13 Best Google Chrome Extensions For SEO

Looking to take your SEO game to the next level without spending a penny?

Look no further than Google Chrome’s awesome collection of free extensions tailored specifically for SEO.

These extensions are like magic tools that can optimize your website’s visibility and performance, helping you climb up those search engine rankings.

From keyword research to competitor analysis and on-page optimization, these 13 Best Free Google Chrome extensions for SEO are absolute game-changers.

So, let’s dive in and give your SEO efforts a powerful boost with these amazing free tools!

Why Are Chrome Extensions Great for SEO?

SEO extensions for Chrome enable SEO professionals and website owners to enhance their daily workflows by introducing efficiency and clarity. These extensions consolidate essential SEO data and tools within the browser, streamlining processes and facilitating informed decision-making.

  • Efficiency: Chrome extensions streamline SEO tasks by providing quick access to essential data and tools directly in the browser, saving time and effort.
  • Data Integration: Extensions aggregate various SEO metrics and data points into a unified interface, simplifying the analysis of keywords, on-page elements, and backlinks.
  • Real-Time Analysis: SEO extensions offer immediate insights into web pages, enabling instant evaluation of SEO health and identification of optimization opportunities.
  • Customization: Users can tailor their SEO toolkit by selecting extensions that best fit their specific needs and workflow, enhancing productivity.
  • Competitive Edge: Extensions can provide competitive intelligence by analyzing competitors’ SEO strategies, helping you to adjust and improve your tactics.

In essence, Chrome extensions are a boon for SEO as they offer a convenient, efficient, and customizable way to manage and execute SEO tasks within the browser.

13 Best Google Chrome Extensions For SEO

If you’re reading this blog, get ready for something amazing. I’ve got the 13 best Google Chrome extensions for SEO. They’ll optimize your website’s visibility and performance without breaking the bank. From keyword research to competitor analysis and on-page optimization, these tools have got you covered. Let’s supercharge your SEO efforts together!

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere remains a cornerstone for accessing keyword data, search volume, and CPC information directly in your browser. With expanded keyword databases and seamless integration with other SEO tools, it’s a go-to choice for any SEO enthusiast.

Keyword Evereywhere


Offering a versatile suite of features for competitive analysis and keyword research, MozBar is indispensable for uncovering valuable insights to inform your SEO strategy.

Mozbar extension

Whether you’re analyzing domain authority or hunting for keyword opportunities, MozBar has you covered.


When it comes to comprehensive SEO analysis, SEOquake stands tall. With its robust suite of features, including backlink data and on-page SEO factors, it’s a powerhouse for data accuracy and visualization, keeping you ahead of the curve.

SeoQuack Extension

Meta SEO Inspector

Meta SEO Inspector is a browser extension designed to inspect and analyze the meta tags and other important SEO elements of webpages.

Meta SEO Inspector

It allows users to view meta titles, meta descriptions, meta keywords, canonical tags, Open Graph tags, and other relevant SEO information directly within their browser.

SEO Minion

Optimize your on-page SEO effortlessly with SEO Minion. From meta tags to headers and image alt text, this extension identifies areas for enhancement, helping you boost the visibility and relevance of your web pages in search results.


Page Analytics by Google

Page Analytics by Google is indeed a fantastic Google Chrome extension that offers valuable insights into user interaction with websites.

Page Analytics By Google

It provides metrics such as page views, bounce rate, average time on page, and more, directly within the browser. This tool is incredibly useful for understanding user behavior and making data-driven decisions to enhance website performance.

Redirect Path

The Redirect Path Chrome extension proves indispensable for SEO specialists and web developers alike. It presents a convenient dropdown menu showcasing server response codes alongside corresponding URLs, facilitating easy copying.

Ridrect Path

This feature enables users to promptly identify redirects and 404 errors without the need for exhaustive site crawls. Particularly beneficial for detecting and rectifying issues like redirect chains or excessively long redirects, this tool provides essential insights for Technical SEO assessments.

Check My Links

Streamline your optimization process with Check My Links, an extension that quickly identifies valid links, redirects, and invalid links within individual pages.

Check Your Link

When used alongside the Meta SEO Inspector, which provides anchor text for each link, these tools complement each other seamlessly, enhancing your website analysis and optimization efforts.


SEO Meta in 1 Click lives up to its name, providing quick insight into a page’s metadata and essential SEO metrics, including links, images with alt text and titles, and meta robot directives.

It’s an invaluable tool for optimizing your pages, especially if you tend to overlook crucial SEO elements.

Additionally, the extension offers an overview of the content’s heading structure and main keywords, although detailed keyword data isn’t provided.

SEO Meta in 1 Click

Beyond its core features, SEO Meta in 1 Click includes extra tools for analyzing overall performance, keyword density, and other SEO aspects. These tools are conveniently accessible in a separate tab for easy access to all your SEO insights.

While it may not boast extravagant features, this plugin proves handy for crafting effective meta descriptions and titles, assessing content structure, and gaining standard SEO insights.


SimilarWeb is a powerful platform offering comprehensive insights into website traffic and engagement metrics. It provides detailed analytics and competitive intelligence for any website, helping businesses and marketers make informed decisions to improve their online presence and outperform competitors.

Similar Web

With SimilarWeb, users can access information on traffic volume, traffic sources, audience demographics, engagement metrics, keyword analysis, industry benchmarks, and much more. It’s an indispensable tool for understanding market dynamics, identifying growth opportunities, and optimizing digital marketing strategies.

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a must-have Chrome extension for streamlined keyword research and SEO insights. It seamlessly integrates into your Google search results, providing global and regional search volume data, along with a sidebar showcasing keyword suggestions and their search volumes.

Keyword Surfer - Best Google Chrome Extensions For SEO

In addition to keyword insights, Keyword Surfer offers a range of valuable features, including CPC data, visibility metrics, and on-page data for top-ranking pages. Users can generate keyword ideas, explore related terms, and create keyword collections for easy reference.

With Keyword Surfer, you can access essential SEO data without leaving your browser, making it a convenient and efficient tool for optimizing your content and driving organic traffic.

Ahrefs SEO Toolbar

The Ahrefs SEO Toolbar is your go-to companion for instant SEO insights on Google search results and web pages you browse. With a seamless integration, it offers invaluable features to enhance your SEO efforts.

Track Google SERP rankings effortlessly and customize the country for SERP results, ensuring relevance to your target audience.

In the free version, benefit from an array of tools including on-page SEO analysis, a redirect path tracker with detailed HTTP header information, and a comprehensive report on outgoing links, with the ability to highlight and identify broken links.

Additionally, on the right side of your screen, the toolbar presents a list of related keywords in SERPs, offering further insights into search trends and user intent.

However, unlike the Surfer Keyword extension, Ahrefs doesn’t provide details like keyword search volume and keyword difficulty, limiting its utility for in-depth keyword research.


For marketers running multi-channel content campaigns, the BuzzSumo Chrome extension is a game-changer. It seamlessly integrates content analysis with social media tracking, optimizing content performance across platforms.

Enriching SERPs with engagement metrics, it offers insights into total engagements on major search engines and social platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and more.

BuzzSumo - Best Google Chrome Extensions For SEO

Additionally, the extension provides valuable data on a blog post’s backlinks and evergreen score, gauging growth in backlinks and engagements over time.

Directly analyzing social profiles within the platform, users can access metrics like likes, shares, total/average engagement, and trend graphs, aiding in audience understanding and campaign refinement.

While requiring a BuzzSumo account, which can be pricey, the 30-day free trial allows users to test the extension’s value firsthand, making it a worthwhile investment for content-driven marketing strategies.


What are Google Chrome extensions for SEO?

Google Chrome extensions for SEO are tools designed to enhance search engine optimization efforts directly within the Chrome browser. These extensions offer various features such as keyword research, on-page optimization analysis, competitive analysis, and performance tracking.

Are these Chrome extensions free to use?

Yes, all the Chrome extensions mentioned in this list are free to use. However, some may offer premium features or upgrades for a fee.

Do I need all these extensions, or can I choose just a few?

It depends on your specific needs and goals. While having multiple extensions can provide a more comprehensive SEO toolkit, you may find that you only need a few key extensions to achieve your objectives.


In conclusion, using the 13 best free Google Chrome extensions for SEO in 2024 can be a total game-changer for your website. These extensions will help you optimize your website’s visibility and performance without breaking the bank. From streamlining keyword research to analyzing competitor strategies and enhancing on-page optimization, these tools have got you covered. So, go ahead and give them a try to supercharge your SEO efforts and climb those search engine rankings.

How To Improve Accessibility On Your WordPress Site

Are you interested in improving the accessibility of your WordPress site?

Accessibility goes beyond catering to individuals with disabilities; it’s about fostering inclusivity online, ensuring everyone can engage with your content effortlessly.

Whether you run a blog, or business, or develop websites, prioritizing accessibility is crucial for reaching a wider audience and delivering an exceptional user experience.

In this article, we’ll delve into effective techniques and resources to improve accessibility on your WordPress site, making it more inviting and user-friendly for all visitors.

Understanding Accessibility

Accessibility ensures everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, can easily access and use your website or application. It’s like designing a building with ramps and elevators so that everyone can enter and move around comfortably. When we talk about web accessibility, we mean things like making text readable for screen readers, using colors and contrasts that are easy to see, and providing alternatives for content like images and videos for those who can’t see them. Essentially, it’s about creating a digital space that’s inclusive and welcoming to everyone.

Why Accessibility Matters for Your WordPress Site

Accessibility matters for WordPress sites for several reasons:

  1. Improved User Experience: Accessibility features often benefit all users, not just those with disabilities. For example, providing alternative text for images not only helps visually impaired users understand the content but also improves SEO and assists users on slow internet connections or with images disabled. Similarly, clear navigation and descriptive links benefit users with cognitive disabilities as well as those using screen readers or navigating via a keyboard.
  2. Expanded Audience Reach: By making your WordPress site accessible, you’re opening it up to a broader audience. This includes people with disabilities who may otherwise be excluded, as well as older individuals who may experience age-related impairments. Additionally, accessible websites are often more usable for users in diverse environments, such as on mobile devices or in noisy surroundings.
  3. SEO Benefits: Many accessibility practices align with good SEO practices. For example, providing descriptive alt text for images not only helps users with screen readers but also helps search engines understand the content of your images, potentially improving your site’s ranking in search results.

How To Improve Accessibility On Your WordPress Site

Now, let’s explore actionable strategies to improve accessibility on your WordPress site:

Choose an Accessible WordPress Theme

Begin by selecting a WordPress theme that prioritizes accessibility. Look for themes that adhere to web accessibility standards (WCAG) and offer options for customizing colors, fonts, and layouts to ensure compatibility with various user needs.

Enhancing the accessibility of your WordPress website can be easily achieved by installing an accessibility plugin such as the Accessibility app.

When considering a theme, opt for one that prioritizes accessibility, ensuring all users can easily navigate your website. Look for themes that have been reviewed and approved by the Theme Review Team, guaranteeing they meet basic accessibility requirements.

clicking on feature to select accessibility ready theme

“Within the Features section, you’ll find the “Accessibility Ready” option.”

Although accessibility-ready WordPress themes provide a solid foundation, they may not fully comply with level AA standards of the WCAG. While these themes offer a positive step toward creating a more accessible web, additional work may be required to ensure full compliance.”

Optimize Images with Alt Text

To Improve Accessibility On Your WordPress Site, you need to optimize images with ALT text. Include descriptive alt text for images to provide context and information to users who cannot see them. Alt text should be concise, and descriptive, and convey the purpose of the image.

Implementing Alt Text in WordPress:

  • Adding Alt Text During Image Upload: When uploading images to your WordPress site, you’ll encounter an option to add alt text. Use this opportunity to provide a descriptive and relevant alt text for each image. WordPress also allows you to edit alt text for previously uploaded images in the media library.
  • Utilizing Image Editing Tools: If you’re editing images within WordPress or using external image editing software, ensure that you include alt text as part of your image optimization process. This ensures consistency and accessibility across all images on your site.
  • Using Plugins: Consider using WordPress plugins that automate alt text generation or provide additional features for optimizing images for accessibility. These plugins can streamline the alt text optimization process and ensure compliance with accessibility standards.
  • Regular Audits and Updates: Periodically review your website’s images and alt text to ensure they remain accurate and relevant. As your content evolves, update alt text as needed to reflect any changes in image context or content.
optimizing image with alternative text

WordPress allows you to add alt text when uploading or editing images.

Implement Semantic HTML

Use proper heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to organize your content hierarchically. This helps screen readers and users with cognitive disabilities understand the structure of your content.

implementing semantic HTML

Use headings to organize your websites. This helps users find their way around and understand how your site is structured. Be consistent with headings across all pages for better accessibility. For example, if you use a main heading <h1> on one page, do the same on others.

Color Contrast

Ensuring adequate color contrast between text and background colors is essential for enhancing readability, especially for users with low vision or color blindness. Tools like WebAIM’s Color Contrast Checker are invaluable resources for evaluating color combinations against WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards.

The WebAIM Contrast Checker is a user-friendly, free online tool specifically crafted to assess color contrast ratios. By inputting the foreground (text) and background colors, the tool generates a contrast ratio and indicates whether the combination meets WCAG requirements.

By incorporating this tool into your web design process, you can ensure that your WordPress website’s color scheme maintains sufficient contrast, thus improving readability and accessibility for all users. Prioritizing accessibility in your WordPress design not only enhances user experience but also aligns with inclusive design principles, fostering a more welcoming online environment.”

Here’s how you can use it to assess and adjust color combinations on your WordPress site:

  • Selecting Text and Background Colors: Choose the text and background colors you intend to use on your website. These may include colors for headings, body text, buttons, and other interface elements.
  • Input Color Values: Enter the hexadecimal (hex) color codes or use the color picker tool provided by the Contrast Checker to specify the text and background colors accurately.
  • View Contrast Ratio: Once you’ve inputted the color values, the Contrast Checker will display the contrast ratio between the text and background colors. WCAG specifies different contrast ratio requirements depending on the level of conformance (AA or AAA) and text size (normal or large).
  • Adjust Color Combinations: If the contrast ratio falls below the recommended threshold, you’ll need to adjust the colors to achieve sufficient contrast. This may involve selecting darker or lighter shades, altering the hue, or using alternative color combinations.
  • Verify Accessibility Compliance: After making adjustments, reevaluate the contrast ratio using the Contrast Checker to ensure compliance with WCAG guidelines. Aim to achieve the specified contrast ratios for both normal and large text, as well as for text that appears on interactive elements such as buttons or links.

Ensure that the color contrast ratio meets at least 4.5:1 for small text or 3:1 for large text, regardless of whether the text is part of an image. Large text is defined as 18pt (24 CSS pixels) or 14pt bold (19 CSS pixels) according to the requirements. Note that elements with a 1:1 ratio are considered “incomplete” and will need manual review.

Create Descriptive Links

Creating descriptive links involves using anchors (<a>) elements with meaningful text that indicates the destination or purpose of the link. Descriptive links enhance accessibility and user experience by providing context and clarity to users, especially those relying on screen readers.

Here’s how you can create descriptive links on your WordPress site:

Use Clear and Concise Text:

  • Write link text that accurately describes the content or action it leads to. Avoid vague or generic phrases like “click here” or “read more.”
  • For example, instead of:
    html <a href="https://example.com">Click here</a>
    html <a href="https://example.com">Visit our homepage</a>

Include Keywords

  • Incorporate relevant keywords into your link text to provide additional context and improve SEO.
  • However, ensure that the keywords naturally fit within the context of the link and do not disrupt the flow of the content.
  • For example:
    html <a href="https://example.com">Explore our collection of eco-friendly products</a>

Avoid Repetition:

  • If the link text duplicates nearby text, consider rephrasing it to provide unique and informative content.
  • Repetitive link text can be confusing for screen reader users and may not provide clear guidance.
  • For example, instead of:
    <p>Learn more about our <a href="https://example.com">sustainable practices</a> on our website.</p>
    <p>Discover our <a href=”https://example.com”>sustainable practices</a> on our website.</p>

Be Specific:

  • Ensure that the link text accurately reflects the content or action users can expect when they click on it.
  • Provide details or context whenever possible to help users make informed decisions.
  • For example:
    html <a href="https://example.com">Read our latest blog post on climate change initiatives</a>

Keep it Brief

  • While providing descriptive link text is important, avoid making it excessively long or verbose.
  • Aim for brevity while still conveying the necessary information.
  • For example:
    html <a href="https://example.com">Learn about our company's commitment to sustainability</a>

By following these guidelines, you can create descriptive links that enhance accessibility, improve user experience, and provide clear navigation paths for visitors on your WordPress site. Always prioritize clarity and relevance when crafting link text to ensure that users can easily understand and interact with your content.

Prioritizing Keyboard Navigation

Optimizing keyboard navigation is fundamental for improving the accessibility of WordPress websites. Many individuals, particularly those with mobility impairments or limited mouse usage, rely on keyboards to navigate the web. By incorporating keyboard-friendly elements such as easily navigable menus and clickable links accessible via keyboard shortcuts, you empower users of all capabilities to access content independently. This approach not only benefits users with motor limitations but also fosters a more inclusive online environment. Websites that prioritize keyboard navigation align with accessibility guidelines, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for a broader audience. Embrace keyboard navigation to create a more accessible and inclusive WordPress website today!”

ensure the keyboard navigation is enabled

Enable Accessible Forms

Improving accessibility on your WordPress website is crucial for inclusivity. By implementing accessibility standards such as clear labeling of forms, logical tab orders, and concise error messages, you can make your site more navigable for users with disabilities. FormyChat, an intuitive and straightforward form-related plugin, helps streamline the form-filling process and ensures seamless interaction for diverse audiences. With features like autocomplete and robust form validation, FormyChat not only benefits users with disabilities but also enhances usability for all visitors. Make your WordPress site more accessible today with FormyChat!”

Form accessibility to improve accessibility   On Your WordPress


What are some common accessibility issues on WordPress sites?

Common accessibility issues include a lack of descriptive alt text for images, poor color contrast, improper use of heading tags, unclear link text, and inaccessible forms or navigation menus.

Are there plugins available to help improve accessibility on WordPress?

Yes, there are several plugins designed to enhance accessibility on WordPress sites. These plugins can help with tasks such as generating alt text for images, checking color contrast, improving keyboard navigation, and optimizing forms.

What resources are available for learning more about web accessibility?

Many resources are available for learning about web accessibility, including online courses, tutorials, documentation, and community forums. Organizations such as the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and WebAIM provide comprehensive guidelines and resources for improving accessibility.


To improve accessibility on your WordPress site, start by selecting an accessible theme and optimizing images with descriptive alt text. Utilize semantic HTML, ensure sufficient color contrast, and create descriptive links for clarity. Prioritize keyboard navigation and enable accessible forms for a seamless user experience. By embracing these strategies, you foster inclusivity and reach a broader audience while enhancing usability and SEO.

For any additional inquiries or if you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us through Contact Us!

Top Free Tools to Test Your Website Performance

Are you looking to ensure your website runs smoothly and efficiently?

Testing its performance is key!

Luckily, there are plenty of fantastic tools available to help you do just that, and the best part?

They are completely free of charge. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, having access to these top free tools can make all the difference in optimizing your website for peak performance.

Let’s dive in and explore some of the best options out there that can help you fine-tune your website’s speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience.

Why should you utilize website speed testing tools?

You should use website speed testing tools to ensure your site loads quickly and efficiently for a better user experience and improved search engine rankings.

Website speed testing tools are crucial for several reasons:

  • User Experience: Test your website performance to ensure a faster loading time, providing a better user experience. When websites load slowly, users often abandon them, resulting in increased bounce rates and decreased engagement. By using speed testing tools, such as “Check Your Website Speed,” you can identify areas for improvement to enhance the user experience.
  • SEO Optimization: Website speed is a significant factor in search engine ranking algorithms. Search engines like Google prioritize faster-loading websites because they provide a better experience for users. By optimizing your website’s speed using testing tools, you can improve your search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.
  • Conversion Rates: Faster websites typically have higher conversion rates. Studies have shown that even small improvements in page load times can lead to significant increases in conversion rates. Speed testing tools help you identify bottlenecks and optimize your website to maximize conversions.
  • Mobile Performance: With the increasing use of mobile devices for internet browsing, website speed on mobile is more critical than ever. Speed testing tools often include mobile performance metrics, allowing you to optimize your website for mobile users and ensure a smooth experience across all devices.
  • Competitive Analysis: Check your website speed and benchmark its performance against competitors. By comparing load times and performance metrics, you can identify areas where your website lags behind competitors and make improvements to stay competitive.
  • Diagnostic Insights: Speed testing tools provide detailed insights into various aspects of your website’s performance, such as server response times, page size, and resource loading times. These insights help you diagnose specific issues and prioritize optimization efforts effectively.
  • Global Performance: Websites may perform differently in various geographic locations due to factors like server location and network infrastructure. Speed testing tools often include global testing capabilities, allowing you to assess your website’s performance from different locations and optimize for a global audience.

Free Tools to Test Your Website Performance

Have you ever been frustrated waiting for a website to load? It’s a common experience, and it often leads us to just give up and move on. That’s why it’s crucial for website owners to make sure their sites load quickly and smoothly. But how do they do that? Well, that’s where website speed testing tools come into play.

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

Test your website performance with Google PageSpeed Insights, one of the most renowned speed testing tools available. Whether you’re a seasoned web developer or a novice website owner, understanding and optimizing your website’s performance is crucial for the user experience and search engine rankings. With Google PageSpeed Insights, you can check your website speed and receive a detailed analysis of its performance on both desktop and mobile devices.


Google PageSpeed Insights evaluates server response times, render-blocking resources, and image optimization to identify potential bottlenecks. By offering suggestions like optimizing images and minimizing CSS/JavaScript files, it enhances load times and the user experience. This tool is crucial for meeting modern standards and improving search engine rankings. Regular assessments with PageSpeed Insights are essential for staying competitive online.


  • Provides mobile and desktop performance scores.
  • Offers specific recommendations for improvement, such as optimizing images and leveraging browser caching.
  • Integrates with Google’s web development best practices.

2. GTmetrix (both Free and Premium)

Test your website’s performance with GTmetrix, a powerhouse in performance testing. Whether you’re using the free version or the premium offering, GTmetrix delivers detailed reports on crucial metrics like page load times and server requests. What sets GTmetrix apart is its simulation of real-world browsing conditions, which provides insights into how your site performs across various network speeds and devices. By leveraging this tool, you can accurately assess your website’s speed and identify areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing the user experience and search engine rankings.

GTmetrix - Test Your Website Performance


  • Provides a comprehensive analysis of page load time, page size, and the number of requests.
  • Offers recommendations for optimizing performance, such as minimizing redirects and optimizing code.
  • Allows you to set up alerts to monitor your website’s performance over time.

3. Pingdom Website Speed Test

Pingdom’s Website Speed Test is renowned for its simplicity and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to assess their website’s performance quickly. With just a few clicks, you can obtain valuable insights and actionable recommendations for optimizing your site’s speed. Additionally, Pingdom provides historical performance data, enabling you to track improvements over time and identify trends that may affect your website’s speed. Test your website performance effortlessly with Pingdom’s user-friendly tool, and stay on top of your site’s optimization journey.

Pingdom-test your website performance


  • Offers insights into your website’s performance from multiple locations around the world.
  • Provides a waterfall chart to visualize the loading process of your web page.
  • Offers performance insights and suggestions for improvement, such as optimizing server response times.

4. WebPageTest

WebPageTest is a must-try tool for those seeking a comprehensive analysis of their website’s performance. With advanced testing options, including the ability to choose testing locations and browsers, it provides a tailored assessment of your site’s speed and functionality across various scenarios. One standout feature is the waterfall chart, which visualizes the loading process and helps pinpoint areas for improvement with precision. Test your website’s performance with WebPageTest for detailed insights and optimization opportunities that can enhance the user experience and boost your site’s competitiveness.

Webpage test tools


  • It allows you to simulate different connection speeds, devices, and browsers.
  • Provides detailed metrics such as first byte time, start render time, and fully loaded time.
  • Offers advanced options for performance testing, such as custom scripting and content blocking.

5. Dareboost (Both Free and Premium)

Dareboost is a comprehensive performance testing tool that covers a wide range of metrics, including speed index, time to first byte, and DOM content loaded. What sets Dareboost apart is its focus on the user experience, with insights into browser rendering, JavaScript execution, and content delivery. It also offers continuous monitoring, allowing you to stay vigilant against performance regressions.

Dareboost to test your website performance


  • Offers both free and premium plans with comprehensive performance monitoring.
  • Provides detailed reports with actionable recommendations for improving performance.
  • Allows you to monitor historical performance data and track changes over time.

6. YSlow

Developed by the team behind Yahoo, YSlow is a browser extension that integrates seamlessly with Chrome, Firefox, and other popular browsers. It analyzes web pages and provides recommendations based on Yahoo’s “Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Website.” YSlow’s straightforward grading system makes it easy to identify areas where your website can improve its performance.


  • Analyzes various performance-related factors, including HTTP requests, caching, and cookie usage.
  • Assigns a grade to each analyzed web page based on performance metrics.
  • Offers suggestions for optimizing performance, such as reducing the number of HTTP requests and using a content delivery network (CDN).

7. Lighthouse

Lighthouse, developed by Google, is an open-source tool for improving the quality of web pages. It audits web pages for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more. Lighthouse runs audits on a page, then generates a report on how well the page did and where improvements can be made. 

Lighthouse | Speed and Performance checker Tools


  • Audits web pages for performance, accessibility, progressive web app capabilities, and more.
  • Provides actionable insights to improve your website’s performance, such as eliminating render-blocking resources and improving server response times.
  • Offers a Chrome extension for easy access and integration with developer tools.

8. Uptrends Website Speed Test (both Free and Paid)

Uptrends Website Speed Test offers a quick and easy way to test your website’s performance from multiple locations worldwide. It provides detailed waterfall charts, performance grades, and suggestions for optimization. With Uptrends, you can ensure your website delivers a fast and consistent experience to users across the globe.

Uptrends- to check your webside speed and performance


  • Allows you to test your website’s speed from multiple locations worldwide.
  • Provides detailed performance metrics and historical performance data.
  • Offers customizable alerts to notify you of performance issues.

9. Varvy Pagespeed Optimization

Varvy Pagespeed Optimization is a powerful tool that evaluates your site’s speed and performance based on Google’s PageSpeed Insights rules. By checking your website speed and analyzing various aspects such as image optimization and server response time, Varvy provides actionable recommendations to enhance the user experience and search engine rankings. With its additional tools for assessing mobile friendliness and security, Varvy offers a comprehensive solution for optimizing your website’s performance across multiple dimensions. Incorporating Varvy into your toolkit of speed testing tools can help you ensure that your website meets the highest standards of performance and usability.


  • Assess the performance, mobile adaptability, SEO effectiveness, and security of your website.
  • Provides detailed recommendations for improving performance, such as optimizing images and eliminating render-blocking resources.
  • Offers additional tools for analyzing other aspects of your website, such as mobile-friendliness and security

10. Website Grader by HubSpot (offers both free and premium)

Website Grader by HubSpot is a versatile tool that offers both free and premium versions to evaluate your website’s performance comprehensively. From assessing mobile responsiveness and SEO to analyzing security measures, this tool provides a holistic report with actionable recommendations to enhance your site’s overall performance and user experience. Beyond performance metrics, Website Grader also offers insights into your website’s social media presence, delivering recommendations to boost engagement and reach across various platforms. Test your website’s performance with Website Grader to optimize every aspect of your online presence and drive meaningful results for your business.

Website Grader - check your website speed and performance


  • Evaluates your website’s performance, mobile responsiveness, SEO, and security.
  • Provides a comprehensive report with actionable recommendations for improving your website’s overall performance and user experience.
  • Offers insights into your website’s social media presence and provides recommendations for improving

11. Sucuri Load Time Tester (offers both free and premium)

The Sucuri Load Time Tester, available in both free and premium versions, is a valuable tool for assessing your website’s performance and loading speed across various global locations. It offers comprehensive performance insights, including metrics like total page size, load time, and the number of browser requests. Additionally, the tool provides actionable recommendations for enhancing performance, such as image optimization, CSS and JavaScript minification, and the utilization of browser caching techniques.


  • Evaluates your website’s performance and loading speed from multiple locations worldwide.
  • Provides detailed performance metrics, including total page size and the number of requests.
  • Offers recommendations for improving performance, such as optimizing images and leveraging browser caching.

12. KeyCDN Website Speed Test (offers both free and premium)

The KeyCDN Website Speed Test is a user-friendly tool designed to analyze website performance efficiently. Offering both free and premium versions, it delivers insights into critical performance metrics like page load time, total page size, and browser requests. KeyCDN further provides actionable recommendations to enhance performance, including enabling gzip compression, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and leveraging a content delivery network (CDN) to optimize the delivery of static assets. This tool is available in both free and premium versions, catering to various user needs.


  • Provides insights into various performance metrics, including page load time and total page size.
  • Offers recommendations for optimizing performance, such as enabling gzip compression and using a CDN.
  • Integrates with KeyCDN’s content delivery network for improved performance.


How frequently should I test my website’s performance?

It’s recommended to test your website’s performance regularly, especially after making significant changes or updates. By monitoring your website’s performance over time, you can identify trends, track improvements, and address any issues that may arise.

What are the advantages of using free website performance testing tools?

Free website performance testing tools provide valuable insights into your website’s speed and efficiency without requiring any financial investment. They are accessible to everyone and can help identify areas for improvement to enhance the user experience and search engine rankings.

Can I use multiple tools for testing my website’s performance?

Yes, using multiple tools can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your website’s performance and identify any discrepancies or areas that may need attention. Each tool offers unique features and insights, so combining their results can help you gain a more holistic view of your website’s speed and optimization.


In conclusion, optimizing your website’s performance is essential for providing a seamless user experience and maximizing your online success. Utilizing a range of free tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, Lighthouse, and others can help you identify and address performance issues efficiently. By regularly monitoring and optimizing your website’s performance, you can ensure fast load times, improve search engine rankings, and enhance user satisfaction, ultimately driving more traffic and conversions for your business.

How to Boost Organic Traffic : 8 Proven SEO Strategies

Looking to increase your website’s organic traffic? You’re in the right place!

In this guide, we’ll explore eight effective SEO strategies to help you boost organic traffic and attract more visitors naturally. Let’s dive in!

What is organic traffic?

Organic traffic refers to the visitors who come to your website through unpaid, natural search results. When you have a website, getting people to visit it can be tough.

One of the main ways to do this is through search engine optimization (SEO). SEO helps make your website more helpful and easier to find.

Remember, boosting your website’s organic traffic is a crucial part of your online strategy.

By using the right keywords in your SEO efforts, you can boost organic traffic to your site, increasing its visibility and attracting more visitors from search engines when people search online.

Terms like organic traffic, paid traffic, or direct traffic might seem tricky if you’re new to SEO, but they’re not as confusing as they seem.

Why is organic traffic so important?

Organic traffic is crucial because it brings targeted visitors to your site who are actively looking for what you offer.

Search engines bring in the most visitors compared to other sources, making them a top traffic generator.

Unlike paid traffic, it’s sustainable and cost-effective in the long term. It also builds credibility, trust, and brand loyalty.

Unlike other types of traffic, organic traffic doesn’t directly impact digital ads.

Still, you can use paid advertisements to boost organic traffic.

8 Effective SEO strategies to boost organic traffic

SEO strategy involves techniques and tactics to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results. 

This includes optimizing content, keywords, and website structure to attract more organic traffic and increase rankings on search engine results pages.

Let’s begin by looking at the 8 effective SEO strategies to boost organic traffic to your website’s visibility on search engines. 

These strategies can help you attract more visitors and improve your online presence.

1. Study your competition

Examining your competitors’ strategies is a smart move to boost organic traffic and improve your SEO game.

You can see what works for them and apply similar tactics to boost your own online presence

It’s like taking notes from the experts to level up your SEO game.

Find out the keywords they’re using and check out where they’re getting their backlinks from. To do this, you can use SEO tools like Semrush or Ahrefs.

Before you spend money on an SEO tool, give it a test run with a free trial. 

This lets you gather the information you need and decide if it’s a tool worth investing in for the long term.

You can also look at what your competitors are writing about and how their audience is reacting to it. 

Don’t just copy their strategy. Instead, take a closer look at what’s working for them and use that information to shape your own strategy.

2. Optimize Images, Page Titles and Descriptions

By optimizing your page image, page title, and descriptions with relevant keywords, you’re offering search engines and your audience a concise summary of your website, which can help boost organic traffic. These elements are the first impressions users encounter, so they need to be attention-grabbing to leave a lasting impact.

optimize image to boost organic traffic

For optimal results, aim to maintain your page title within 50–60 characters and your description between 150 and 160 characters. 

Regarding images, include targeted keywords in image titles, utilize ALT texts for image descriptions, and prioritize high-resolution images. 

Implementing this approach helps effectively convey your message and draw more attention to your content.

3. Choose the right keywords

Keywords are super important for SEO. It’s all about finding the perfect ones that match your niche and using them strategically in your content to boost organic traffic

Using high-volume keywords might seem tempting, but it can attract irrelevant traffic. So it’s best to do research and choose the right keywords for your niche.

That way, you’ll attract people who are actually interested in what you have to offer. 

Choosing the right keywords is key to boosting organic traffic to your website. 

Here’s a simple strategy to help you out: Start by researching relevant keywords with a good search volume. 

Consider using long-tail keywords that target a narrower audience. 

Analyze your competition and understand the user intent behind the keywords. 

Optimize your on-page content with strategically placed keywords. 

Monitor your traffic and rankings, and adapt your strategy as needed. 

Remember, focus on creating valuable content that resonates with your audience.

4. Target Long-Tail Keywords

Are you fed up with chasing after popular keywords that are hard to rank for?

Then it’s time to shift your focus to long-tail keywords and boost your traffic.

To enhance your Google ranking and increase organic traffic, it’s crucial to focus on long-tail keywords. 

These phrases are highly specific, align closely with your audience’s intent and requirements, and typically face less competition compared to broader terms.

This guide will walk you through the process of discovering, optimizing, and leveraging long-tail keywords to elevate your SEO effectiveness and expand your audience reach.

Instead of aiming for generic terms like “shoes,” focus on specific phrases like “best running shoes for flat feet” or “how to choose shoes for hiking.” These long-tail keywords help you target niche topics and attract ready-to-act traffic.

In SEO, a link is like a path that connects one webpage to another. 

When a webpage has lots of good links pointing to it, it shows search engines that the page is important and trustworthy. 

This helps the page rank higher in search results, making it easier for people to find it.

Internal linking is a link to another page on your own website.

Links play a crucial role in SEO strategy, as they help to build up the authority of your website. 

Internal linking, which is within our control as website owners, is particularly beneficial. 

It boosts page views by directing visitors to other relevant pages on our site, reducing the bounce rate, and increasing the average time users spend on our website.

Building a network of internal links enriches our website content and improves user-friendliness, ultimately enhancing the overall experience for visitors and ultimately helping to boost organic traffic.

Incorporating effective linking strategies into our SEO efforts plays a crucial role in the success and visibility of our website in the long run.

In SEO, backlinks are connections originating from external websites that direct users to pages within your own domain. 

It’s like a vote of confidence. 

Backlinks play a critical role as they assist search engines in determining the trustworthiness of a website.

The more good backlinks a website has, the higher it might rank in search results.

Backlinks are super important for SEO. They tell search engines like Google which pages should show up first in search results. 

Plus, they can bring visitors to your site when people click on links from other websites. Also, backlinks help search engines find your pages faster. 

So, they’re like little helpers that make your website more popular and easier to find online.

6. Refreshing Outdated Content

Keeping your content up-to-date is crucial for engaging your audience. Refreshing outdated content means updating it with the latest information to keep it relevant.

In this post, we’ll discuss why content refreshing matters, its benefits, and easy ways to get started. 

Whether you’re a new blogger or experienced, learning to refresh your content can keep your readers interested and coming back for more.

Make sure to regularly update your content, There are various reason why you want to do that Make sure that your customers read your content 

Refreshing outdated content can boost organic traffic of your website

And reading the latest and the greatest second helps you to put your new life in document. 

If new things happen in your industry, add them to your document and republish it again, so it means that your document remains relevant and accurate, and Google likes that as well.

In today’s fast-changing online world, it’s crucial to keep your articles and blog posts current to stay relevant and keep your readers interested. 

But with information always shifting, it can be tough to make sure your content stays accurate and helpful in the long run.

To keep your content fresh, regularly update outdated material. 

Start by reviewing your content thoroughly to identify outdated information, stats, references, or shifts in industry trends. 

By carefully assessing your content, you can pinpoint what needs updating to maintain accuracy and relevance.

After finding what needs updating, the next step is to do thorough research. 

Check out recent industry reports, news articles, and studies to get the latest information. 

Staying informed about what’s happening in your industry is key to making sure your content stays accurate and valuable for your audience.

Regularly updating your content and staying informed with the latest information ensures that your articles and blog posts stay valuable to your audience and remain relevant over time.

This strategy also helps to boost organic traffic and increase your site’s visibility.

7. Focus on “People Also Ask” Section

When you’re searching for information online, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of search results. 

That’s where the “People Also Ask” (PAA) section comes in handy. 

It’s a treasure trove of relevant questions related to your search query, curated based on what other users are asking.

People also ask section

When you click on these questions, you can explore specific topics further, uncovering answers that may not be easy to find in the main search results. 

This not only expands your knowledge but also makes your search experience more interactive and exciting.

Clicking on these questions allows you to explore specific topics more deeply, uncovering answers that might not be immediately visible in the main search results.

This not only expands your knowledge but also makes your search experience more interactive and engaging.

Exploring these questions can also help boost organic traffic to your site by providing valuable information that users are seeking.

8. Optimize Core Web Vital

In the world of websites, speed matters, and that’s where Core Web Vitals come into play. 

Optimizing these vitals, including loading, interactivity, and visual stability, can significantly enhance your site’s performance. 

So, prioritize these essentials to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for your visitors!

A Core Web Vitals report collects real user data, focusing on key factors crucial for a great user experience. These include:

  • Largest Content Paint (LCP): Measures how quickly your main content loads (aim for under 2.5 seconds).
  • First Input Delay (FID): Tracks the time it takes for users to interact with your content (aim for under 100 milliseconds).
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Assesses how much content moves around on the page (aim for 0.1 or less).
Core Web Vital to boost organic traffic to your website

By improving factors like Largest Content Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), you can create a positive impression on users and boost organic traffic to your site.

Prioritizing the user experience not only benefits your visitors but also supports your SEO efforts. 

So, investing in a healthy website is worth the effort!

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Page speed: Assess your site’s speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify areas for improvement.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices, as most users browse on their phones.
  • Image optimization: Heavy images can slow down your site, so optimize media before uploading.

While content is crucial for SEO, user experience matters just as much. If visitors leave due to slow loading times or poor mobile functionality, your content won’t have the chance to shine.


How can I optimize Core Web Vitals to boost organic traffic?

Optimizing factors like loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability can enhance your site’s performance and create a positive user experience, ultimately helping to increase organic traffic.

How do internal links and backlinks help boost organic traffic?

Internal links direct visitors to other relevant pages on your site, increasing page views and user engagement. Backlinks from external websites indicate trustworthiness to search engines, potentially improving your site’s ranking in search results.

Why is optimizing images, page titles, and descriptions important?

Optimizing these elements with relevant keywords helps provide a concise summary of your website to search engines and your audience, improving visibility and attracting more organic traffic.


In conclusion, these 8 effective SEO strategies can significantly boost organic traffic and your website’s visibility and performance. By studying your competition, optimizing links, refreshing content, utilizing the “People Also Ask” section, and optimizing Core Web Vitals, you can improve your rankings and attract more visitors. 

Additionally, focusing on factors like page speed, mobile responsiveness, and image optimization ensures a positive user experience.

With these tactics, you’ll enhance your online presence and achieve success in the digital landscape.

So, these are the details we need to update you on. We hope you get a clear understanding of everything in this article. If you want to ask anything, please feel free to Contact Us by commenting down below.

How to do SEO of Locked/Paywalled Content in WordPress?

Building a winning SEO strategy has always been the talk of the town. You need to find the perfect balance between the website traffic and the revenue you create from your site. If you do not generate good income from ads, you might be inclined towards a paywall for a subscription-based approach.

However, integrating SEO of locked/paywalled content into this strategy is crucial. It involves optimizing content behind paywalls to ensure visibility and accessibility to subscribers while still enhancing search engine rankings. By striking this delicate balance, websites can effectively monetize their content while maximizing their organic reach and overall revenue potential.

This can surely have a knock-on effect on all your overall SEO efforts. Paywalls have emerged as a vital strategy for content providers seeking to monetize their online presence. The website visitors will only pay for what they know exists, and for that, your content needs to be visible to the search engines. Hence, SEO is vital for audience acquisition and paywalls help generate revenue. However, paywalls can also impact SEO.

In this article, we will discuss how to do SEO of Locked/paywalled content. But before we kick off, let’s first start with some basics.

What is a Paywalled Content?

As I know, Users who have paid for a subscription or made a payment one-time for access to digital content are what paywalled content means. This content is typically hosted on websites, platforms, or digital publications that operate on a subscription-based model or have implemented a paywall system.

Paywalls are models built to restrict access to the Internet through a paid subscription. A paywall serves as a method for content creators to generate revenue from their online content. It functions by limiting access to content that is behind the paywall, thereby encouraging users to subscribe or pay to access it. It acts as a digital barrier, and visitors can only access the content after a successful subscription. Content that resides behind a paywall generally serves an informational objective. Mostly, news websites and websites that offer valuable content use paywalled content. Set clear expectations for users as they encounter a paywall to manage their experience effectively. Also, online courses use paywalled content, where some content might be accessible for free and others are behind the paywall.

SEO paywall content refers to optimizing content accessible only to paying subscribers for better visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Paywall content typically requires users to subscribe or pay a fee to access the full article, video, or other media.

Optimizing SEO paywalled content involves offering teaser content for free, optimizing metadata, ensuring high-quality content, using internal linking, promoting on social media, offering subscriber-exclusive perks, and monitoring performance. These strategies aim to attract users while encouraging subscriptions or payments for full access.

According to IONOS, a paywall is defined as “a method of restricting access to online content through a paid subscription.”

Some publishers have a full paywall (hard paywall), where the entire content is only accessible after the subscription. Hard paywalls enforce strict access restrictions, permitting only subscribers to view any portion of the content. Others offer access to a limited amount of content to the readers before restricting access, also known as a metered paywall.

An excellent example of this is the Financial Times website. The news stories on the Financial Times site can be accessed from Google News when the user fills out a quick response; however, a reader would then be required to subscribe to the newsletter to read other articles on the site.

SEO of Locked/Paywalled Content in WordPress

How to Lock Content On Your Site?

Most websites use content locking to boost their lead generation, increase sales, and build an email list. However, if not done correctly, it can annoy the readers, and there’s the possibility that they leave your site right away. But when content locking is done correctly, it can be very effective and help you achieve your marketing goals easily.

In this article, we’re going to show you how to lock your content with the help of Subscribe to Unlock Opt-In Content Locker WordPress Plugin. 

As the name suggests, Subscribe to Unlock is a premium WordPress plugin that makes it pretty simple to convert readers into subscribers by locking some part of the content on your website. You can also choose to lock the entire page with a popup or provide a countdown to your visitors until they can view the content without subscribing.

Subscribe to Unlock

With the help of this plugin, you can collect many subscribers from your WordPress site, as the plugin has made it extremely simple to create and integrate a subscription form into your site. 

How to Perform SEO Of Locked/Paywalled Content?

Now let’s see how to perform SEO of locked/paywalled content. We have divided this section into two parts: technical SEO considerations and content SEO considerations, so you can easily understand them.

Technical SEO Considerations

The first part is all about structured data. For paywalled content to be eligible to appear in Google search results, it has to follow the general structured data guidelines. With the help of JSON-LD and microdata formats, you can easily specify the structured data for the paywalled content. 

Rank Math makes it extremely simple to add Schema for paywalled content. Rank Math’s Custom Schema Builder helps the search engines index your paywalled or locked content. The structured data communicates the locked areas inside your site and aids Google in distinguishing the page from other cloaked pages.

Rank Math SEO Fields

Not only this, but if you don’t want the paywalled content to appear on search results, you can use the Robots meta to set no index and no archive for these pages in Rank Math. If you want to mark up your content with extensive Schema properties, Rank Math will surely be your go-to tool. 

You can read in more detail at the subscription and paywalled content published by Google. We’ve summarized some of the recommendations as follows:

  1. Add a class name around each paywalled section.
  2. Add appropriate structured data (NewsArticle).
  3. Add specific JSON-LD structured data to the NewsArticle structured data.

Also, if you have paywalled content on an AMP page, please consider using amp-subscriptions wherever appropriate.

These technical considerations are an essential part of your SEO strategy. If not done correctly, it can harm your search performance, and surely you don’t want your content to be invisible to the search engines!

Content SEO Considerations

Once you’re confident that your paywalled website’s crawling and indexing elements are correct, you can go ahead to the next stage, i.e., the content strategy phase. 

We recommend optimizing your content with specific informational keywords instead of choosing the ones with the highest search volumes. Your sole purpose is to convince your reader to subscribe when they find you, which is more likely to happen if you can quench their thirst for information.

For example, authoritative sites such as the New York Times tend to use the paywall. Your keyword strategy will be vital concerning the user’s search intent.

New York Times

It is also essential to determine what you’ll display to your reader when they land on a gated page. You can choose to include a summary visible from the top of the content page, also known as ‘lead in.’

“More publishers are considering subscription models to drive revenue. While paywalls are effective for monetization, there are considerations regarding SEO.”

Paywall sites can present certain challenges for SEO, as they might restrict the visibility and accessibility of their content to both search engines and users.

An advantage here is that you can use structured data in the summary that can help the content appear in rich results and improve its visibility of the content in the search engines.

Your lead-in can include:

  • A good headline 
  • The summary of the content, along with its main topics
  • A list of questions, statistics, or some facts from the article
  • What the reader would find behind the paywall (e.g., media formats or exclusive research).


We hope that this article has successfully armed you with the knowledge of performing SEO for paywalled content. Long story short, at first, you need to take care of the technical SEO to ensure that your content is visible to the search engines. Secondly, you need to have a clear content strategy to convert readers into subscribers easily.

If you have anything else to discuss with us, please leave your comments below. We’re more than happy to hear from you.

You can also check out our article on the best Elementor addons.

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10 Best Keyword Research Tools

Are you starting your new blog? If yes, you must be well aware of the best keyword research tool. A keyword research tool helps you get the best keywords for your blog.

Keywords are responsible for maintaining your SEO rank. The more strong your keyword is, the more you get traffic and hence top SEO rank. If you visit the WordPress directory, you will find thousands of keyword research tools.

What is the Keyword Shuffle Tool?

A keyword shuffle tool is a tool or software designed to help users generate variations of keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Digital marketers, content creators, and SEO professionals often use these tools to diversify their keyword strategies and improve their chances of ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Keyword shuffling typically involves rearranging, combining, or modifying keywords to create new phrases or variations that still relate to the original topic or target keywords. This process can help broaden the scope of a website’s content and increase its visibility for a wider range of search queries.

The keyword shuffle tool may offer features such as:

  1. Randomizing word order: It can shuffle the order of words in a keyword phrase to create variations.
  2. Synonym replacement: It can replace words with synonyms to generate similar but slightly different keyword phrases.
  3. Adding modifiers: It can add prefixes, suffixes, or other modifiers to keywords to create longer-tail variations.
  4. Combining keywords: It can combine multiple keywords into new phrases or expand them with additional terms.

Overall, a keyword shuffle tool is a handy resource for optimizing SEO efforts by diversifying keyword usage and targeting a broader audience.

But the long list may confuse you. So for your ease, we have listed the 10 best keyword research tools. So go through the list and get the best one for your site. 

10 Best Keyword Research Tools

Looking for the best keyword research tools? Check out these top 10 keyword research tools that can help you find the best keywords for your website. With these tools, you can optimize your content and boost your SEO efforts. Give them a try and see the difference they can make!

1. SEMrush


SEMrush is an amazing and the best keyword research tool. The best part about this tool is that it will suggest only 5–10 very specific keywords instead of hundreds. Well, if there are a few better options, you can easily select the best one for you.

One of the key advantages of SEMrush’s keyword shuffle tool is its ability to present you with several better options, allowing you to pinpoint the most suitable keywords for your objectives effortlessly. This flexibility empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your SEO efforts with precision.

Here you will get a complete SEO suite, which will help you carry out keyword research. If you are using SEMrush,  you’ll get a full picture of everything you need to know.


  • Uncover long-tail keywords
  • Track and analyze competitor websites 
  • Create and track your PPC campaigns
  • Statistics for Worldwide CPC Distribution 
  • complete keyword research toolkit
  • Create and schedule white-labeled or branded reports

2. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is one of the best keyword research tools available in the market. It provides you with a broad keyword report along with unique click metrics. With Ahrefs, you will be able to generate perfect keyword ideas through the search box.

What sets Ahrefs apart is its ability to facilitate the generation of precise keyword ideas through its intuitive search box. This keyword shuffle tool empowers users to explore various permutations and combinations, unlocking a plethora of potential keywords tailored to their specific needs.

The best part is, that it allows you to see your competitors’ content so that you can create new keywords to target your users.


  • Accurate keyword score
  • Provides 1,000+ keyword suggestions
  • Support in 171 countries
  • Improve CTR with click metrics
  • It comes with an extensive SERP overview
  • Figure out traffic-generating keywords
  • 5.1 billion keywords for over 200 countries 

3. Google Keyword Planner

google keyword planner

Likewise, the Google Keyword Planner, a free keyword research tool by Google, offers valuable insights into your intended audience through keyword research. Despite having few features, it provides amazing services and gets huge attention.

If you are using Google Keyword Planner, you will get data directly from Google. Later, its result will be integrated into AdSense monetization.

If you’re looking to run ads on Google, look no further than the Google Keyword Planner.

Originally designed for keyword research for Google’s Ad platform, the tool has since expanded its utility to include organic keyword research. It provides estimated global monthly search volumes for keywords, identifies trends, predicts keyword volume, and aids in generating new keyword ideas based on URLs and basic keywords.

Its keyword shuffle tool is your secret weapon for uncovering the perfect keywords to boost your campaign’s success. With its user-friendly interface and powerful insights, it’s a must-have in any marketer’s toolkit.

If you are supposed to run your ads on Google, then this will be the best keyword research tool.


  • Top of-page bid to locate commercial keywords
  • Accurate search volume 
  • Easy to conduct keyword research
  • Spit out a list of related keywords along with simple metrics
  • Creates a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords 
  • It helps you choose competitive bids

4. Google Trends

google trends

Google Trends, one of the free and best keyword research tools, allows you to enter multiple keywords. The tool will filter your keywords by location, search history, and category.

Google Trends utilizes graphs to compare the search volume of various keywords at specific points in time.

Along with a keyword, it will also generate colorful, interactive graphs that you can play with. Get more dynamic insight into keyword information only with Google Trends.


  • the free tool from Google
  • Allows you to enter multiple keywords
  • Filter keywords according to location, search history, and category
  • Generates colorful, interactive graphs for keywords
  • Finds web interest keywords
  • Performs a quick comparison search in Google Trends 
  • Dedicated support team

5. KWFinder


If you are searching for the best keyword research tools, then KWFinder will be the best option for you. Despite being a new tool, it is able to grow faster and gain a stable place in the market.

With its help, you will be able to get huge traffic on your site. More traffic menu leads to top SEO rank. It is available in both free and premium versions, so get it as per your requirements.


  • unique tool for keyword research
  • Easy-to-navigate user interface
  • Allows you to find keywords in any language
  • Offers a list of powerful keywords
  • Precise statistics for keyword competition
  • In-depth SERP overview 
  • Provides filters to refine the list of keyword suggestions

6. GrowthBar


Similarly, GrowthBar is an elegant tool to perform keyword analysis directly from a search engine’s result page. If you go at a page level, GrowthBar will display the top organic keywords for your website’s rank.

Moreover, it comes with a Keyword Rank Tracker Dashboard that allows you to monitor and chart your SEO performance. 


  • It comes with keyword rank tracking
  • No more ranking difficulty
  • Provides long-tail keyword suggestions
  • Offers exportable keyword data
  • Option for On-page word count
  • Keyword analysis directly on the search engine’s results page
  • It comes with a Keyword Rank Tracker Dashboard

7. Longtail Pro


Another amazing cloud-based keyword research tool is Longtail Pro. This is a premium software for keyword research that allows you to find amazing keywords for your sites. It also comes in its  “platinum” version where you get a detailed keyword analysis feature.

Not only that, here it comes with a competition checker, now you can easily select the right keyword.


  • Powerful keyword research tool
  • Cloud-based software
  • Provides detailed keyword metrics
  • Finds the long-tail keywords easily
  • Attracts convertible organic traffic
  • It comes with 2,500+ SERP lookups 

8. Serpstat


If you want to get historically profitable keywords for your site, then you must go with Serpstat. It is an elegant tool to find keywords so that you can get top SEO rank.

Serpstat will figure out the value of your keywords using search results and cost-per-click. Also, it helps you check the relevancy of your web pages and analyze trends.

This is really an amazing tool that is extremely useful for the analysis of keywords.


  • It comes with a competitor graph feature
  • It helps you find keyword difficulty and keyword trends
  • Budget-friendly option on our list
  • Provides you with a list of historically profitable keywords
  • Provide long-tail keywords
  • Favorable ranking on SERPs
  • Find easy-to-target phrases

9. Keyword Tool

keyword tool

Keyword Tool, an online and best keyword research tool, comes with amazing features and techniques. You can use its basic version for free of cost.  It is used to generate a list of relevant long-tail keyword suggestions.

This is the best keyword research tool to find keywords in different search engines like Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and the App Store.


  • Google Autocomplete
  • Totally free
  • Supplement your social media marketing with Instagram and Twitter keyword analysis
  • Allows you to export results to CSV
  • Provides simple UX for beginners
  • Useful for keyword data mining
  • Offers analysis for multiple search engines

10. Majestic


Last but not least, Majestic is another powerful tool that helps you find the best keywords for your site.  Its easy-to-use interface and controls make it the best choice for finding the keywords that are best for you.

Majestic is the best option you can use because it comes with a trustworthiness vs. authority graph for better website analysis.


  • It helps you find easy-to-target phrases
  • Provides SEO features within a single toolkit
  • Offers competitive research keyword
  • Site Explorer
  • Link Graph
  • Bulk Backlink checkers


 We have listed the 10 best keyword research tools. All of these are just amazing. With this keyword research tool, you will be able to get a top list of keywords for your website. And with the best keywords, you can get top SEO rank. So go through the list and get the best one for your site.

We hope you find this article helpful to you and can find the best keyword for your blog. If you have any issues related to this article, feel free to contact us.

You can send your queries through our comment section. We make sure all of your issues are solved as soon as possible. Keep supporting us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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