roles?

There are different types of roles for the users in WordPress. These roles let you decide the level of access that you are granting to your users to move around your WordPress site.


As an administrator, users have the highest level of access and control over all aspects of the WordPress website. They can perform tasks such as:

  • Managing themes: Administrators can change the website’s theme, customize its appearance, and install new themes.
  • Installing plugins: They can add, activate, deactivate, and delete plugins to extend the functionality of the site.
  • User management: Administrators can create new user accounts, assign roles, and modify or remove existing users.
  • Content management: They can publish, edit, and delete posts, pages, and other content. Administrators also have the authority to manage categories, tags, and media files.
  • Settings: Administrators can configure general settings, discussion settings, permalink structures, and other site-wide options.
adding administrator


As an editor, the user will be able to edit all the posts and pages. They can manage categories and can modify comments. But, on the other hand, they won’t have access to any other settings such as themes and plugins. Editors have substantial control over content management but are restricted from making changes to site settings and user management.

Adding a editor role

Their capabilities include:

  • Editing posts and pages: Editors can modify, update, and delete any content on the site, regardless of the author.
  • Category management: They can create, edit, and delete categories for organizing content.
  • Comment moderation: Editors can approve, edit, or delete comments on posts and pages.
  • Limited access to settings: Unlike administrators, editors do not have access to settings related to themes, plugins, or user management.


As an author, they will allow the user to create their posts, comment, and edit those posts. But, they won’t be able to edit any posts which are designed by other users. Authors have permissions primarily focused on creating and managing their content.

Adding Author

Their capabilities include:

  • Creating posts: Authors can write, edit, and delete their posts.
  • Commenting: They can also comment on posts authored by others.
  • No access to others’ content: Authors cannot edit or delete posts created by other users, nor can they access site settings or user management features.


As a Contributor, the users can write new posts, but it has to be approved by you before it can be published. They are also unable to add images or media files to their post.

Contributor - add user as contributor

To grant someone the ability to create new posts and solely modify their own, designate them as a contributor. This individual possesses the capability to draft posts but lacks the authority to publish them or edit posts authored by others within the WordPress platform.

Their permissions include:

  • Writing posts: Contributors can create new posts, but their submissions must be reviewed and approved by an editor or administrator before publication.
  • No media uploads: They cannot upload images or media files to their posts.
  • Limited access: Contributors do not have access to settings, themes, plugins, or user management functionalities.


The subscriber is at the very bottom of the permission ladder in WordPress. They almost have no permission. Subscribers can log in, read posts, and comment on posts on the WordPress site.

adding subscriber

Their capabilities include:

  • Reading posts: Subscribers can log in, view published posts and pages, and browse content.
  • Commenting: They can leave comments on published posts.
  • No content creation or site management: Subscribers cannot create or edit content, access site settings, or perform any administrative tasks.

How to update user profiles on your site?

Here, we will discuss how to update the user’s profile on a WordPress site. If you are the admin of your site, you can update anyone’s profile. But if you are trying to update your profile, then only the information of yours can be updated. However, the admin can even change the roles of the users.

Here’s how it’s done.

  1. First, open the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Then, go to the users and click on all users or if you are updating your profile then click on your profile link.
  3. Click on edit. There would be many default options. You can change those while updating the user’s profile.

Various options and their roles

There are different options that you might want to either enable or disable depending upon the user access and roles while updating user’s profile. These options are discussed below:

  • Visual Editor: It is the option where the users can be able to code in HTML or use the visual editor when they create pages and posts.
  • Admin color scheme: Here, you can choose and change any color scheme you like.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: you can enable keyboard shortcuts, there is a link below in the description where you can choose anyone.
  • Toolbar: you can turn it on or off using the checkbox.
  • Name: You can update the user’s first name, last name, contact, social media profile, and many other options as required.

When all the data are filled, click on Update Profile. After that, finally, the users will be updated on your website.

How To Delete Users In WordPress?

There are a few steps that you have to follow while deleting the users in WordPress.

  1. Log into the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click the user’s link on the admin toolbar.
  3. Check in the box next to the user you want to delete.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select delete.
  5. Click on the apply button. This will delete the users from your website permanently.
Delete users


We always need associates who can contribute to the different tasks of our website. That might be either an admin-level task like minor and major updates, or a simple user task of writing a post for your site.

Hence, we need an easy way of creating a user and assigning them different roles. We’ve mentioned different methods, that can help you to add, update, and delete the users on the WordPress site in this post.

Above mentioned procedures are helpful and are simple and easy to follow as well. If you face any difficulties while following the steps, if you have any related queries you can always contact us.

You may like our article on how to install a WordPress plugin as well.

You can follow us in our Twitter and Facebook accounts as well and get notified about our new updates.

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How to install WordPress Plugin?

Want to build a WordPress website for your business or portfolio? You need to select a powerful plugin that is integrated with attractive features. There are various methods to install WordPress Plugin.

There are thousands of plugins available in the WordPress directory. You can go through the list and get the one as per your requirement. If you are a beginner, you can try the free one. And for an advanced upgrade to the premium plugins

WordPress plugins are the most essential elements for customizing your website. They allow you to add new features to WordPress like a gallery, contact form, templates, slideshow, shopping cart, and more. 

At first, you need to install WordPress and then you can go for the plugin installation process. Here you need to know one thing, if you are using, you cannot install plugins. You need to upgrade to their business plan to use any plugin. But, if you are starting with the website, you are free to install any plugin. 

Since you are about to install a plugin for your WordPress website, you need to know which type of plugin is suitable for you. So you need to look for the following features before you install any plugin:

Features Required for Powerful Plugin

  • Speed the blog
  • Secure the blog
  • Schedule full backups
  • SEO Optimization
  • Manage teams and editorial process
  • Grow the email list

Besides this, you also need to look after the number of downloads, Average rating, Reviews, Support activity, and Developer details. With this, there are great possibilities to get a powerful plugin. 

I am focusing on several features of a plugin because if you select the wrong one, you may have to regret it later. A wrong plugin can cause an error in the site which will slow down your server. Also, your site may be attacked by malicious code. With these all, you may lose your traffic. So, think twice before selecting any plugin.

Well, I think, you are now prepared to choose your plugin. So the question is, how to install the plugin? There are different methods to perform this task. Today in this article, we are going to discuss the 3 best methods. Go through all of these and install your plugin through any of them at your ease. 

So let’s get started:

How to Install WordPress Plugins From the Official Plugins Directory?

One of the easiest methods to install a plugin for your WordPress site is through the official plugins directory. It is mainly for beginners, but anyone can go through this. 

If you have decided to go through the plugin upload method, remember, that paid WordPress plugins cannot be installed through this process. So if you are about to install the premium plugin, go for other methods. Since premium plugins are not listed in the directory, you cannot upload those.

Let’s see how one can install the plugin through the plugin directory:

  • Login to your WordPress dashboard
  • Navigate to Plugins
  • Click on Add New
  • Search for the plugin that you want to install by typing in the Keyword box
  • Once you find the plugin, click on the Install Now button
  • When the installation process is done, press the Activate button
search plugin
activate plugin

With this, you can install your plugin for your upcoming website. Now, let’s check whether the process is completed or not. For this, you need to configure the settings of your installed plugins. For this go through the following few steps:

  • Go to the WordPress admin panel
  • Head to Plugins
  • Go to Installed Plugins
  • Search for your installed plugin
  • If the plugin is available there, it means your task is done successfully 

How to install a Plugin using the WordPress Admin Plugin Upload?

The second method to upload a WordPress plugin is through the upload method. Like the above method, it is also easy to go through. Beginners can also use this method and install a plugin for their website. 

As we mentioned, premium plugins cannot be installed from the first one, you can go for the upload method to install the premium plugin for your site.

So, let’s see how to use the upload method to install the WordPress plugin:

  • At first, download the zip file of the plugin from the source 
  • Now, go to the WordPress admin area 
  • Visit Plugins section
  • Click on Add New page
  • Go to the top of the page and click on the ‘Upload Plugin’ button 
  • Now, click on the ‘Choose File’ button 
  • Select the plugin file you downloaded earlier to your computer
  • Click on the ‘Install Now’ button
  • Once the installation is completed, click on the Activate Plugin
upload plugin

How to install Plugin through FTP Client?

Finally, the last one is through the FTP Client. This process is quite complete, as it goes through a huge process. Beginners may/ may not follow this method. But if you are an expert and familiar with these all, you can go through them.

So here we go, how to install the plugin through FTP:

  • Download your zip file of the plugin from the directory
  • Unzip the plugin file
  • Save the content to a folder
  • Establish an FTP connection to your hosting account
  • Navigate to the Remote Site panel
  • Scroll down and locate wp-content
  • Click on the Plugins button
  • Go to the Local Site panel
  • Open the folder where you store the plugin’s files
  • Upload the extracted files of the plugin
  • Once all the files are transferred, click on the Plugins button
  • Go to the installed plugin section
  • Search for your installed plugin and click on the activate button
ftp client

In this way, you can install your WordPress plugin through the FTP client process. 


Well, we have described all three methods with which you can install a plugin for your WordPress website. The first two are beginners friendly. The last FTP client is quite vast, so it will be best for the expert. 

If you go through the above methods carefully, you can install the plugin very easily and quickly. We have mentioned each step-by-step process so that our visitors get it easier.

Hopefully, you all get the article helpful to you. In case you have any confusion or queries regarding any of the above installation processes, feel free to contact us. You can send us your questions through the comment section or contact us directly. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Keep supporting us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get more interesting articles.

How to install a WordPress Theme? (3 Different Methods to Install)

Do you want to know how to install a WordPress theme?

If you are planning to start a new WordPress website or planning to change the look of your existing WordPress site then you need to change the theme. For that, you need to know how to install a WordPress theme.

If you see the statistics, WordPress is the most widely-used content management system in the world. So what’s the reason behind this. Well, WordPress is easy to use and implement. Also, it comes with thousands of themes in both free and premium versions.

Today, in this article, we are going to discuss how to install a WordPress theme with different methods. 

While selecting any themes, make sure they offer the following features:.

Key Features:

  • Social media sharing
  • SEO optimization
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Attractive user interface
  • Compatible with popular WordPress plugin
  • Multilingual and translation ready
  • Ecommerce support

Whether you want to start a business website, portfolio, or website in any other niche, you must require the above features. Although there are many more needs a user will require for their website, but above-mentioned considerations will help you out to get in the right direction.

Now, let’s dive into different methods to install a WordPress theme for your site. Once you know about it all, you can go through any of it as per your ease and requirement.

Methods to install a WordPress Theme

1. Install a theme from WordPress Dashboard

Are you a beginner? If yes, it is better to start with a free theme. You will get all the free themes from the themes directory. And to get it, this is the easiest method. Hence, anyone can install a theme using the WordPress admin panel.

Let’s see how to install through the WordPress panel:

  • Log in to your WordPress admin area
  • Next, go to the Appearance
  • Select the themes menu 
  • Click on the Add New button
theme on dashboard
  • On the next screen, select from Featured WordPress themes, Popular WordPress themes, Latest WordPress themes
  • Click on the ‘Feature Filter’ button
feature listing
  • Select the category of the theme by subject, specific features, and layout.
  • Based on your search, you will see a list of themes 
  • Now move your cursor to the theme which you want to install and click on the install button.
  • Once installed, click on the activate button.
activate theme

Once the theme is installed and activated, you will get a successful message. Now you are ready to customize your website with the installed theme. 

All the themes have settings under Appearance > Customize. Thus, we recommend to check settings first.

2. Install theme using the Upload Method from WordPress dashboard?

As describe in first method, you can only install free theme available at theme’s directory. So what if you want some premium themes. Yes, in that case, you can go through upload method.

Let’s see how to install WordPress theme from upload method. Here we go:

  • Download the .zip file of the theme
  • Next, go to the Appearance
  • Click on the Add New button at the top
upload theme
  • Now, click on the ‘Upload Theme’ button
  • Select the .zip file that you downloaded earlier
  • Click on Install Now button
install theme

Once your theme is installed, you will receive a success message along with the link to activate and preview the theme. So just, click on the ‘Activate’ link, and you are ready to use it for your upcoming site.

3. Install WordPress themes using FTP?

Last but not least, let’s move to the FTP method. It is a quite complicated process, beginners may get it difficult to follow. But if you are an expert and well known about these features, you can deal with it very well. 

The main reason behind its complications is, there is a risk of deleting or modifying files, which could bring your site offline.  And as a result, you may lose your traffic. So you need to be very careful and focus on all elements of the vehicle installation theme using the FTP method.

Before you start with this, make sure you must have an FTP hostname, username and password, and an FTP client. You can get these all from your hosting company. If you don’t have one, consult with your hosting providers.

Let’s get started:

  • Use your FTP server, username, and password, and login to your server. 
ftp install
  • Navigate to your wp-content/themes/ folder. 
  • Upload your previously unzipped theme’s folder from your computer.
  • Wait for the uploading to complete.
  • Once the files are uploaded, go to the WP admin dashboard.
  • Click on the appearance.

Go to theme’s page, you’ll see the uploaded theme.

activate theme

FileZilla is a recommended desktop application to connect FTP. So, we recommend to download that software and use it.

Now, finally, all the themes files are uploaded. After this, you need to activate your theme. Now, you are ready to use your theme for site customization.


All the above-listed methods are trusted to install a WordPress theme. But if you are a beginner, we recommend to go with the method 1 for free themes and method 2 for premium themes.

The third method is quite complex and hard to navigate to all the process.

Please comment below if you have any feedback or suggestions regarding this post, You can also contact us directly.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.

10+ Best Feminine WordPress Themes and Templates for 2021

Do you want to build a Feminine Website and looking for the best feminine WordPress theme. If yes, we are here with the 10 feminine WordPress theme for you.

Before we go through the list let me introduce you to the Word theme. I am assuming that you all are familiar with the term WordPress. And many of you may be familiar with the Word Theme too but for those who are new to the field let me tell you what is the theme?

In very simple language, Theme in WordPress is a kit to modify the layout and the design of a website. The theme helps you to customize the look and feel of your website, including the layout, typography, color, and other parts of your website.

How to install the theme ?

  1. Go to Your login Area
  2. Go to Appearance
  3. You will get the theme icon there
  4. Then Add New Button at the top of your Screen
  5. Search for the theme
  6. When you see the theme you want to install
  7. Click on it you will get the install button
  8. Now you just need to click the install button.

Above steps are for installing a free WordPress theme. To get a Premium WordPress theme you need to pay some amount. Themeforest is the best market place to get the premium WordPress theme.

1. Polite

Polite Theme

Are you looing for minimal and clean feminine WordPress theme? Polite is the best masonry layout theme for blog and magazine. It has sidebar, footer widgets, primary color and many other features.

In addition to that, Polite comes with demo data to make the site like the demo. Futhermore, it has related posts, copyright text, numeric and load more pagination, go to the top, offCanvas sidebar, search in header and many more.


  • Video and Text documentation
  • Masonry and Grid layout
  • Sidebar options
  • Primary color option
  • Child theme ready
  • Premium version available with added features

2. Activello


It is a clean, simple and lightweight theme for blogging. The theme can be used in regular websites like fashion, travel, lifestyle, sports and any other. Moreover, the theme is WooCommerce compatible, which allows you to create fully functional eCommerce websites.

Additionally the theme comes with the several customization options. Activello is a flexible WordPress theme which has outstanding features. Trust me the theme is going to provide you the awesome experience in website development. As the theme is compatible to work with WooCommerce, W3 Total Cache, Contact Form, Gravity Forms, JetPack , Yoast SEO and many other free and premium WordPress Plugins  you can easily work with all the plugins and using them can easily build a fantastic website


  • The theme is Fully Responsive and comes with Flat Design
  • A Retina Ready WordPress theme
  • Fully customizable  and easy to use
  • Supports many plugins
  • Comes with full Screen featured slider
  • Has Unlimited color option and much more

3. ChicServe


Here comes the ChicServe WordPress theme, especially for Feminine Websites. The theme is specially designed for female service providers. It is a premium, stylish and flexible WordPress theme. Moreover, the theme is compatible with elementor, which will help you to build a website without any code. You just need to drag and drop and your feminine WordPress website get ready.

This technique helps the newcomer to build a website without any huge effort. ChicServe is the best Feminine WordPress theme, which is going to provide you with a great experience of building a website. Additionally, the theme comes with a homepage slider, which can be set full-width, or boxed or select a static image and many more are the features of the theme. Some of them are


  • Easily customizable WordPress theme
  • WooCommerce Ready
  • SEO friendly
  • Comes with header notice bar
  • Has GDPR Cookie Consent
  • Fully Responsive Premium WordPress theme

4. Feminine Shop

feminine shop

Feminine Shop is the free WordPress theme for Female oriented WordPress websites. The theme comes with simple, clean and feminist feel, which will help you to create a feminine website easily. Talking about the look of the theme, the theme has an outstanding layout and is fully responsive, which will make the look of your website elegant and awesome.

Responsive nature of the theme will let your website to adjust to any screen size. Additionally, Feminine shop themes are multipurpose theme and best for creating a feminine fashion blog.


  • Fully Responsive
  • Comes with beautiful page layout
  • Easily customizable
  • SEO and user friendly WordPress theme
  • Both free and premium versions are available
  • 2 left/right sidebar

5. Kole


A WordPress theme that allows us to generate a fashion or lifestyle blog in a very less effort is Kole. The theme comes with multiple homepages and you just need to choose one for your website. After you choose a homepage the theme will offer you different options like slider, highlights catalogs and carousels. 

We can get much variety between our posts because of outstanding blog templates of the Kole. We also don’t need to change the post format with these templates. Kole is SEO Friendly, Responsive WordPress theme that will let you experience a stunning website development process.


  • One-Click Demo Import
  • Woo-Commerce compatible
  • Retina Ready
  • Outstanding layouts and plenty of space to share some of your past works
  • Perfect theme for blogging
  • Head module comes with high resolution

6. Gema


Another WordPress feminine theme in our list is Gema.  Gema is a beautiful theme that will allow you to create a stunning, beautiful WordPress Website. Though Gema is a feminine theme, it can be used for any kind of website. Trust me the theme is outstanding, comes with an eye-catching layout, and will suit any kind of website like fashion, magazine, food, blogging and many others.

Gema is a fully customizable WordPress theme and also allows you to customize with a personal logo.  With this theme, you can create a website according to your imagination. Simply, Gema is a perfect theme for your website.


  • SEO friendly, fully Responsive WordPress theme
  • Designed Using Grid layout
  • Supports several typographic styles
  • Retina and translation Ready
  • A delightful WordPress theme
  • Fully customizable, Well Documented

7. Maggie


Maggie is a perfect theme for businesswomen who are looking for a platform to develop their business. The theme is going to provide a perfect platform for a business website. It is an elegant and best feminine WordPress theme. Maggie comes with a large header area image, which can be used easily.

Additionally, it offers you three featured widgets that allow you to direct your website Visitors and you can simply take them where you want. The theme is going to work perfectly in any screen size, as it is a fully responsive WordPress theme.


  • Fully customizable WordPress theme
  • Comes with elegant page layout
  • Woo-Commerce Compatible
  • Fully Responsive SEO Ready WordPress theme
  • Includes a newsletter subscription box that works with  MailChimp and Conver kit
  • Customizable with social media icons

8. Carrino


Carrino is a beautiful and elegant WordPress theme built with the new Gutenberg Page editor. The theme comes with outstanding features and allows us to create a beautiful website. Talking about the layout of the theme, trust me, you are going to love it.

In Short, the theme has an outstanding layout that will let you create fantastic content for your blogging website. In addition, the theme is fully customizable that allows you to add your feel and look to the website.


  • Has outstanding layout
  • Completely customizable
  • WooCommerce Compatible
  • Integrates with Mailchimp
  • Translation Ready
  • SEO friendly, Fully Responsive WordPress theme

9. Samantha


Another theme in our list is Samantha. Samantha is a best feminine WordPress theme in feminine layout. The theme is perfect to build a feminine website. The theme comes with different layouts like Social icons are placed at the top and a large logo is centered in the middle of the header.

The setup will let your visitor immediately know what you want to express through your blog. This idea is going to increase your visitors as they are immediately getting what they want. Samantha is a fully responsive and search engine optimized theme that will help your website to get a good rank on Google.


  • WooCommerce compatible WordPress theme
  • Fully Customizable
  • Best feminine WordPress theme for Business website
  • Newsletter Sign-up form
  • GDPR Cookie Consent
  • Lifetime Access and updates and much more

10. Overflow


Overflow is a modern and elegant WordPress theme. The theme perfectly suits a wide range of websites like blogging, wedding, photography and many others. Overflow has 9 different demos that can be easily used in a single use. Moreover, the best part is that you can try every demo easily as the theme comes with the Demo Switcher. 

Additionally, the theme uses a grid layout to showcase the posts you want to focus one at the top of the website homepage. Talking about more features, the theme comes multiple page header types, smart colors, custom fonts and many more.


  • Comes with 9 different demos
  • WooCommerce Compatible
  • Multiple Archive Layouts for Homepage and Archive page
  • Comes with Multiple Page layouts
  • Has an eye-catching video background
  • SEO friendly and fully Responsive WordPress theme

11. HoneyCrisp


The last theme in our list is HoneyCrisp. HoneyCrisp is one of the best feminine WordPress themes that comes with outstanding features. The theme has a large number of typographic controls; color controls, is capable to set site sidebar width and has outstanding shortcodes.

Additionally, the theme is fully responsive and going to fit on any screen. Trust me, you are going to love the theme.


  • Search engine Optimized
  • Elegant and Modern WordPress theme
  • Fully customizable
  • You can easily change site width, content width, edge padding and Sidebar width
  • Can easily choose from Google web font and upload unlimited custom web fonts
  • WooCommerce ready WordPress theme


In this article, We have listed the 10 best feminine WordPress themes. All of them are best in their own way. This article will help you to choose one the best one according to your needs.

I hope the article is useful for you and you liked the article. Please keep on visiting for more such interesting articles. Feel free to send your queries if any are related to the article. We’ll try our best to answer your query as soon as we get them. Thank you !! Keep visiting and supporting us and follow us on our Facebook & Twitter page. Have a good time..

You may also like to read about 10 Best WordPress Blog Plugin & 10 Gutenberg Addons.

10 Best WordPress Alternatives

Are you searching the 10 best WordPress alternatives for 2021? If yes then, many WordPress alternatives can be used to build various types of websites.

The WordPress alternatives are all in one platform which helps in creating a website, blogs and manage content. It is popular among business owners, bloggers, and publishers to maintain their online appearance. It is the best choice for those who want a customized website.

Let’s talk about the 10 best WordPress alternatives in 2021.

1. Wix


Wix was founded in 2006, in Israel. It is a popular website-building platform having millions of users all around the world. It is an easy site for everyone to create attractive professional websites, using drag and drop builder. It is useful to promote business, and set up an online shop or helps to test new ideas. There are many choices and even the free plans come with the same design option.


  • Huge improved template collection.
  • Lots of extra features available.
  • Intuitive drag and drop interface.


  • Templates are not replaceable.
  • Expensive Premium plans.

2. Weebly:


Weebly was founded in 2006. It is a popular website builder that allows the user to build their custom domain name easily. Especially, it is free of charge and it would be an excellent choice to customize a website, as it comes with a drag and drops user interface. According to the year 2020, Weebly was provided in 15 different languages.


  • Appreciable for eCommerce.
  • Easy to use site editor.
  • Offers attractive themes with custom-coloured backgrounds.


  • Limited blogging tools.
  • Expensive.
  • Drag and drop come with some restrictions.

3. Jimdo:


Jimdo was founded in 2007, in Hamburg, Germany.  Building a site with Jimdo is a good option where more than 20 million websites have been created on it and there are many free basic plans to try. The paid plans encompass not only a web editor but also offer more advanced features like images, content, and a simple online store. Jimdo users can even sell the stuff using this site. It has a better template design option in comparison to other sites.


  • Very easy to use.
  • Available not only in English language but other many languages.
  • Mobile–friendly websites.


  • Limited eCommerce option.
  • Some templates aren’t as impactful as others.

4. Squarespace:

Squarespace was launched in 2004. It is the best WordPress alternatives having different features, templates, themes, plugins, and many more.  Users can pre-build their website templates and a variety of drag and drop widgets are available to add elements like images and text. The designs are very attractive and responsive to use.


  • It’s all–in–one platform.
  • The backend design is easy to use.
  • Mobile – friendly.


  • Lack of advanced marketing tools.
  • Adding and editing content can sometimes become tough.

5. Webnode:


Webnode was launched in 2008. It consists of 3 different website solutions: A personal website, a business website, an e-commerce website. It allows users to create sites by drag and drop elements such as blogs, photos, galleries, and much more. The system can be operated on internet browsers like internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Google Chrome, and Opera.


  • Automatic mobile version.
  • Great for SEO
  • Multi-language platform.


  • Limited templates.
  • Limited eCommerce features.

6. Joomla:


Joomla was launched on September 22, 2005. It is a free and open-source content management system to issue web content on websites. It helps the users to build powerful and dynamic websites. It has got huge popularity over the last decade and became successful as one of the most widely used content management globally. It has 900+ free themes for its users.


  • It is user-friendly and easy to modify.
  • It is easy to edit.


  • Not suitable for Newbie.
  • There can be some compatibility issues.

7. Webflow:


Webflow was launched on August 5, 2013. Webflow allows users to build responsive websites with browser-based visual editing software. Websites built on Webflow are powered by Amazon CloudFront and hosted on Fastly. The templates in the Webflow are well –designed, mobile-friendly, and cover large areas. It also offers a forever-free plan for the users.


  • Responsive page designs.
  • Great performance.
  • Good customer support.


  • Plan variation may be confusing.
  • Limited code customization.

8. Medium:


Medium was founded in 2012. It is an interesting American Online publishing platform where readers can find vigorous thinking and also get a chance to share unheard voices and contents on any topic. It has a great source of articles from various writers, poets, and comic artists from all around the world. On the other hand, more than 170 million readers come to find articles monthly.


  • Features are flexible.
  • A free platform to share articles.


  • Huge completion for getting attention.
  • You’re not the owner of your article.

9. BigCommerce:


BigCommerce was launched in 2009. It’s a company that provides a Software as a Service (SaaS) e-commerce platform. It has features that include customer groups and segmentation, search engine optimization, web hosting, and many others. It allows the business owners to set up online stores and helps to sell their products on the website.


  • Allow selling on Amazon, eBay, and other sites.
  • Flexible transactions.


  • Limited annual sales.
  • Communication should be strong.
  • Content should be regularly created.

10. Site123:


Site123 was founded in 2015. It offers free and easy sites which are useful for individual and small business. It helps the users to create a website easily. Similarly, it supports Multilanguage sites too. The features are free of charge but if Multilanguage features are needed then they are priced accordingly


  • Straightforward signup process.
  • Multilingual features.


  • Site123 is costly.
  • Restrictions on layout.


In my opinion, Wix and Joomla would be the best WordPress alternatives in 2021. Since Wix is easy to use and it has a free version, everyone can use it and take advantage of the beauty of it. It is the best option for beginners who want to design and update their site with less effort and quick.

Likewise, if you want to create a customized website then Joomla is also the next option. Nowadays, with its easy to use interface and highly customizable CMS, it has got huge popularity and has become successful as one of the most widely used WordPress alternatives in comparison to others.

In a nutshell, WordPress alternatives are useful for building websites and there are many reasons to choose these alternatives. They all are wonderful. You can choose any one of them to design an amazing website and start your professional journey with less effort.

Wrapping up, please feel to contact us in case of any queries and also do follow us on our Facebook & Twitter account for regular updates.

You may also like to read the comparison between WooCommerce & BigCommerce if you are interested in starting an e-commerce site.

11+ Popular and Best Gutenberg Addons for 2021

We all know that Gutenberg is a well-known page editor for WordPress. Gutenberg has taken a huge market and most of us use it. And if you are the one and looking forward to increasing the functionality of your website. If yes, check out the best 10 Gutenberg add-ons for your WordPress website.

Before we go with the list, let me tell you why Gutenberg needs addons?

Why does Gutenberg need Addons??

We all Know about the blocks of Gutenberg. The existing blocks and their options in the Gutenberg page editor come with some limitations and are not enough for building an impressive website. To build an impressive and meaningful website, we need a perfect platform.

To overcome this problem the WordPress developer came with the addons which help you to increase the functionality of your website with a Gutenberg page editor.

In short the Gutenberg Addons is going to add some charm to our website and we can achieve high quality products. Addons also helps us to create a stunning website without any complicated CSS. This will definitely help the new comer to create a wonderful website without any knowledge of code.

Actually, the existing blocks and their options in Gutenberg page editor is limited to building an impressive WordPress website. The existing blocks are okay to use, but when it comes about a stunning and shameful website you need some additional functions.

With the help of addons you can easily add functionality to your website and get high-quality products. In short Addons help to get some additional blocks along with the existing blocks of Gutenberg. 

Now let’s get started with the 10 Gutenberg Addons that you’ll never want to miss.

1. PostX 

PostX Plugin

PostX Gutenberg Post Blocks is a dynamic WordPress blocks plugin with plenty of amazing features for building news magazine blogs, portfolio sites, recipe blogs, and more. It’s fully compatible with Gutenberg blocks, offering an impeccable post-block building experience. Also, all the features have enough customizability to satisfy your creative needs. 


  • A wide variety of layouts and ready-made block designs. 
  • Advanced Query Builder for proper post sorting. 
  • Fluent post-filtering capabilities alongside proper AJAX Pagination. 
  • Smooth and dynamic post slider. 
  • Good variety of listing variations.  
  • An Archive Page builder addon with proper support for shortcodes. 
  • Popular SEO Meta description add-ons to satisfy your SEO needs. 
  • Image Lazy Loading for a better overall user experience.   
  • Hassle-free typography and other customizations.

2. Blockspare

Blockspare is one of the popular Gutenberg Addons for 2021. If you want to make a corporate website using Gutenberg(WordPress default editor) then you need an addon. For that purpose, Blockspare is the best addons. It is totally free and you can get free support too.

Blockspare Plugin

You can get this plugin in official WordPress repository. It has 30+ custom blocks and 100+ layouts. You don’t need to write a single line of code to make corporate site.


  • 30+ custom blocks with 100+ layouts
  • 10K+ Happy users
  • 5 Star reviews
  • Detailed documentation and free support
  • Easy to use plugin
  • Setup wizard

3. GetWid

A professionally tailored free additional block for Gutenberg is GetWid. It is specially built to extend the functionality of the existing blocks of Gutenberg page editors. It helps to increase the existing functionality by magnifying the block function.


GetWid is just perfect addons of Gutenberg and comes with the capability to match the exception of any WordPress Powered website without overloading the page with excessive codes.


  • 40+ Gutenberg Blocks
  • 35+ Unique pre-made block templates
  • Real-time customization
  • Performance-oriented plugin
  • Extensive attributes for each block
  • Pre-Designed templates and blocks
  • Smart configuration settings

4. Kadence Blocks

Additional custom blocks are added to Gutenberg blocks by Kadence Blocks. It is one of the best Addons of Gutenberg. Kadence Block increases the editing capabilities of Gutenberg blocks by which we can create custom layouts and a perfect content.

Kadence Block

Additionally, Kadence blocks can be used to create a capable page without any page builder. It is a complete package of custom blocks that offer a fantastic and smooth website development experience. You can create beautiful layouts with structurized columns and setting tools


  • Comes with 10+ blocks
  • Fully Responsive
  • Draggable Borders
  • Unique Multiple Column blocks
  • Comes with Row Layout, Advanced Gallery, Icons and many more.
  • Layout library
  • Great typography Settings and many more

5. Atomic Blocks

A complete package of custom blocks specially created for building different types of WordPress website with Gutenberg editor. It is a complete solution along with 15 unique blocks which are going to help you to create a website content.


Atomic Blocks is a complete collection of attractive blocks that is going to help you to create an outstanding page. Trust me, you are going to fall in love with this addons.


  • Can easily be used with any WordPress theme
  • Responsive layouts
  • Comes with unique blocks such as prop cap, inline notice Book and so on.
  • Google AMP support
  • One of the best Gutenberg Addons
  • Impressively designed layouts
  • Comes with different blocks

6. Gutenberg Blocks-Ultimate Addons

Gutenberg Blocks- Ultimate Addons is the powerful Addons for Gutenberg page Editor. This Addons comes with the  advanced and strong blocks which will help us to create a stunning website in no time. Actually, Ultimate Addons Blocks speed up the website building blocks and a stunning website is created without a big effort.


Ultimate-Addons comes with 20+ pre-built free starter sites built using the Gutenberg page editor. Best part about Addon is that we can import it. The ultimate Addons help you to gain pixel perfect, outstanding, responsive, user friendly , in short a perfect website  which will definitely match your imagination.


  • 20+ pre-built free starter sites
  • Faster Performance
  • Easy Customization
  • Provide Pixel Perfect Design
  • Deeper Integration
  • Help to built faster and Better Performance Websites
  • Comes with the package of Unique and creative Blocks

7. Co-Blocks

Co-Blocks come with the most impressive collection of blocks for building a WordPress website with a Gutenberg page editor. As it has an additional block and comes with Row & Column building Blocks  it provides a fantastic page building experience. Co-Block is one of the best addons of Gutenberg.


It is a powerful but lightweight addons and adds additional functionality to the WordPress editor without bloat. Co-Block comes with 15 + blocks and each of them are just awesome.


  • 15+ Blocks
  • Custom Typography Controls
  • Free Companion Theme
  • Break Through page builder system
  • Powerful and lightWeight
  • Built according to developer needs
  • Best addons of Gutenberg 

8. WooCommerce Blocks

An addons that is always ready to display products in an easy, simple and flexible way is WooCommerce Blocks. Like other Addons WooCommerce Block is also addons for Gutenberg Page editor. This block is specially designed for eCommerce website.


The WooCommerce Block is a totally new block for Gutenberg Page editors and is best for your ecommerce website. This Addon is going to provide you a new experience in building a WooCommerce website.


  • Provides most easiest and flexible way to display your product
  • Comes with 10+ exciting blocks
  • Designed with new Blocks Editor introduced with WordPress 5.0
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Featured can be filtered by categories, sale status or a variety of other fields
  • Can easily make a custom list of hand-picked products to display
  • Best addon of ecommerce website

9. Gutentor

Are you planning to build a WordPress Website with unlimited features? If Yes, we are here with Gutentor. Gutentor is a page building Gutenberg block in WordPress which is just perfect for you if you want to design a website without any code. No Code is needed to build an advanced website with additional functionality and capabilities with Gutentor.


 It provides a Code free environment and if you are a beginner, this is definitely for you. The addon increases the functionality with the large variety of beautiful blocks which can be used to build a stunning website just in some click.


  • Gutentor comes in responsive layout
  • SEO friendly
  • Provides faster designing experience
  • High Customizable Row and columns are available
  • Comes with advanced options on each block, including HTML Tags, Back Ground, Border and Soon.
  • Has advanced Typography options which includes all available Google Fonts and System Fonts.
  • One-Click Demo Templates Library for ready-made templates and blocks

10. Layout Grid Block

If you are looking for column-based layout, layout Grid Block will be perfect for you. As other addons this is also for enhancing the functionality of the Gutenberg page editor. With Layout Grid Block You can align your content to a global layout grid across your post.


Layout Grid Block is one of the best Addons of Gutenberg and comes with many exciting features. It is a responsive Addons and comes with the outstanding Blocks.


  • 12 grid lines for desktop devices, 8 Grid lines for tablet device, 4 grid lines for mobile device.
  • SEO Friendly
  • Responsive Design
  • One of the best Addons of Gutenberg
  • Best For Student, hobbyist, freelancer, small business and many more.
  • Versatile Plans and Pricing
  • Best padding and colors and many more exciting features

11. Gutenberg Blocks & Templates, library by Otter

A dynamic collection of blocks and templates for Gutenberg is otter. Otter is fantastic addons and will help you to build a stunning website page without any code. We just need to drag and drop. With the otter section Block we can easily create eye-catching layouts that will help you to involve your visitors for a long time.


Additionally, the addons come with the block by block CSS extension which will help you to add Additional CSS to your blocks easily and that will increase the functionality easily. Trust me you are going to love the Addon.


  • Redesigned Google Maps Blocks
  • Comes with template Library
  • SEO friendly
  • Has responsive Design
  • Can easily Customize
  • We just need to drag and drop and your website is ready
  • CSS on every Blocks

12. Redux Gutenberg Blocks

The last addons in our list is Redux Gutenberg Blocks. Redux Gutenberg is a free Gutenberg block Used to enhance the existing block of Gutenberg page editor. The Addon comes with the 1000+ templates from Gutenberg editor, which can be added to the website easily. Additionally, it previews each Gutenberg block based template.


 The best part about it is, you can filter between the dependencies and get exactly what you are waiting for. The block is just awesome and will help you to get the website you are thinking for.


  • Supports block Pattern library
  • Developer Friendly
  • Comes with clean code, inline documentation
  • SEO Friendly
  • Comes with a Responsive design
  • The most trusted option framework in the industry.
  • Make the Reusable Block Visible in our library Model Window.


In this article, We have listed the 10+ best Addons of Gutenberg. All of them are best in their own way. This article will help you to choose one the best one according to your needs.

I hope the article is useful for you and you liked the article. Please keep visiting us for more such interesting articles. Feel free to send your queries if any are related to the article. We will try our best to answer your query as soon as we get them. You can also follow us on our Facebook & Twitter for more updates.

10 Best WordPress Blog Plugins for 2021

Are you looking for the best WordPress blog plugins? Creating a blog website is not only an easy procedure, but also a great way to start your business. 

Before starting your blog website, you need to pick up the best WordPress blog plugin. If you go through the WordPress directory, you will get thousands of options. There you will get both freemium and premium WordPress blog plugins. So at first, think about your requirements and then go through the list. 

To make your task easier, we came with a list of the 10 best WordPress blog plugin. Just go through the list and choose the one suitable for your site.   

So let’s get started:

10 Best WordPress Blog Plugins 

1. MonsterInsights 

Monster Insights

Here the list started with MonsterInsights. It is one of the best WordPress blog plugins. With this, you can easily monitor your blog traffic. Now keep eyes on your site’s statistics easily with MonsterInsights. If you are using this plugin, you will get better ideas about blogs, posts, traffic, and many more. Grow your blog and make more traffic with this amazing WordPress blog plugin. 


  • Provides real-time stats
  • A popular option for posts tracking
  • Enable you to track your ads 
  • Provides custom WordPress dashboard reports
  • Referral tracking is available

2. Everest Forms


If you want to make your blog more powerful, start connecting with your audience. If you are publishing any content or blog, sometimes users get it catchy. They might be curious to know more about the niche, for this they may want to contact you. And for Q/A tasks, your blog must have a comment section.

Yes, for this purpose, you will require Everest Forms. It is an amazing WordPress blog plugin that will make your blog powerful and elegant.


  • Comes with Shortcode to add the forms
  • Provides Google ReCaptcha support 
  • Helps you to redirect the user to a specific page
  • Allows you to add an unlimited number of forms
  • Provides editable form 

3. WPForms 


WPForms, a beginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin add beauty to your blog. With this, your users can contact you through the contact form, survey form, conversational form, and other forms. This WordPress blog plugin helps you to create customized contact forms with easy access. Also, it will protect you from spammers and keep your site more powerful. Create an amazing blog website with its beautiful templates.


  • Built with drag and drop form builder
  • Offers customizable form fields
  • Comes with beautiful ready-made form templates
  • Integrated with email marketing services
  • Anti-spam feature

4. Yoast SEO

Yoast Seo

If you want to make your site powerful, you need to look after SEO. If you are implementing Yoast SEO within your site, you are able to attract more users. It is one of the most trusted SEO plugins which is better at optimizing keywords and synonyms. Moreover, it will maintain the readability of your blog and calculates the Flesch Reading Ease score. Hence, get a top SEO rank of your site with the Yoast SEO plugin.


  • Keyword optimization
  • Provides control over breadcrumbs 
  • Reduce duplication of content with canonical URLs
  • Ckecks keywords with content Insights 
  • Ckecks your Readability 

5. OptinMonster 


Likewise, OptinMonster is the best lead generation plugin. It makes your site eye-catchy and converts your blog visitors into subscribers. You can implement this WordPress blog plugin to improve your detailed insight. Now creating a powerful blog website is easier with beautiful popups, floating bars, and other campaigns of OptinMonster.


  • Comes with drag and drop optin builder
  • Runs multiple campaigns for marketing your blog
  • Integrated with seamless and popular services
  • Improve your campaigns with detailed insights
  • User-friendly interface

6. Easy Social Sharing

Easy Social Sharing

If you are searching for the best plugin which makes your blog, website elegant, then Easy Social Sharing is the best option for you. It allows your readers to share all contents of your website on their social media. This means you are getting more traffic on your blog website. When it comes to the social sharing option, this plugin comes on the top list. 


  • Comes with a floating sidebar layout 
  • Integrated with sharing counts
  • Live preview option for sharing design 
  • Comes with 6 different design layouts
  • User-friendly layout 

7. SeedProd 


Moving forward, SeedProd is an ideal WordPress blog plugin that looks after your site’s landing page. You can implement SeedProd to create beautiful sales pages, webinar landing pages, squeeze pages, coming soon pages, and more. The main benefit of these landing pages is, it will convert your visitors into subscribers, leads, or sales.


  • Option for drag and drop builder
  • Built with live preview option
  • Beautiful pre-designed landing page templates
  • Offers pre-made landing page blocks 
  • Comes with an email autoresponder

8. Akismet Anti-Spam


Similarly, Akismet Anti-spam protects your blogs against spam. It prepares your site to fight any types of spam or unauthorized access. Sometimes, because of various comment form submissions, your site will be contaminated. So to get rid of this, install this WordPress blog plugin and remove all spams. It protects your site by examining all your comments and contact form submissions.


  • Provides easy backup 
  • Shows history status for each comment 
  • Integrated with moderators to view spam comments
  • Save huge storage
  • Fast performance 

9. Sucuri 


When it comes to the security of your blog, website, Sucuri is the best  WordPress Blog plugin. It protects your site from malware threats, DDoS, and any type of attack. Since Sucuri comes with different security hardening techniques, hackers cannot easily attack your site. The plugin is useful for both beginners and an expert one. Use the security features provided by Sucuri and create a secured and powerful website easily.


  • Protected with firewall protection
  • Provides effective security hardening
  • Automatic removal of malware 
  • Comes with post-Hack security add-ons
  • Prevents from brute force attacks

10. Jetpack 


Last but not least, Jetpack comes under the list of best WordPress blog plugins. It is integrated with amazing functionalities that effortlessly manage your blog website. Here, you will get various site statistics with which you can keep a track of the visitors. Also, Jetpack will protect your site from spam, malware, and brute force attack. Since the plugin is SEO optimized, you will get more traffic and more top SEO rank.


  • Built with powerful customization tools
  • Faster mobile experience
  • SEO optimized 
  • Provides Top-Notch security
  • Manage multiple websites from a single dashboard


Finally, we did a list of the best WordPress blog plugins. All of the above plugins are just amazing. Such a WordPress blog plugin helps you to create a beautiful and powerful blog website with as easy access. So go through the list and pick up the best one for your blog website. 

We hope, you get this article helpful to you. You can reach us directly or feel free to send your queries through our comment section. We will get back to you with your solution as soon as possible. Keep following us on our Facebook & Twitter accounts to get more updates on different articles.

10 Ways to Make Money Online in 2021

Are you curious about making money online? If yes, then, here are some ways to make money online.

In this century, making money online is easy due to the development of technologies and eCommerce sites. There are many online sites and applications, using such online platforms the marketers can run online advertisements of their products on the internet and sell to potential customers. 

It helps to save the time and money for both parties. On the other hand, there are several programs which operate online; utilizing these programs one can earn lots of money.

Let’s talk about the 10 ways of making money online.

1. Freelancing: 


Freelancing is one of the best ways to earn money online. It’s a type of job where individuals work for themselves, not for the company or enterprises. The freelancers can make their website, and take contract work for the particular companies and organizations.

These types of works are simple as they can work from any place, they can work from home, office, coffee shop and anywhere else they want. They can earn money as per their work basis i.e. charging hourly or daily basis. These types of jobs are usually for a short period.

Most Common freelance careers are:

  1. Computer & IT.
  2. Accounting & Finance.
  3. Video & image editing.
  4. Project management.
  5. Data entry.
  6. Proofreading and writing.

2. Affiliate Marketing: 

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the online marketing system of earning a commission by promoting other peoples or company’s product. The marketers can earn profit by promoting the product on their websites by providing all the detailed information about the product.

It is the simple way of making online money. These types of online marketing are increasing all over the world nowadays.

Some Popular Affiliate websites are:

  1. ShareASale
  2. Amazon associates.
  3. Shopify affiliate program.
  4. Solvid affiliate
  5. eBay partners
  6. Click bank.

3. Online Tutoring: 

online tutoring

Online tutoring is the process of tutoring the trainee online using different applications and programs from the separate physical location. It covers a wide range at a time.

The tutor can teach their students from any location. It helps to save time for both tutors and learners. Nowadays these have become the best platforms to earn money online.

Popular Online applications are:

  1. SKYPE
  2. ZOOM application
  3. YouTube
  4. WiZIQ
  5. Google Docs.

4. Blogging: 


Blogging is also one of the best ways to earn money online. It is a process where the bloggers write an article about the particular topic and publish them online. It is popular among many people due to its flexible and portable characteristics.

A blog is written on a daily basis and published online so, this helps to build trust, and a good relationship with the customers. Likewise, it helps to keep clients up–to–date about the topic every day.

Some common types of blog are :

  1. Personal Blog
  2. Business Blog
  3. Niche Blog
  4. Affiliate Blog

5. Selling Product Online:

selling products online

Nowadays, people are very much busy in their daily life, they don’t have time to go out shopping. So, they prefer online shopping through different websites from their home place. There are various websites available which demonstrate the different kinds of products from which customers can choose the best for them. 

The online stores also provide delivery and online payment facilities too. This benefits both the buyer and seller.

Some of the best online selling site is:

  1. Amazon
  2. EBay
  3. Bonanza

6. Web Designing:

web designing

Web designing refers to creating website designs. It is treated as one of the easiest ways to both learn & earn money. Web designing is important as it impacts how the audience perceives the brand and also helps the marketers to sell their product online.

On the other hand, a good web design provides a person an opportunity to make a great living standard.

The types of websites are:

  1. Corporate website.
  2. E-commerce website
  3. Magazine website.
  4. Portfolio website
  5. Portfolio website

7. Data Entry: 

data entry

Data entry means the job of entering text or other data into an electronic medium, such as a computer or other electronic device. Data entry can be performed manually or automatically by using a machine or computer.

Though it is time-consuming, it is necessary for all the organizations. It has been the easiest methods to earn money online. Higher education qualification is not required to be a data operator. So, this work suits students too.

8. YouTube: 


YouTube is also one of the ways to earn money online. YouTube is like a video gallery website where people can upload & watch the videos. They can even like, share & comment on the videos. By creating their channel and updating the people by useful the creators can earn lots of money. 

The videos can be accessed on PC, laptops, and tablets and on mobile phones too. It has become one of the foremost video distributions sites in the world. It is cheap and the uploaded videos can be spread far and wide very easily.

9. Language Translating: 

language translating

This is the process of the translation of instructions that are written in the source code to object code i.e. from high level language or assembly language into machine level language. By doing such work, people can earn money online.

It is an effective means of communication between people all around the world as the language can be translated in any form. It is a courier for the transmission of knowledge from one culture to another.

The types of language translator are:

  1. Compiler
  2. Interpreter
  3. Assembler

10. Content Writing: 

content writing

Content writing is a form of online writing, planning and editing web content which is closely linked to digital marketing. It includes writing blogs, articles, scripts, and posts for specific topics.

These means of content are specially designed to sell or to promote specific products. The content writers work according to the direction provided by a client. Nowadays these types of jobs are popular means of earning money online.


There are many methods of earning money online. Different types of jobs have different features and advantages. I’ve discussed 10 ways of making money online. Some of them are easy to operate and some of them are difficult.

In my opinion, online tutoring, and YouTube would be the best ways of making money online. As these both jobs are similar, they are easy to operate. These are like personal business where they can upload, share the videos at any time and anywhere. There are no restrictions on doing such work.

If you have any other ways, then please don’t hesitate to comment it below or contact us. Keep supporting us and follow us on our Facebook page and Twitter.

You can also read our post about keyword research tools & increasing your subscriber.

How to add an email subscription form to your WordPress website?

Do you want to get more subscribers to your WordPress blog? If yes, then the best way to do this is to add an email subscription to your WordPress blog.

Email subscriptions help you to get more traffic on your site. Actually, email is one of the biggest assets that bloggers and website owners can have for the success of their website.

Now, most of the business website is attracting its audience through email.  They are making a direct connection with users through email subscriptions.

You can increase your site traffic by having people subscribe to your system. Not only that, but with this, you can also make more sales, and build a relationship with your customers.

There are different ways to increase your site traffic, but an email subscription is the best one for your WordPress website. I assure you will find it a great way to inform your subscribers about your website, contents, and all movements within your site.

Subscribe forms banner image

So giving priority to this topic, today we are going to discuss the overall steps with which you can add an email subscription to your WordPress blog. But before this let’s have a brief about its importance.

Importance of Adding Email Subscription to Your WordPress Website

  • Email is still the most reliable form of communication
  • This will brings more viewers than Facebook or Instagram
  • It is quite easy, and you can get started in just a few clicks
  • There are more than 3.8 billion active email accounts, which means there will be more traffic
  • With Email, you can deliver your customer highly relevant offers to get better results

Now let’s get started with the overall steps required for adding an email subscription to your WordPress blog:

How to add an email subscription to your WordPress blog?

If you are new to such a topic, you need not worry anymore as it is a very simple process. With some attention, even a layman can deal with it very well.

To add an email subscription to your WordPress blog, the first thing you need to do is to install a plugin.

Here you have to download and install a perfect email subscription plugin. If you visit the WordPress directory, you will get hundreds of options. Among all of the WP Subscription Forms plugin is the best among all.

WP Subscription Forms is a free WordPress plugin that you can use for an email subscription on the WordPress website. With this, you can create unlimited subscription forms and able to choose a stunning layout from 10 beautifully pre-designed templates.

Believe us, with this plugin you are just a few seconds away from collecting the subscribers for your WordPress site.


  • Unlimited Subscription Forms
  • 10 Pre Designed Subscription Form Templates
  • Double opt-in functionality to verify subscribers
  • Popup Subscription Forms
  • RTL Compatible
  • Translation Ready
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Cross browsers Compatible

Now let’s go through the following steps:

Steps to Add email Subscription to your WordPress Website

Follow the below listed steps properly and start collecting the emails right away easily in to your dashboard.

We believe that, you will find it easily.

Instead of reading, you can watch this video and gain ideas easily. This video describes the easy steps you can get the form. Or, you can skip the video and follow the process.

Step 1: Install WP Subscription Forms

  • Login to WordPress dashboard
  • Go to the Plugins
  • Click on Add New
  • Search WP Subscription Forms
  • Click on Install and Activate
add email subscription plugin
Installing Plugin WP Subscription Forms

Once the installation is completed, you will get a success message. Now you are ready to make the forms.

Step 2: Create a Form

Now, in the next step, you need to create a form. For that,

  • Visit the Admin Dashboard 
  • Go to the WP Subscription Forms menu in the admin panel
  • Click on the Add New Form option
Create new email subscription forms
Add New Form Page

After clicking on the add new form option, you will ask for some options and setting there.

Within the setting box, you need to put the form title, message, double opt-in, form success message, and others.

To do this go through the following steps:

  • Create your form heading
  • Add sub heading if required
  • Create a name field and label it
  • Apply terms and condition links to its fields to support HTML tags
  • Enter your own button text and subscribe to it
  • Create a footer section with some extra text at the end of the subscription form

Step 3: Form Settings

The form setting tab will help to manage the setting of that particular forms. In the Form Setting where will get an option for title, subtitle, email field, button text, footer part, and so on.

WP Subscription Forms form settings
Form Settings of Form

Step 4: Display the Form in the Front End

Now it’s time to display the form in the frontend. Once you add all the information, go through the following steps:

  • Go to the top and click on the Save button
  • The page will be redirected and go to the General Setting tab
  • Here you will get see the shortcodes, copy those shortcodes
  • Put that code whenever necessary to display it.

If you want to put the form in the sidebar, you can directly use the WP Subscription Forms widget too. That widget will allow you to show the selected form easily.

WP Subscriptions Forms Shortcodes
Form Shortcode

Now, again after coping with the shortcodes, you need to follow up on the following steps:

  • Go to Appearance
  • Click on the Customize option
  • Select the Widgets
  • Go to Sidebar
  • Select the WP Subscription Forms Widgets
  • Select the form from the available dropdown
  • Click on Save and Publish button 
Forms widgets in Sidebars

In this way, you can successfully create a subscription form to be displayed on the sidebar.

How to Change the Layout of the Subscription Form?

Now if you want to change the layout of the subscription form, you can easily go through 10 free templates of the WP subscription form plugin.

Forms layout and design
Layout Design of Forms

Also, from the Layout Settings, you can change the layout and can manage the email settings very easily. For the email setting, you will get options from Email, From Name, Confirmation email subject, confirmation message.

Some Email Subscription Plugins

Besides WP Subscriptions Forms plugin, there are other popular subscriptions plugins too. But WP Subscription Forms is mainly designed and developed for collecting emails in your dashboard directly. However, the below listed plugins have different purpose too.

  • GetSiteControl
  • SumoMe List Builder
  • Mailchimp
  • Icegram
  • Weblizar
  • Newsletter
  • MailPoet
  • Campaign Monitor
  • OptinMonster
  • WP Subscribe
  • Simple Signup Form
  • Jetpack

There are many more, so you can get any of these as per your requirement.


Well from the above description you can easily add an email subscription to your WordPress blog. Since it is an easy process, you can easily add an email subscription even though you are a beginner and can deal with it. By installing a perfect email subscription plugin to your WordPress website, you can go through the overall steps.

I hope this article is going to be helpful to you. Feel free to send your queries to our comment section.

We make sure all of your questions are answered as soon as we get them. Keep supporting us and follows us to get more useful and interesting articles.