Custom Field Settings

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If the pre-available fields are not sufficient then you can add custom fields which have various field types. The available field types are:

  • Textfield
  • Textarea
  • Radio Button
  • Checkbox
  • Select Dropdown
  • Number
  • Email
  • Datepicker
  • File uploader
  • URL
  • Telephone
  • Youtube Embed
  • Hidden
  • WYSIWYG Editor
Custom Field Settings WPSF Pro

While adding a custom field, you will need to enter the Label and Meta key. The label is for displaying the label in the form and the meta key is for storing the custom field. While entering the meta key, you shouldn’t use any special characters or symbols except underscore(_). If you want to add a custom field for receiving Street Address then the meta key shall be street_address

Here are the options available for Textfield:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label that will actually be shown in the form when used in the front end.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Character Limit – You can set the character limit for the post title if required.
  • Character Limit Error Message – You can set the message to be displayed when a character limit error occurs.
  • Post Detail Display – By enabling this option, you can display the received custom field values in the post detail page in the front end.
  • Display Position – You can either choose to display the received custom field value before the content or after the content
  • Display Label – This is the label that will be shown on the post detail page while displaying the received custom field value

All of the settings are the same as Textfield

Major options are the same as Textfield. Only dropdown option configurations are extra in these field types. The dropdown option has an option and value field. The option field will show as the label of the dropdown option and the value field will actually be stored when that specific dropdown is selected. So both options and values shall be filled.

All the field options are the same as Textfield. Other extra options are min value and max value which can be validated before form submission.

All the fields are the same as Textfield

All the field options are the same as Textfield. One of the extra options available is date formats. You can choose from available date formats.

Another option available is to Save it as a string. By enabling the “Save as String” option, the chosen date will be stored in the string format which can be used by other plugins. If you don’t have use of the received values for any other plugins then please don’t check this option.

Besides common settings, there are file uploader settings available for this field. Here are the fileuploader-specific settings:

  • Upload Button Label – This is for displaying the label of the upload button.
  • File Extension – This is the list of the extensions supported by your WordPress. You can choose your desired extension which will be validated when upload is started in the frontend.
  • Upload File Size Limit – This field is for setting the size limit for the file being uploaded. You can enter the size in MB.
  • Upload File Size Error Message – This field is for setting the error message to be displayed when the upload file size limit has occurred.
  • Multiple Upload – You can enable this option to allow users to upload multiple files
  • Allowed Number of Files – You can set how many files you are allowing users to upload.
  • Upload Limit Error Message – This field is for setting the error message when users try to upload more than the allowed number of files.
  • Post Detail Display – You can enable this option if you want to display the received files on the post detail page.
  • Display Position – You can choose either to display below or after the post content.
  • Open in a new tab – Received files will be displayed as a link in the frontend post detail page. You can enable this option if you want to display the received files in a new tab when clicked.
  • Image Size – If you are receiving the images from the configured file uploader then you can choose the image size to display from the registered image sizes.
  • Show on Form – Check this option to show the field on the form.
  • Required – Check this option to make the field mandatory.
  • Field Label – Enter “URL” or any other desired label for the field.
  • Field Note – Enter the note text. Leave blank if no note is needed.
  • Post Detail Display – Check this option to show the field value on the post detail page.
  • Display Position – Select “After Content” to display the field value after the post content.
  • Display Label – Enter the label text for the display of the field value.
  • Open in New Tab – Check this option to make the link open in a new tab.

All the field options are same as of Textfield. Other extra options are min valuemax value, and pattern which can be validated before form submission.

Telephone Field
Youtube Embed

1. Show on Form: Check this option to show the WYSIWYG Editor on the form.

2. Required: Check this option to make the WYSIWYG Editor field mandatory.

3. Field Label: Enter “WYSIWYG Editor” or any other desired label for the field.

4. Field Note: Enter the note text. Leave blank if no note is needed.

5. Editor Type – Here are currently 4 editor types.

  • Simple Textarea – This editor is a simple textarea which doesn’t have any editing tools
  • Rich Text Editor – This editor is the WYSIWYG editor which has both HTML and visual versions which consists of text editing tools such as bold, italics
  • Visual Text Editor – This editor is the WYSIWYG editor which has only a visual version without an HTML version
  • HTML Text Editor – This editor is the WYSIWYG editor which has only an HTML version without a visual version

6. Editor Height: Enter the height in pixels (px) if you want to increase or decrease the default height.

7. Min Character Limit: Enter the minimum number of characters required.

8. Max Character Limit: Enter the maximum number of characters allowed.

9. Character Limit Error Message: Enter the error message text for character limit violations.

10. Post Detail Display: Check this option to show the field value on the post detail page.

11. Display Position: Select “After Content” to display the field value after the post content.

12. Display Label: Enter the label text for the display of the field value.

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Custom Field Settings

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