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Subscribe to Unlock pro

Grow your site's subscribers organically with our Premium WordPress Content Locker Plugin

Purchase now on $18 Demo

About Plugin

As the name explains, Subscribe to Unlock is a premium WordPress plugin which makes it fast and easy to capture subscribers right from your WordPress site by simply locking some specific content of your site until users subscribe to your site. You can even lock the whole page with popup or give a countdown to users until they can view the content without subscribing.

You can create unlimited locker forms, choose a stunning layout from our 20 beautifully pre designed templates, connect the forms directly to popular third party subscription services such as Mailchimp and Constant Contactexport subscribersand what not. With this plugin you are just few seconds away from collecting the subscribers from your WordPress site because creating and integrating a subscription form in any site is that easy with our plugin.

Check our detailed features below:

Create as many lockers with different restrictions and different locker content on each form

Choose from any pre designed beautiful templates without any burden of designing forms on your own

Lock your content directly with inbuilt lock icon available in editor easily

Subscribers email won't get stored and won't receive unlock link until they confirm the subscription

Now you can add email domains or specific email address that you don't want to allow for subscriptions

Show form as the popup which will lock the whole page.

Show form as the popup which will lock the whole page.

Either show the content as blurred or hide the content completely, choice is simply yours!!

You can enable either link verification or unlock code verification which will unlock the content instantly.

In case you want to give your own styling to form, we do have interactive inbuilt form styler

In case you want to store your subscribers directly to your Mailchimp account, you can!

In case you want to store your subscribers directly to your Constant Contact account, you can!
