Notification Settings

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In this section, you can configure all the necessary notifications related with frontend post submission. You can configure:

  1. Admin Notification – Here are the available options for admin notification.
    • Enable – You can either enable or disable admin notification
    • Notification emails – You can enter the email address separated by comma in which you want to receive the admin notifications. If left blank, the notification will be sent to the email of the site admin configured in your site’s general settings.
    • Subject – This field is for entering the subject for admin notification email
    • From Name – This field is for entering the “From Name” for admin notification email. Please enter the value which won’t resemble any real person’s name such as “No Reply” else email may land in the spam.
    • From Email – This field is for entering the “From Email” for admin notification email. Please enter the value which won’t resemble any real person’s email such as “” else email may land in the spam.
    • Message – In this field you can enter the message which you will receive in the admin notification email. You can use [post_title] and [post_admin_link] to replace submitted post title and post admin link in the admin notification email message.

  2. Post Publish Notification
    • Enable – You can either enable or disable post publish notification
    • Subject – This field is for entering the subject for post publish notification email
    • From Name – This field is for entering the “From Name” for post publish notification email. Please enter the value which won’t resemble any real person’s name such as “No Reply” else email may land in the spam.
    • From Email – This field is for entering the “From Email” for post publish notification email. Please enter the value which won’t resemble any real person’s email such as “” else email may land in the spam.
    • Message – In this field you can enter the message which you will receive in the post publish notification email. You can use [author_name],[post_title] and [post_link] to replace submitted author name, post title and post link in the post publish notification email message.
post approve notification

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