Installation and Basic Setup

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Installing Instructions

  1. Unzip the file downloaded plugin from
  2. Upload all the files to the /wp-content/plugins/floating-side-tab
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. For customizing the plugin’s settings, click on Floating side tab option menu in WordPress left admin menu.


  1. Open your Dashboard-> Plugins-> Add New
  2. Click on Upload Plugin
  3. Click on Choose File
  4. Select the zip file downloaded from and click Install Now
  5. Once the plugin is installed click on Activate Plugin
  6. You are done, to customize the plugin’s settings, click on Floating Side Tab Menu option menu in WordPress left admin menu

Basic Setup

As soon as the plugin is installed and activated, you will be able to view the Floating Side Tab menu in the left admin menu. And you can then click on that menu to see the settings page of plugins.

To add a menu, you can  click the add new menu item then configure the settings as per your need.

There are 2 different settings section as belows:

  1. General Settings
  2. Layout Settings

Add New Menu Settings

Here is the menu option after clicking on add new menu.

  • Tab Name – It is used to display tab name in frontend.
  • Tab Heading – It is used to display tab heading above the content of menu.
  • Hide Tab Heading – If this is enable then, It will hide the tab heading of this tab.
  • Tooltip Text – It is used to display tab tooltip text.
  • Icon Picker Type – There are available icon picker with  Font-Awesome Icon .If you want to display custon icon then, You can select Custom Icon and upload the icon.
  • Menu Icon Type – There are two menu icon type. Tab type, Link type

Menu Tab Options

Here is the menu icon type option after selecting tab on menu icon type.

  1. Link Option
  2. Custom HTML Option.

If you select link option , url option will be visible with  new or same tab option.

or if select html option then WP Editor will be visible to add your content.

Link Type

Tab Type 

General Settings

Once you install and activate the plugin then you can add new menu items and configure all the necessary general settings related with the plugin from the general settings. In general settings you will find below options.

Here are the description of individual options available in the basic settings.

  1. Menu Title – It is a title of menu.
  2. Menu Items – It is the field for adding menu items by clicking add new menu item button.

Layout Settings

You can display a menu in 2 different positions with 8 different templates.

Here are the options available in this section:

  1. Menu Positions – There are available 2 types . Mid Left, Mid Right
  2. Choose Template – There are available 8 different templates.
  3. Icon Animation – There are available 1 different icon animations. Slide.
  4. Hide in Mobile – You can hide in mobile if necessary.

Display Settings

You can display a menu in different pages of your site.

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Installation and Basic Setup

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