7 Best Reading Progress Bar WordPress Plugins

Keeping readers engaged is key to a successful website. A reading progress bar is a simple tool that shows readers how much of an article they’ve read, encouraging them to stick around.

This blog post will highlight the seven best reading progress bar plugins for WordPress, helping you enhance your site’s user experience and engagement.

Reading progress bars are visual indicators, typically displayed at the top or bottom of a webpage, showing how much of an article a user has read. As the reader scrolls down, the bar fills up, giving them a sense of progression and accomplishment. For readers, it offers a clear idea of the article’s length and encourages them to continue reading. For website owners, it means longer on-page times and higher engagement rates.

In this blog post, we’ll highlight the seven best reading progress bar plugins for WordPress to enhance user experience and engagement.

Let’s explore the top options and find the perfect one for your site.

7 Best Reading Progress Bar WordPress Plugins

Read Meter – Reading Time & Progress Bar

Read Meter - Reading Time & Progress Bar

Do you have a blogging site? If so, the Read Meter plugin is an excellent choice, particularly designed as a leading plugin for bloggers. True to its name, it displays the percentage of content that has been read or completed by visitors to your site. It’s one of the most dynamic and high-performance Progress Bar Plugins for WordPress.

Most notably, Read Meter provides an estimated reading time for blog content along with a progress indicator. This feature offers visitors a quick sense of how long it will take to read a piece, encouraging them to continue reading to the end.

Key Features:

  • Powerful Progress Bar Plugin: Renowned as the most powerful Progress Bar plugin available.
  • Simple Integration: Easy to use and can be integrated into your site without any complexities.
  • Customizable Shortcodes: Allows you to insert the read time anywhere on your webpage using shortcodes.
  • Flexible Positioning: This enables you to set the position for the read time, such as above or below the title or content.

With Read Meter, you can enhance the readability and engagement of your blog, providing a better experience for your audience.

Catch Scroll Progress Bar

Catch Scroll Progress Bar

The Catch Scroll Progress Bar plugin sounds like a useful tool for enhancing user experience on a blog. By providing a visual representation of reading progress, it helps readers gauge how much content remains, which can be particularly beneficial for longer articles. The ability to customize where the progress bar appears—whether on the front page, blog page, or individual posts/pages—adds flexibility, allowing you to tailor the plugin to fit the design and functionality of your site.

Additionally, this free plugin offers limitless customization features, allowing you to create an elegant and outstanding progress bar. It’s an ideal choice for generating and displaying a classy progress bar on your website.

If you are looking for a straightforward and user-friendly plugin to display a progress bar on your site, we recommend the ‘Catch Scroll Progress Bar’ plugin.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight Design: Despite producing a graceful progress bar, it remains one of the lightest Progress Bar Plugins in WordPress.
  • Customizable Options: Offers customization options such as background colors, opacity level, height, and more.
  • Easy to Use: Extremely easy to understand and implement, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Flexible Display Options: Allows you to display the progress bar on the front page, blog page, or individual posts/pages.

With Catch Scroll Progress Bar, you can enhance the user experience by providing a clear visual indicator of reading progress, keeping readers engaged with your content.

Worth The Read

Worth The Read

Worth The Read is a plugin that enhances the reading experience by providing a progress bar, which visually represents how much of a blog post remains to be read. As readers scroll down the webpage, the progress bar fills up, indicating their reading progress. This plugin also allows you to select where to display the progress bar, such as on the front page, blog page, or individual posts/pages.

Prime Features:

  • Lightweight Design: Despite its elegant and effective progress bar, it remains one of the lightest Progress Bar Plugins for WordPress.
  • Customizable Options: Offers various customization options, including background colors, opacity level, height, and more.
  • User-Friendly: Extremely easy to understand and implement, making it suitable for users of all skill levels.
  • Flexible Display: Allows you to display the progress bar on the front page, blog page, or individual posts/pages.

With Worth The Read, you can provide a clear and engaging visual indicator of reading progress, enhancing the user experience and keeping readers engaged with your content.

Article Read Time Lite

Article Read Time Lite

Article Read Time Lite is a plugin designed to enhance the user experience by displaying the estimated reading time of your articles. This plugin helps readers gauge how long it will take to read a post, encouraging them to engage with the content.

Key Features

  • 2 Pre Designed Paragraph Templates
  • 2 Pre Designed Block Templates
  • Enable/Disable Article Read Time in Posts/Page or any other post types
  • Enable/Disable Progress Bar in Posts/Pages or any other Post Types
  • Display Word, Characters, and Reading Time
  • Display Article Read Time before content and after content
  • Customize Text as per your need
  • Layout customization options available for the Progress Bar
  • All device-friendly and browser-compatibility
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Translation Ready

With Article Read Time Lite, you can improve the readability and engagement of your articles, providing a better experience for your audience by helping them manage their reading time effectively.

Reading Progress Bar

Reading Progressbar

The Reading Progress Bar plugin provides visitors with a visual indicator of how far they have progressed through the content of your post. This plugin displays a progress bar showing the percentage of the article that has been read, enhancing the reading experience.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight Design: One of the lightest progress bar plugins available, ensuring minimal impact on your website’s performance.
  • Customizable Page Templates: Offers multiple page template options for easy and versatile progress bar customization.
  • Adjustable Settings: Allows you to adjust the progress bar height, foreground color, and background color to match your site’s design.
  • Position Indicators: Displays the reading progress bar at the top, bottom, or a custom position within various templates, providing flexibility in presentation.

This plugin serves as an effective reading position indicator, making it easier for visitors to track their reading progress and stay engaged with your content.

Progress Bar and Skill Bar

WP Progress Bar and Skill Bar

The Progress Bar and Skill Bar plugin is one of the most exceptional Progress Bar Plugins you can find. This feature-rich plugin offers two beautifully animated designs to display percentage-based information. Simply insert the appropriate values, select a design, and you’re ready to go.

Additionally, the plugin’s drag-and-drop feature allows you to create highly customizable progress bars with ease. These attractive, colorful, and eye-catching progress bars are sure to capture user attention.

With user-friendly shortcodes in WordPress, you can place the progress bar anywhere on your site.

Key Features:

  • The top progress bar plugin is known for its fast and easy configuration.
  • Unique and exclusive designs are not found in any other add-on.
  • Functionally robust, and compatible with all themes.
  • Offers a professional chart-style layout.
  • Supports Advanced Custom Fields (Pro) for enhanced site customization.

WP Reading Progress

WP Reading Progress

WP Reading Progress is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance user engagement by displaying a reading progress bar on your website. This plugin visually indicates how much of an article or page has been read, encouraging users to stay engaged and continue reading.

Key Features

  • Ideal for Long Reads: Perfect for lengthy articles, helping readers keep track of their progress.
  • Flexible Display Options: You can display the progress bar at the top or bottom of the screen, or below a sticky menu, providing flexibility in placement.
  • Accurate Progress Initiation: The progress bar starts at 0% even if some portion of the article is already visible, ensuring accurate progress tracking from the start.
  • Customization Options: Offers various customization options, including different color choices, allowing the progress bar to match your site’s design.
  • Suitable for Individual and Multiple Posts: Works well for both single posts and multiple posts, making it versatile for different types of content.
  • Lightweight and Smooth: Designed to be lightweight and operate smoothly, ensuring it doesn’t impact your website’s performance negatively.

WP Reading Progress helps improve the user experience by providing a clear indicator of how much content remains, keeping readers informed and engaged.


Adding a reading progress bar to your website is a simple and effective way to enhance user engagement. By visually indicating how much of an article remains, these plugins help keep readers informed and motivated to continue reading. Whether you run a blog, a news site, or any content-heavy platform, the seven plugins highlighted in this post offer diverse features and customization options to fit your needs. Choose the one that best suits your site to start improving user experience and engagement today.

How To Add Article Read Time On Your Website?

Adding an article read time to your website can significantly enhance the user experience, providing readers with a quick estimate of the time required to engage with your content.

This small yet impactful feature not only helps in setting clear expectations but also increases reader retention by making your articles more approachable.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to add article read time using the Article Read Time plugin on your WordPress site.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to offer a more user-friendly and transparent reading experience for your audience.

So, let’s dive into how to add article read time seamlessly and effectively.

Why add article read time on your website?

Before diving into how to add article read time on your website, let’s understand why add article read time on your website.

At first, it sets a clear expectation for readers to let them know how much time it will take to read the article. This will build trust and help users make informed decisions about allocating their time.

Additionally, displaying the read time can attract more readers by reassuring them that your content is concise and digestible.

Moreover, it enhances accessibility, allowing users to plan their reading sessions accordingly, whether they have a few minutes to spare or are looking for a longer read.

How to add article read time on your website?

Now that we’ve highlighted the significance of adding article read time, let’s delve into how you can implement this feature on your WordPress website using the Article Read Time plugin by WP Shuffle.

Follow these simple steps to enhance your website’s user experience:

Step 1: Install the Article Read Time Plugin

1. Access your WordPress website and sign in.

Once logged in, you’ll automatically be directed to your Dashboard.

2. Go to ‘Plugins’.

Locate the menu on the left-hand side of your screen and click on ‘Plugins’.

3. Find ‘Article read time’.

Navigate to the top of the screen and click on ‘Add New’. In the search bar that appears, type ‘Article Read Time’.

4. Install the plugin

After searching, a list of results will appear. Look for the “Article Read Time” plugin among these results. Click on ‘Install Now’ for the installation process.

installing the artice read time plugin

5. Activate the plugin.

Once the installation completes, click on the ‘Activate’ button, which replaces the ‘Install Now’ button.

activating the article read time plugin

Download the plugin

Step 2: Configure the plugin settings

Once the plugin is activated, you will be able to view the Article Read Time menu in the left admin menu. And you can then click on that menu to configure the settings page of plugins.

In this section, you can configure two settings options i.e. Basic Setting & Layout Setting.

Basic Setting

In the basic setting, the default status was displayed as disabled.

article read time - Basic Settings

To display a section in the front end, you can check the status and then configure the settings as per your need.

enabling the status

After enabling the status, you can configure all the basic settings such as StatusWord Per Minute, Select Post Type to Display, etc.

So, you can set the word per minute to read the article by user and choose the enable and disable section for post type according to your needs.

To display a section in the front end, you need to enable the following option provided in the above picture. Then click on save settings.

Now heading towards the layout settings.

Layout Settings

Within this section, you have the option to adjust essential settings of the layout of paragraph templates. You can select one template from our two beautifully pre-designed options for paragraph types.

Default Layout Settings

In this section, you’ll find several options to customize your paragraph templates:

  1. Display Section: Choose where you want the paragraph template to appear—either at the beginning of content, end of content, or both.
  2. Display Type: Select between paragraph and block display types.
  3. Choose Paragraph Template: Pick from our selection of 2 beautiful pre-designed paragraph templates.
  4. Heading Text: Set the heading text to be displayed on the front end.
  5. Word/Character Count Message: Utilize this textarea option to display a word/character count message on the front end.
Layout settings

After selecting and choosing the option click on save settings.

Step 3: Progress Bar Settings

In this section, you have the flexibility to personalize the color and style of your progress bar using our built-in customization options. These options are particularly useful when the pre-designed template doesn’t quite meet your requirements, and you need to tailor the form to your specific needs.

Progress Bar Setting

Here are the available customization options for custom color styling:

  • Progress Bar Status: Enable or disable the progress bar on the front end.
  • Display Position: Choose where to display the progress bar.
  • Display Styles: Select different styles for the progress bar, such as normal or gradients.
  • Background Color: Customize the background color of the progress bar.
  • Primary Color: Customize the primary color of the progress bar.
  • Bar Thickness: Adjust the thickness of the progress bar to increase its size.

After selecting all the options. Click on Save Settings.


Preview of Article Read Time


Adding an article read time to your website can significantly enhance the user experience by providing readers with a quick estimate of the time required to engage with your content. This feature not only sets clear expectations but also increases reader retention by making your articles more approachable. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can seamlessly add article read time to your WordPress site using the Article Read Time plugin by WP Shuffle. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to offer a more user-friendly and transparent reading experience for your audience, ultimately improving engagement and satisfaction.