WP Subscription Forms PRO - Change Log

Version 2.0.3

18th February, 2024

  • Added Don’t remember email option to insert subscriber without checking if already available in the DB
  • Checked Subscriber email address for specific form only if already available or not

Version 2.0.2

14 November, 2023

  • Google reCaptcha added

Version 2.0.1

July 25, 2022

  • Fixed third party subscription issue

Version 2.0.0

15th July

  • Added Custom Fields Support
  • Added mailerlite integration
  • Added sendinblue integration
  • Added admin notification integration
  • Added subscription date store

Version 1.0.5

1st July, 2020

  • Fixed email verification issue

Version 1.0.4

18th June, 2020

  • Fixed mailchimp list issue

Version 1.0.3

29th April, 2020

  • Fixed hide on mobile feature
  • Redirection for double option added
  • Added except home page enable
  • Fixed metabox settings override for global settings

Version 1.0.2

28th April, 2020

  • Added URL redirection after successful subscription
  • Added Hide on Mobile Feature
  • Added global enable option for floating and popup forms

Version 1.0.1

12th February, 2020

  • Fixed subscribers csv download issue for some php versions

Version 1.0.0

17th September, 2019

  • Initial Release