General Settings

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General Settings

In general settings, you can configure all the basic settings for the form such as Encrypt Download Link, Download File etc.

General Settings

Here are the description of individual options available in the general settings.

  1. Download File – In this field, you can enter the file that you want to send your subscriber in the email after the download. Please make sure you choose the download file from the media library and not from any external source. Else download may not work.
  2. Encrypt Download Link – Check this option to send encrypted links to subscribers. This prevents direct sharing of the download link. When enabled, the download link will only work if clicked from the same browser from which the subscription was made. If clicked from a different browser, it will redirect to the home page of your site, thereby preventing unauthorized access to the file.
  3. Form Success Message – This is the message shown to the users when subscription is successful.
  4. Form Required Error Message – This is the message shown to the users if users don’t fill all the necessary required fields.
  5. Form Error Message – This is the message shown to the users if the email couldn’t be sent to users due to invalid email or any other server related reason.
  6. Always Show – You can check this option if you want to display the form to the already subscribed users too. If you don’t enable this option then download button will be available where the form is displayed which label can be configured from the Download Button Label Text field just below this option.
  7. Download Button Text: Customize the text for the download button.
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General Settings

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