Frontend Post Submission Manager

Version 1.4.2

1st June, 2024

  • Added user role specific post submit buttons display
  • Added fpsm_edit_flag filter
  • Added fpsm_delete_flag filter

Version 1.4.1

16th Feb, 2024

  • Fixed post edit form bug
  • Added fpsm_pagination_args filter
  • Fixed Tel Field Post Detail Display Bug
  • Radio Button Checked issue fixed
  • WP Editor Field Added
  • Added File Uploader for Backend Post Edit
  • Displayed filename with fullextension for the post detail fileuploader display
  • Fixed issue in fileuploader class

Version 1.4.0

29th March, 2023

  • Added fpsm_post_statuses filter for post status
  • Added post edit redirection type option
  • Added [author_email] support for From Email in Admin Notification

Version 1.3.9

8th March, 2023

  • Added a filter for post type list
  • Added a filter for post content field default text
  • Fixed file uploader library issue * Filename display with extension in the post detail display

Version 1.3.8

31st August, 2022

  • Fixed submission limit issue

Version 1.3.7

23rd August, 2022

  • Added – support while adding custom fields

Version 1.3.6

12th June, 2022

  • Fixed form submission issue on file upload progress

Version 1.3.5

25th May, 2022

  • Fixed post format bug in the backend

Version 1.3.4

16th Feb, 2022

  • Minimum words check for Post Content
  • Hide Taxonomy Frontend Display when empty
  • Featured image with WP Media Uploader
  • Author Details Frontend Display
  • Fix “Recently Published” issue on “Recently Updated”
  • HTML support in post label
  • Separate CSS class for frontend display fields

Version 1.3.3

26th September, 2021

  • Fixed anchor link issue for File Uploader frontend display

Version 1.3.2

22nd August, 2021

  • Added Update label for Submit Buttons
  •  Added Terms/Categories/Tags to display as link in the post detail page
  •  Fixed author_name variable replace in post submit notification
  •  Fixed post_link html anchor link issue
  •  Added nl2br function for textarea received content displayed in post detail page
  •  Added action hook just after each form field display
  •  Added filter hook for sanitize rule before processing the form submitted data
  •  Fixed form reset after submit issue

Version 1.3.1

10th August, 2021

  • Fixed notification message filter post id issue

Version 1.3.0

9th August, 2021

  • Added Meta Key display field for Custom field in the backend form fields listing
  • Fixed post edit link issue for Admin Notification

Version 1.2.9

19th July, 2021

  • Fixed few layout issues in backend
  • Fixed few layout issues in frontend
  • Added notification message filter hook



Version 1.2.8

28th June, 2021

  • Fixed telephone field pattern bug
  • Added filter hook for wp_editor arguments
  • Added filter hook for last modified date in Dashboard
  • Added feature to include the author posts bypassing the form alias
  • Added feature to fire save_post hook on successful post submit
  • Added feature to increase post content editor height

Version 1.2.7

22nd Feb, 2021

  • Fixed post submission limit issue

Version 1.2.6

17th Feb, 2021

  • Added post submission limit feature
  • Added media attach to the post feature
  • Fixed featured image attach to the post issue

Version 1.2.5

18th Jan, 2021

  • Fixed author select for guest form in the basic settings

Version 1.2.4

14th December, 2020

  • Added Search Functionality in Frontend Dashboard
  • Added Post Status Filter in Frontend Dashboard
  • Decreased SN and Action column width
  • Added option to enable and disable SN and Latest Modified Date in frontend Dashboard
  • Added media sorting functionality on frontend form

Version 1.2.3

4th December, 2020

  • Fixed custom field type select for Safari Browser

Version 1.2.2

20th November, 2020

  • Scheduled date printed on dashboard
  • Added option to disable post views
  • Added admin link in the post title when “List all posts for Administrator” option is enabled
  • Fixed width for the post title and post views column in frontend dashboard

Version 1.2.1

9th November, 2020

  • Added Background Color Options for Submit Buttons
  • Added [from_name] parameter in From Name field for Admin Notification
  • Added Post View Count Display integrated with Post View Counter Plugin
  • Fixed upload file name issue for Arabic Language
  • Fixed admin notification issue
  • Admin Override with Post Edit and Delete Disable on List all Post for Administrator Option Enabled
  • Future Post Status also listed in Dashboard

Version 1.2.0

6th October, 2020

  • Added Post Status Specific Submit Buttons
  • Added Save as Draft and Auto Draft Save Options
  • Added Post Submit Notification Options
  • Added Post Status Specific Post Edit Disable Feature
  • Added Post Status Specific Post Delete Disable Feature
  • Added Download button for Media Files uploaded from the form in the backend
  • Added All Posts Listing feature for administrator
  • Added No Posts Found Message Field for Frontend Dashboard
  • Fixed custom post types listing in the frontend dashboard issue
  • Fixed post content blank for post edit when post content field is not available in the form

Version 1.0.9

4th August

  • Fixed multiple taxonomy select
  • Fixed dropdown for non hierarchical taxonomy

Version 1.0.8

4th June

  • Added Youtube Embed Field

Version 1.0.7

2nd June 2020

  • Fixed slash adding issue on form save
  • Added html support for field note
  • Added post edit redirection
  • Post title and Post author support for Subject in notification emails

Version 1.0.6

21st May, 2020

  • Fixed few translation issues
  • Fixed gallery delete issue

Version 1.0.5

20th May, 2020

  • Fixed few translations issues
  • Hidden the label when custom field value is empty
  • Added Telephone Field
  • Fixed post reject notification email sent from frontend issue

Version 1.0.4

15th May, 2020

  • Fixed backend dropdown selected issues
  • Fixed child category selection issue
  • Fixed translation issues
  • Fixed featured image delete on edit issue
  • Fixed form success and validation error message issue

Version 1.0.3

13th May, 2020

  • Added URL field in the custom field type
  • Added few hooks
  • Fixed post publish notification
  • Fixed Author name and author URL backend save issue
  • Fixed admin notification undefined variable issue
  • Fixed backend styling issues

Version 1.0.2

8th May, 2020

  • Fixed custom post type assignment issue

Version 1.0.1

5th May, 2020

  • Fixed activation issue

Version 1.0.0

4th May, 2020

  • Plugin Initial Release

WP Subscription Forms PRO

Version 2.0.4

19th August, 2024

  • Fixed confirmation email subject bug
  • Fixed custom fields not being saved on double opt-in
  • Added Convertkit Integration
  • Added subscribers pagination in the backend
  • Added header and footer in confirmation message template
  • Added confirmation redirect URL option
  • Added GDPR Agreement Checkbox
  • Added template tutorial image in backend form settings

Version 2.0.3

18th February, 2024

  • Added Don’t remember email option to insert subscriber without checking if already available in the DB
  • Checked Subscriber email address for specific form only if already available or not

Version 2.0.2

14 November, 2023

  • Google reCaptcha added

Version 2.0.1

July 25, 2022

  • Fixed third party subscription issue

Version 2.0.0

15th July

  • Added Custom Fields Support
  • Added mailerlite integration
  • Added sendinblue integration
  • Added admin notification integration
  • Added subscription date store

Version 1.0.5

1st July, 2020

  • Fixed email verification issue

Version 1.0.4

18th June, 2020

  • Fixed mailchimp list issue

Version 1.0.3

29th April, 2020

  • Fixed hide on mobile feature
  • Redirection for double option added
  • Added except home page enable
  • Fixed metabox settings override for global settings

Version 1.0.2

28th April, 2020

  • Added URL redirection after successful subscription
  • Added Hide on Mobile Feature
  • Added global enable option for floating and popup forms

Version 1.0.1

12th February, 2020

  • Fixed subscribers csv download issue for some php versions

Version 1.0.0

17th September, 2019

  • Initial Release

WP Subscription Forms


Date: 1st November, 2019

  • Updated upgrade banner

Version 1.0.1

18th October, 2019

  • Added upgrade section
  • Removed unused files

Version 1.0.0

27th September, 2019

  • Initial Release

Subscribe to Unlock Lite


  • Added anchor link for verification link
  • Fixed CSV export issue


  • Fixed issue for content unlock for disabled verification


  • Fixed small css issue in backend


  • Checked is_admin for activation class loading


  • Fixed subscriber delete bug


  • Fixed activation bug


Date: 21st November, 2019

  • Updated upgrade banner


Date: 7 November, 2019

  • Added is_admin check for admin related classes


Date: 1st November, 2019

  • Updated upgrade banner


Date: 24th October, 2019

  • Added 3 new templates


Date: 7 October, 2019

  • Updated upgarde link


Date: 25 September, 2019

  • Added documentation link in help section
  • Removed unwanted files


Date: 11 August, 2019

  • Initial Release

Subscribe to Download Lite


Date: 21st November, 2019

  • Updated upgrade banner


Date: 7 November, 2019

  • Added is_admin check for admin related classes


Date: 1st November, 2019

  • Updated upgrade banner


Date: 7th October, 2019

  • Updated upgrade link


Date: 29th September, 2019

  • Fixed bug for subscriber not being stored when name field was disabled
  • Fixed subscriber delete bug
  • Fixed a typo in the backend subscribers listing


Date: September 25th, 2019

  • Added documentation link
  • Removed unwanted files


Date: September 18th, 2019

  • Updated about section


Date: 3 July, 2019

  • Initial Release


Date: September 25th, 2019

  • Added documentation link
  • Removed unwanted files


Date: September 18th, 2019

  • Updated about section


Date: 3 July, 2019

  • Initial Release

Subscribe to Unlock


Date: July 5, 2024

  • Added form components tutorial image in form settings
  • Added Convertkit integration
  • Added GDPR Checkbox
  • Added header and footer to the preview template
  • Added header and footer to the Link verification message and Double Optin verification message template


Date: February 25, 2024

  • Sent form alias tag while subscribing in Mailchimp
  • Added option to change the subscription status sent to Mailchimp


Date: February 23, 2024

  • Added google reCaptcha
  •  Added option to modify the blur level
  •  Added option to modify the length of the unlock code sent in email
  •  Added option to modify the verification link expiration duration
  •  Added option to delete all the subscribers at once


Date: December 20, 2022

  • Fixed settings section display issue


Date: July 15, 2022

  • Fixed html email message issue
  • Added #custom_fields to include custom fields in the admin notification email


Date: 1st July, 2022

  • Fixed hidden field missing in csv export issue


Date: 24th June, 2022

  • Fixed hidden field display issue in backend subscriber detail view


Date: 14th June, 2022

  • Added Custom fields support
  • Added Mailerlite and Sendinblue Support
  • Added admin notification option
  • Added subscription date store feature


Date: 16th May, 2022

  • Fixed mailchimp list fetch issue


Date: 1st June, 2021

  • Fixed activation issue


Date: 30th July, 2021

  • Individual locker lock unlock functionality added
  • Pagination and search added in backend subscribers list
  • Fixed locker overlay layout issue
  • Added filter hook for unlock code
  • Display Type option added for index page locker


Date: 16th Feb, 2021

  • Fixed popup unlock issue for direct load popup


Date: 3rd Jan, 2021

  • Fixed popup unlock issue for delay popup


Date: 27th Nov, 2020

  • Added Popup with Delay functionality


Date: June 29, 2020

  • Fixed subscriber export issue


Date: May 9, 2020

  • Added Don’t remember email feature


Date: 10th April, 2020

  • Loaded google fonts locally
  • Added js check of unlock for cache bypass
  • Fixed slash add issue in settings store


Date: 19th March, 2020

  • Updated menu slug for add subscription form in admin
  • Fixed hard lock and soft lock select in backend


Date: 1st March, 2020

  • Fixed confirmation subject issue
  • Fixed few translation text domain issues
  • Added anchor links for all the links sent in email


Date: 2nd December, 2019

  • Added index page popup locking options in extra settings
  • Relaced global $post with global $wp_query in page and post popup locker options fetch


Date: 14th November, 2019

  • Fixed tinymce issue for WordPress 5.3


Date: 7th November, 2019

  • Fixed tinymce frontend loading issue


Date: 23rd October, 2019

  • Added 10 New Templates
  • Added email blacklist option


Date: 29th September, 2019

  • Added redirection option to redirect subscribe to page from which the form has been submitted
  • Added unsubscribe link generation option in the backend subscribers list section
  • Added instant unlocking functionality for already subscribed users when visited through different browsers or computers


Date: 10 September, 2019

  • Double Opt-In Feature Added
  • Unallowed Domains Add Feature Added


Date: 26 July, 2019

  • Fixed header already sent error
  • Fixed RTL Issues


Date: 24 July, 2019

  • Initial Release

Subscribe to Download


9th April 2024

  • Added Convertkit subscription service
  • Replaced normal textarea with wp_editor for double opt in confirmation message
  • Added header and footer while displaying double opt in confirmation message


11th December 2023

  • Fixed download button link on encrypt download link disable
  • Added required option for GDPR Agreement Checkbox
  • Added note in subscribers export


13th January, 2023

  • Fixed custom fields not saving issue for double opt-in
  • Added popup hide option after closed once


15th July, 2022

  • Added #custom_fields in admin notification to receive custom fields in the admin notification email message


1st June, 2022

  • Added custom fields support
  • Added admin notification support
  • Added mailerlite support
  • Added sendinblue support


5th July, 2021

  • Added GDPR agreement store in database and displayed in subscribers list table and also included in CSV export file


1st April, 2021

  • Fixed custom style br tag issue
  • Fixed email issue for double opt-in


Date: 22nd Jan 2021

  • Fixed third party subscription issue for double opt-in enabled
  • Fixed first name and last name parameter replace in download email when double opt-in enabled


Date: 18th Jan 2021

  • Added #first_name & #last_name parameter support in confirmation email message


Date: November 30, 2020

  • Added popup trigger with image option


Date: November 11, 2020

  • Added #name parameter for download notification email message


Date: November 10, 2020

  • Fixed download file name missing in download notification email


Date: 19th October, 2020

  • Added browser download option
  • Added #first_name and #last_name to replace First name and last name in download message
  • Fixed third party subscription issue due to GDPR checkbox


Date: 14th September, 2020

  • Fixed GDPR text issue


Date: 14th September, 2020

  • Download Notification Email feature added
  • IP verification for Encrypted Link
  • Subscription Date and IP store on Subscription
  • GDPR Agreement Checkbox added
  • Download Link Expire feature added
  • Backend subscriber pagination added
  • Backend subscriber search option added
  • Fixed mailchimp list fetch issue
  • Fixed agreement checkbox text layout issue


Date: 8th August, 2020

  • Fixed subscriber entry on download file empty issue


Date: 23rd July, 2020

  • Added URL redirection feature after subscription


Date: 16th July, 2020

  • Added anchor link for download URL


Date: 8th May, 2020

  • Fixed header already sent error for subscribers export


Date: 21st April, 2020

  • Fixed confirmation subject issue


Date: 10th April, 2020

  • Fixed mailchimp connection issue due to slash
  • Fixed slash addition in form save
  • Fixed slash addition in settings save
  • Fixed button layout issue in iOS devices in safari


Date: 9th Feb, 2020

  • Added Disable popup for already subscribed users option
  • Added anchor link for download link


Date: 2nd December, 2019

  • 2 new templates added
  • Instant download option added
  • Replaced global $post with global $wp_query for popup subscription form
  • Added popup form option for latest post index page


Date: 29th September, 2019

  • Added unsubscribe link generating option in backend subscribers list section
  • Added documentation link in the help section
  • Fixed small typo in the subscriber list section


Date: 18th September, 2019

  • Fixed popup width issue when shortcode kept in small container
  • Fixed few layout issues in both frontend and backend


Date: 9th September, 2019

  • Fixed download link display for unverified subscribers


Date: 30 August, 2019

  • Double Opt-In Feature Added
  • Unallowed Domains Add Feature Added


Date: 7 Aug, 2019

  • Added Form parameter in download URL
  • Changed language folder path
  • Fixed CSS issues


Date: 26 July, 2019

  • Fixed few RTL issues


Date: 16 July, 2019

  • Fixed bug for subscribers insertion
  • Fixed bug regarding CSV export


Date: 2nd July, 2019

  • RTL Compatibility Added


Date: 24 June, 2019

  • Initial Release