Custom Field Settings

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If the pre available fields are not sufficient then you can add custom fields which has various field types. The available fields types are:

  • Textfield
  • Textarea

While adding custom field, you will need to enter Label and Meta key. Label is for displaying the label in the form and meta key is for storing the custom field. While entering meta key, you shouldn’t use any special characters or symbols except underscore(_). If you want to add custom field for receiving Street Address then meta key shall be street_address

Textfield Settings

Here are the options available for Textfield:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label which will actually be shown in the form when used in the frontend.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Character Limit – You can set the character limit for the post title if required.
  • Character Limit Error Message – You can set the message to be displayed when character limit error occurs.
  • Post Detail Display – By enabling this option, you can display received custom fields value in the post detail page in the frontend.
  • Display Position – You can either choose to display the received custom field value before the content or after the content
  • Display Label – This is the label which will be shown in the post detail page while displaying the received custom field value

Textarea Settings

All of the settings are same as Textfie

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