Captcha Settings

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To set up Google reCAPTCHA , follow these steps:

recaptcha settings

In the reCAPTCHA Settings section, first, enable reCAPTCHA by checking the Enable ReCaptcha option. This activates reCAPTCHA on your subscription forms, adding an extra layer of security by ensuring that users are not bots before submitting the form.

Next, obtain your ReCaptcha Site Key from the specified link. This key is essential for integrating reCAPTCHA with your form.

Similarly, you will need to obtain your ReCaptcha Secret Key from the same link, as it is also required for the integration process.

Finally, you can customize the ReCaptcha Label text that will appear on your form. This label informs users about the reCAPTCHA verification process and provides clarity on why they are completing this step.

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