Form Fields Settings

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In this section you can configure all the necessary fields for the form. You can enable or disable existing fields, add custom fields. Pre available fields are

  • Post Title
  • Post Content
  • Post Image
  • Post Excerpt
  • Categories
  • Tags
Form field settings

Post Title

For post title, here are the available options:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label which will actually be shown in the form when used in the frontend.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Character Limit – You can set the character limit for the post title if required.

Post Content Settings

For post content, here are the available options:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label which will actually be shown in the form when used in the frontend.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Editor Type – Here are currently 4 editor types.
    • Simple Textarea – This editor is a simple textarea which doesn’t have any editing tools
    • Rich Text Editor – This editor is the WYSIWYG editor which has both html and visual version which consists of text editing tools such as bold, italics
    • Visual Text Editor – This editor is the WYSIWYG editor which has only visual version without html version
    • HTML Text Editor – This editor is the WYSIWYG editor which has only HTML version without visual version
  • Media Upload – If you enable this option then the Visual or Rich Text Editor will have a functionality to upload various supported file types if any logged in users have the capability to upload the files in WordPress Media
  • Character Limit – You can set the character limit for the post content if required.

Post Image Settings

For post image, here are the available options:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label which will actually be shown in the form when used in the frontend.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Upload Button Label – This is the label for the image uploader.
  • Upload File Size Limit – If you want to set the size limit for the uploaded image then you can set through this field.
  • Max Size Error Message – This field is for the message to be displayed for upload file size limit.

Categories Settings

For post categories, here are the available options:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label which will actually be shown in the form when used in the frontend.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Field Type – There are two field types available for categories: Select Dropdown and Checkbox
  • First Option label – This option is for displaying the first label of the Select Dropdown. This option is available when you choose Select Dropdown as the field type
  • Display Child Categories of – In case you want to display child categories of a specific category, then you can choose one from dropdown.
  • Exclude Categories – In case you want to exclude some categories from displaying in the frontend, then you can add their slugs separated by comma in this field.
  • Auto Assign Categories – If you want to assign the submitted post to some specific categories then you can choose them in this field.

Tags Settings

For post tags, here are the available options:

  • Show on form – You can enable or disable it as per your need in the form
  • Required – You can make it required if required.
  • Field Label – This is the label which will actually be shown in the form when used in the frontend.
  • Field Note – This note will show just below the field. You can use this to give any extra information regarding the field.
  • Field Type – There are 3 field types available for categories: Select DropdownCheckbox and Textfield
  • First Option label – This option is for displaying the first label of the Select Dropdown. This option is available when you choose Select Dropdown as the field type
  • Auto Complete – If you enable this option then auto complete will generate the existing available tags and users can choose from existing tags or enter a new tag.
  • Auto Assign Tags – If you want to assign the submitted post to some specific tags then you can choose them in this field.
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Form Fields Settings

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