Form Settings

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You can configure additional elements like headings and subheadings, name fields (with the option to make it required), email fields, and any custom fields needed for your form.

Ensure you customize the text and options for Terms and Agreement, which may include GDPR compliance checkboxes if required for consent.

Finally, customize the Subscribe Button text and decide whether to display a footer message.

Custom Fields

Custom Field Settings WPSF Pro

To include custom fields in your subscription form using the Subscribe to Download plugin, begin by specifying the label for the field you want to add. 

After defining the label, select the appropriate field type from options such as Textfield, Textarea, Select Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio Button, Number, Datepicker, URL, Tel, or Hidden. 

Once you have chosen the field type, click the “Add” button to integrate the custom field into your form. This capability enables you to gather specific information from subscribers as needed, enhancing the form’s functionality and relevance to your subscription process.

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