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In this section you can configure the Mailchimp Settings, Constant Contact Settings and some global settings.

Main setting of Subscribe to download

Mailchimp Settings

To integrate the Mailchimp in any subscription forms, Mailchimp shall be configured here. To configure Mailchimp, it will need an API key which can be generated from here.

After adding an API key, you will need to connect by clicking on connect button.

After clicking on connect, if the API key is correct then it shall fetch all the list from your Mailchimp account and show like in the below screenshot.

The Last Log field will also show the API log of the last subscription if the subscriber is sent to the Mailchimp selected list or not.

Constant Contact Settings

To integrate Constant Contact in the subscription forms, you will need to configure the Constant Contact necessary details in settings. For configuring the Constant Contact, it requires Constant Contact API key and Access Token.

Please go here to generate your api keys and access tokens and please go here to know how to generate necessary keys

Before connecting it shall show like below screenshot.

After connection, if both the keys are correct then it will fetch all the list available in your Constant Contact account and will show like in below screenshot.

MailerLite Settings

To integrate MailerLite in the subscription forms, you will need to configure the MailerLite necessary details in settings. For configuring the MailerLite, it requires MailerLite API key and Access Token.

Please go here to generate your api keys and access tokens and please go here to know how to generate necessary keys

Before connecting it shall show like below screenshot.

After connection, if both the keys are correct then it will fetch all the list available in your MailerLite account and will show like in below screenshot.

mailerlite api key

The Last Log field will also show the API log of the last subscription if the subscriber is sent to the MailerLite selected list or not.

Sendinblue Settings

To integrate the Sendinblue in any subscription forms, Sendinblue shall be configured here. To configure Sendinblue, it will need an API key which can be generated from here.

After adding an API key, you will need to connect by clicking on connect button.

Sendinblue connect setting

After clicking on connect, if the API key is correct then it shall fetch all the list from your Sendinblue account and show like in the below screenshot.

Sendinblue api key

The Last Log field will also show the API log of the last subscription if the subscriber is sent to the Sendinblue selected list or not.

Extra Settings

Extra Settings

1. Disable Fontawesome CSS: Check this option if you do not want the plugin to load Fontawesome CSS, typically to avoid conflicts or reduce page load times.

2. Disable jQuery UI CSS: Check this option if you do not want the plugin to load jQuery UI CSS, typically to avoid conflicts or reduce page load times.

3. Unsubscribe Message: Enter the message that users will see after they unsubscribe.

4. Enable Popup Form for Index Page: Enable a subscription form popup on the index page. This will only work if your homepage is set to display “Your Latest Posts”.

5. Delay: Enter the delay time in seconds for displaying the popup form. Leave this field empty or enter 0 to display the popup form immediately upon page load.

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