7 Best Google Analytics Plugins For WordPress

7 Best Google Analytics Plugins For WordPress

Want to improve your website’s analytics capabilities?

Explore the power of Google Analytics plugins designed for WordPress. These Google Analytics plugins are essential tools for providing deep insights into your website’s performance, usage, and traffic sources.

Whether you’re tracking conversions, viewing real-time data, or optimizing SEO efforts, these plugins offer powerful features to streamline your analytics performance directly from simple tracking codes, which can be integrated into reports a customizable and GDPR compliance features for WordPress below.

In this article, I’ll share the best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress that simplify the setup process and offer useful extra features to make web analytics smooth and easy.

Let’s dive in and simplify your analytics journey!

Google Analytics and It’s Importance

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows website owners to track and analyze their website traffic. By understanding user behavior, website owners can make data-driven decisions to improve their site’s performance, user experience, and conversion rates.

No wonder WordPress, with over 40% of the world’s websites in its portfolio, literally holds the claim of being the world’s most used content management system. At the same time, big backup from plugins exists for almost everything, including Google Analytics, and users find it easy to increase the functionality of their website without any kind of coding.

To highlight the best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress in 2024, helping website owners choose the right tool to enhance their data tracking and analysis capabilities.

Why Use Google Analytics Plugins For WordPress?

  • Integrating Google Analytics with WordPress: Integrating Google Analytics directly into WordPress provides seamless access to essential data without leaving the WordPress dashboard. It simplifies the monitoring of website performance and visitor behavior.
  • Importance of tracking website traffic, user behavior, and other key metrics: Understanding traffic sources, popular content, and user behavior helps in optimizing website design, content strategy, and marketing efforts to drive growth and engagement.
  • Simplifying the integration process: Plugins automate the insertion of tracking codes, offer advanced tracking options, and present data in an accessible format within the WordPress admin panel, making it easier to leverage Google Analytics capabilities. Plugins make it easy to connect your WordPress site to Google Analytics without needing to manually add tracking codes.
  • Additional Features: Many plugins offer enhanced functionalities such as custom reports, real-time stats, and e-commerce tracking.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Google Analytics Plugins

  • Ease of use and installation: Plugins should be user-friendly, with straightforward installation processes.
  • Features and functionality: Essential features include real-time stats, custom dimensions, and eCommerce tracking.
  • Compatibility with latest WordPress version: Ensures compatibility with the most recent WordPress updates.
  • User reviews and ratings: Insights from users provide valuable feedback on performance and reliability.
  • Support and updates: Regular updates and responsive support are crucial for ongoing functionality.

Best Google Analytics Plugins For WordPress


MonsterInsights is an all-inclusive analytics tool for WordPress and one of the leading Google Analytics plugins. It offers a variety of tracking features and provides comprehensive data about your website, including traffic sources, keywords, social media sharing, and more. Additionally, it allows you to monitor email subscriptions, comments, and conversions (such as leads, sales, and pageviews). The plugin features a user-friendly dashboard that highlights the most crucial statistics at a glance. Moreover, it includes an audit feature that identifies which pages require optimization and shows the amount of time visitors spend on each page.

MonsterInsights | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

  1. Comprehensive Tracking: Tracks a wide range of data including traffic sources, keywords, social media sharing, email subscriptions, comments, and conversions.
  2. User-Friendly Dashboard: Provides a helpful dashboard that makes it easy to see the most important stats at a glance.
  3. Page-Level Analytics: Offers detailed insights into how much time visitors spend on each page.
  4. Optimization Audit: Includes an audit feature to identify which pages need optimization.
  5. Enhanced eCommerce Tracking: Monitors sales and revenue data for online stores.
  6. Real-Time Stats: Provides up-to-the-minute data on website performance.
  7. Custom Dimensions: Allows tracking of custom dimensions such as authors, publication year, categories, tags, and more.
  8. Event Tracking: Automatically tracks events such as form submissions, downloads, and outbound links.
  9. Affiliate Link Tracking: Monitors clicks on affiliate links to gauge performance.
  10. GDPR Compliance: Helps ensure your website is compliant with GDPR and other privacy regulations.

These features make MonsterInsights a powerful tool for gaining valuable insights and improving your website’s performances.


ExactMetrics is a powerful analytics tool designed for WordPress, recognized as one of the best Google Analytics plugins available. It offers extensive tracking features, giving you detailed insights into your website’s traffic sources, keywords, social media sharing, and more. With ExactMetrics, you can also track email subscriptions, comments, and conversions (leads, sales, and pageviews). The plugin provides a user-friendly dashboard, making it easy to access the most important statistics at a glance. Additionally, it features an audit tool that helps you identify pages that need optimization and shows how much time visitors spend on each page.

ExactMetrics | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

Here are seven key features of ExactMetrics:

  1. Comprehensive Analytics Tracking: Detailed insights into traffic sources, keywords, social media sharing, and more.
  2. Conversion Tracking: Tracks email subscriptions, comments, leads, sales, and pageviews.
  3. User-Friendly Dashboard: Intuitive interface to easily access important statistics at a glance.
  4. Real-Time Stats: Monitors website traffic and user activities in real-time.
  5. Enhanced eCommerce Tracking: In-depth data on eCommerce performance, including sales, revenue, and product performance.
  6. Customizable Reports: Create and schedule custom reports tailored to specific needs.
  7. Integration with Popular Plugins: Seamlessly integrates with other popular WordPress plugins, such as WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.


Analytify is a plugin used for WordPress websites that provides Google Analytics integration. It allows users to view key analytics data directly from their WordPress dashboard, making it easier to monitor website traffic, user behavior, and other important metrics without needing to log into Google Analytics separately. It’s popular among WordPress users for its simplicity and convenience in tracking website performance.

Analytify | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

  1. Dashboard Summary: Provides a concise overview of website analytics directly within the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Individual Page Analytics: Detailed statistics for each page, including visitor demographics and behavior.
  3. Real-Time Stats: Monitors website traffic and user activities in real-time.
  4. Campaign Tracking: Tracks performance metrics for marketing campaigns directly within WordPress.
  5. eCommerce Tracking: Provides insights into eCommerce performance, including sales, transactions, and revenue.
  6. Customizable Reports: Generates customizable reports that can be scheduled and emailed directly from WordPress.
  7. GDPR Compliance: Ensures data tracking complies with GDPR and other privacy regulations.

Analytify focuses on simplifying the Google Analytics experience for WordPress users, making it accessible and actionable directly from their WordPress dashboard.

Google Site Kit

Google Site Kit is another WordPress plugin offered by Google that integrates various Google services directly into the WordPress dashboard. It provides a unified dashboard to access data and insights from Google Analytics, Search Console, PageSpeed Insights, AdSense, and other Google products. Site Kit simplifies the process of connecting and managing these services for WordPress users, enabling them to monitor site performance, traffic trends, search visibility, and ad revenue without needing to switch between different platforms or tools. It’s designed to streamline the management of Google services for websites running on WordPress.

Google Site Kit | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

  • Google Analytics Integration: Provides insights from Google Analytics directly within WordPress, including traffic sources, user behavior, and more.
  • Google Search Console Integration: Offers performance metrics from Google Search Console, such as search queries, impressions, and clicks.
  • Google AdSense Integration: Displays AdSense earnings and performance data directly within the WordPress dashboard.
  • PageSpeed Insights: Provides insights into the performance of your website pages, including loading times and optimization suggestions.
  • Google Optimize: Allows for A/B testing directly from WordPress to optimize website content and user experience.
  • Google Tag Manager Integration: Simplifies the management of tags (like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, etc.) on your website through Google Tag Manager.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Insights: Provides basic SEO insights, including keyword optimization tips and search engine visibility.

WP Statistics

WP Statistics is a popular WordPress plugin used for tracking website statistics. It provides detailed analytics and insights about visitors to a WordPress site, including information such as page views, visits, referrers, search terms, and more. Unlike external analytics services, WP Statistics operates directly within the WordPress dashboard, making it convenient for site administrators to monitor site traffic and performance without relying on third-party platforms. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting capabilities, tailored specifically for WordPress users who prefer to manage analytics within their site’s backend.

WP Statistics | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

  1. Visitor Tracking: Tracks visitors to your website, including their geographic location, browser, operating system, and more.
  2. Page Views and Traffic Sources: Provides detailed information on page views, traffic sources (such as direct, referral, search engines), and popular pages.
  3. Real-Time Statistics: Displays real-time data on current visitors, page views, and traffic sources.
  4. Customizable Reports: Allows you to generate customizable reports based on various metrics, including daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly summaries.
  5. Visitor Insights: Offers insights into visitor behavior, including session duration, bounce rate, and returning visitors.
  6. Geolocation and IP Blocking: Provides geolocation information about visitors and includes options for IP blocking if necessary.
  7. Widget and Shortcode Support: Includes widgets and shortcodes to display statistics on your website frontend.

WP Statistics is known for its user-friendly interface and ability to provide detailed analytics directly within the WordPress dashboard, making it a popular choice among WordPress users who prefer to manage analytics without external services.

GA Google Analytics

GA Google Analytics (formerly known as “Google Analytics by MonsterInsights”) is a popular WordPress plugin that integrates Google Analytics with WordPress sites. It allows users to easily set up Google Analytics tracking on their WordPress site without needing to edit code directly. The plugin provides enhanced features such as tracking e-commerce transactions, file downloads, outbound link clicks, and more, directly from the WordPress dashboard. It’s widely used because it simplifies the process of integrating and utilizing Google Analytics data for WordPress users of all skill levels.

GA Google Analytics | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

  • Easy Setup: Adding Google Analytics tracking code to a WordPress website simplifies the integration process without manually editing the code.
  • Dashboard Widget: Provides a dashboard widget in WordPress to display important Google Analytics statistics at a glance.
  • Event Monitoring: Monitors events such as links being clicked, files being downloaded, and interactions with videos or documents posted on the site.
  • Custom Dimensions and Metrics: Allow configuration of custom dimensions and metrics to track specific use cases or business objectives.
  • Exclude User Activity: Google Analytics provides an option to exclude specific user activity from the background.
  • IP anonymization: GDPR supports IP anonymization to comply with other privacy laws.
  • Increased Link Attribution: Increases the accuracy of tracking links on pages, and improves data quality in Google Analytics reports.


PixelYourSite is a WordPress plugin that facilitates the integration of Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Pinterest Tag, and other tracking pixels into a WordPress website. It simplifies the process of adding and managing these pixels without needing to edit code directly. This plugin is popular among WordPress users who want to track conversions, optimize their advertising campaigns, and gather audience insights across various platforms like Facebook, Google, and Pinterest, all from within their WordPress dashboard. It provides options for advanced pixel management and tracking configuration, making it a versatile tool for digital marketers and website owners.

PixelYourSite | Google Analytics Plugins

Key Features

  • Facebook Pixel Integration: Facilitates easy integration of Facebook Pixel with WordPress sites, enabling tracking of user interactions and conversions.
  • Custom Events Tracking: Allows tracking of custom events on your website, such as button clicks, form submissions, video views, and more, using Facebook Pixel.
  • Dynamic Remarketing: Supports dynamic remarketing campaigns on Facebook by tracking product views, add-to-carts, and purchases for eCommerce websites.
  • Advanced Matching: Utilizes advanced matching capabilities to improve accuracy in tracking user behavior and conversions across devices and platforms.
  • Conversion Optimization: Helps optimize Facebook ad campaigns by tracking and analyzing conversion data, including lead generation and sales.
  • GDPR Compliance: Provides options for GDPR compliance, such as cookie consent notices and user data management settings.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Specifically designed for WooCommerce websites, offering enhanced tracking of product views, purchases, and checkout steps.

Comparision Table

Here’s a more detailed comparison of the Google Analytics plugins for WordPress including active installations, descriptions, free plan features, and premium plan pricing where applicable:

Plugin NameActive InstallationsDescriptionFree Plan FeaturesPremium Plan Price
MonsterInsightsOver 3 millionBasic Google Analytics tracking and reporting features.Basic tracking and reporting.Starts at $99.50 per year
ExactMetricsOver 500,000Essential Google Analytics tracking and insights.Essential tracking and insights.Starts at $99.50 per year
AnalytifyOver 40,000Basic Google Analytics stats directly in WordPress dashboard.Basic stats in dashboard.$49 per year for 1 site
Google Site KitOver 4 millionIntegrates Google Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights into WordPress.Full integration of Google tools into WordPress dashboard.Free
WP StatisticsOver 600,000Comprehensive visitor tracking with local data storage.Detailed visitor statistics and analytics.Free
GA Google AnalyticsOver 500,000Lightweight plugin for simple Google Analytics integration, GDPR compliant.Basic Google Analytics integration and GDPR compliance.Free
PixelYourSiteOver 400,000Basic Google Analytics tracking and Facebook Pixel integration.Basic tracking and Facebook Pixel integration.$119 per year for 1 site

All these plugins have a free version available, allowing users to access essential features without any cost


Picking the perfect Google Analytics plugins for your WordPress site is crucial in boosting your tracking abilities, optimizing performance, and driving growth. Each plugin comes with unique features designed for specific needs. By choosing the right tool that makes Google Analytics integration easy and supports data-based decisions, you can enhance your online visibility and confidently reach your website objectives.