General Settings

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In general settings, you can configure all the basic settings for the form such as Lock Content, Content Lock mode, etc.

General Settings Subscribe to unlock lite

Here are the descriptions of individual options available in the general settings.

  1. Lock Content – In this field, you can enter the content that you want to display after the successful user subscription. The lock content is optional and the content can be locked directly in your page or post editor through our inbuilt lock button inside the WYSWYG Editor.
  2. Lock Modes – There are currently two lock modes available. One is hard lock and one is soft lock. Hard lock will completely hide the content whereas soft lock will just blur the content.
  3. Verification  – By enabling the verification, the content will only be unlocked if subscribers verify their email addresses. There are two methods of verification available. One is verification through a link and verification through a code. When verification through the link is chosen, the subscriber needs to verify by clicking the verification link, which will be received as soon as they subscribe. When verification through code is chosen, the subscribers will receive a code to unlock the content which they need to enter in the verification code box.
    After enabling this option, the confirmation link will be sent to the subscribers as soon as they subscribe to the site.
  4. Unlock Link Message – Enter the message to display when the unlock link is clicked.
  5. Unlock Error Message – Enter the error message to be shown when the unlock code is invalid or expired.
  6. Form Success Message – This is the message shown to the users when the subscription is successful.
  7. Form Required Error Message – This is the message shown to the users if users don’t fill all the necessary required fields.
  8. Form Error Message – This is the message shown to the users if the email couldn’t be sent to users due to invalid email or any other server related reason.
  9. Test Mode –  Check this option to enable test mode, allowing the administrator to see the unlock form regardless of whether it has already been unlocked.
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General Settings

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