Email Settings

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In the configuration screen, you will find a section for setting up the confirmation email details that will be sent to subscribers.


First, locate the “Shortcode” field, which displays the shortcode you need to use to embed the subscribe form on your website. Copy this shortcode and place it on any page or post where you want the subscription form to appear.

Next, set the “From Email” field. Enter the email address that will appear as the sender of the confirmation email. It’s common practice to use a no-reply email address to prevent subscribers from replying directly to this email. An example of a suitable email address is

In the “From Name” field, enter the name that will be displayed as the sender of the confirmation email. This could be something like “No Reply” or the name of your business or website.

Proceed to the “Confirmation Email” section. Here, you need to define the “Confirmation Email Subject,” which is the subject line of the confirmation email. An example subject line could be “Please Confirm Your Subscription.”

In the “Confirmation Email Message” box, compose the body of the confirmation email. This message can be personalized using placeholders such as #first_name, #last_name, and #confirmation_link. These placeholders will be automatically replaced with the subscriber’s first name, last name, and the confirmation link, respectively, when the email is sent.

An example message could be:

Hello #first_name,

Thank you for subscribing to our Subscribe to Download website. Please confirm your subscription by clicking the link below:


Best regards,
Your Company Name

Download Email

Download Email

Begin by setting the “Download Email Subject.” This is the subject line of the email that will be sent to subscribers once their subscription is successful. An example subject line is “Subscription Successful!”

Next, in the “Download Email Message” box, compose the body of the email. This message should include a link to download the file and can be personalized using placeholders such as `#download_link`, `#first_name`, and `#last_name`.

An example message could be:

Hello There!
Thank you for subscribing in our ftml website. 
Download the file from the link below:
Thank you!!

These placeholders will be automatically replaced with the actual download link and subscriber’s name when the email is sent.


Download the file

Download Notification

Next, configure the “Download Notification” section. This section handles the notifications sent to you or your team whenever a file is downloaded by a subscriber.

Download Notification

First, toggle the “Status” switch to enable download notifications.

Then, set the “Download Notification Email Subject” with an appropriate subject line for the notification emails. This could be something like “File Download Notification.”

In the “Notification Emails” field, enter the email addresses where you want to receive the download notifications. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. If this field is left blank, notifications will be sent to the site administrator’s email address.

Finally, compose the “Download Notification Email Message.” This message can include placeholders such as `#download_file` and `#email` to provide details about the downloaded file and the subscriber’s email address.

An example message could be:

Hello There,

Your file has been downloaded. Details below:
Download File Name: #download_file
Email: #email

Thank you!!
Download Email


After setting up these configurations, save your changes. This setup ensures that subscribers receive a confirmation email with a download link after subscribing, and you are notified whenever a file is downloaded. This helps maintain smooth communication with your subscribers and keeps you informed about the activity on your website.

Admin Notification

Here, you will configure the notifications that are sent to the site administrator when a new subscriber signs up.

Admin Notification

First, toggle the “Status” switch to enable admin notifications. This ensures that the notifications are active and will be sent out as configured.

Next, set the “Admin Notification Email Subject” by entering a subject line for the notification emails. An example subject line could be “New Subscriber Notification.”

In the “Notification Emails” field, enter the email addresses where you want to receive the notifications. You can list multiple email addresses separated by commas. If this field is left blank, notifications will be sent to the site administrator’s email address by default.

Then, compose the “Admin Notification Email Message.” This message will be sent to the specified email addresses whenever a new subscriber signs up. You can use placeholders such as #name, #email and #custom_fields to include the subscriber’s name and email address in the notification.

An example message could be:

Hello There,

You have a new subscriber on your Subscribe to Download website. Details below:
Name: #name
Email: #email

Thank you!!

These placeholders will be automatically replaced with the actual name and email address of the subscriber when the notification email is sent.


admin notification mail

After setting up these configurations, save your changes. This setup ensures that you are promptly notified whenever a new subscriber signs up on your website, allowing you to keep track of your growing subscriber base and take any necessary actions quickly.

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Email Settings

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