Email Settings

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In this section, you can configure all the necessary email related configurations such as “From Name”, “From Email” etc.

Email Settings of WP Subscription Forms

Here are the available options insdie this section:

  1. From Email – In this field you can enter the email that will be used as the from email while sending any email through our plugin such as confirmation email, download link email. While entering the From Email, please make sure you don’t enter the email that resembles the real person email which might land the email into the spam or junk. You can enter email such as noreply@yourdomainname which won’t resemble any real person email.
  2. From Name: “From Name” is also used as while sending any email through our plugin. As similar with “From Email”, you should enter the value that won’t resemble any real person’s name such as “No Reply”.
  3. Confirmation Email Subject – Set the subject of the confirmation email. This is the email sent to subscribers to confirm their subscription.
  4. Confirmation Email Message – Enter the message content.
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