Email Settings

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In this section, you can configure all the necessary email-related settings, such as “From Name” and “From Email,” to ensure that emails sent through the plugin are properly formatted.

Email Setting of Subscribe to unlock

Here are the available options inside this section.

For the From Email field, you can enter the email address used as the sender for all emails, such as confirmation or download link emails. It’s recommended to use an email like noreply@yourdomainname to avoid resembling a real person’s email, which might cause the emails to be marked as spam or junk.

Similarly, the From Name should be something generic like “No Reply” to prevent it from being associated with a real person’s name.

The Confirmation Email Subject allows you to set the subject line for the email sent to subscribers to confirm their subscription. You can enter the body of this email in the Confirmation Email Message field.

For verification purposes, the Verification Email Subject and Verification Email Message fields let you customize the subject and content of the email sent to subscribers to verify their email and unlock content.

In the Admin Notification section, you can enable or disable notifications to the admin for each new subscription using the Status option.

The Admin Notification Email Subject lets you set the subject of the notification email, while the Notification Emails field allows you to specify which email addresses will receive these notifications—separate multiple addresses with commas or leave it blank to default to the site admin’s email.

Finally, the Admin Notification Email Message field is where you can customize the content of the notification email sent to the admin.

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