General Settings

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Once you install and activate the plugin then you can add new menu items and configure all the necessary general settings related with the plugin from the general settings. In general settings you will find below options.

General setting

Here are the description of individual options available in the basic settings.

  1. Menu Title – It is a title of menu.
  2. Menu Items – It is the field for adding menu items by clicking add new menu item button.

Add New Menu Settings

Here is the menu option after clicking on add new menu item.

In the Menu Icon Settings section of the Floating Side Tab plugin, you can configure various aspects of the tab icon.

Start by entering a Tab Name, which will appear as the title of the tab, followed by Tooltip Text that provides additional context when users hover over the icon.

For the icon itself, select the Icon Picker Type to determine whether you’ll use Font Icons (from a library such as Font Awesome and Elegant icons) or Custom Icons, which allows you to upload your own image.

universal icon picker

Once the icon type is selected, click on Icon Picker to choose or upload the desired icon. You can also define the Menu Icon Type, which controls the behavior of the icon. Options include making the icon a clickable Link, displaying it with accompanying Text, or incorporating HTML content for more advanced customization.

If you select Link as the icon type, you will need to provide a URL in the Icon Link field.

Icon link

Additionally, the Link Open option allows you to decide whether the link should open in the same browser tab or in a new tab.

If you opt for tab option, the WP Editor will be displayed, enabling you to add your custom content.

After finalizing these settings, don’t forget to click Save to apply your changes to the link and tab configuration. This provides flexibility in how you present and style the floating tab icon for your website.


  • Enable: When enabled, you can adjust various settings such as icon background, icon color, and tab height to customize the tab’s appearance according to your design preferences
  • Icon Background: Select a background color for the tab icon to improve its visibility and aesthetic appeal.
  • Icon Color: Choose the color of the tab icon to align with your design preferences.
  • Tab Height: Modify the height of the tab to ensure it integrates smoothly into your overall design. This setting allows you to customize the tab’s appearance to suit your layout requirements.

Preview of Customization

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General Settings

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