General Settings

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In general settings, you can configure all the basic settings for the form such as Form TitleForm Alias, etc.

General Settings of WP Subscription Forms

Here are the descriptions of individual options available in the general settings.

1. Form Status – This will enable and disable the form in the front end.

2. Form Title – This is the main title of the form for the recognition of the form everywhere.

3. Form Alias – This is the nickname of the form which will be used in the shortcode. This shouldn’t contain any special characters and space. You can use underscore(_) instead of space while entering the alias and should be unique i.e. the same alias shouldn’t be repeated in multiple forms.

4. Double Opt-In – This is the new option that we added in our Plugin Version 1.0.5. With the use of this option, you can enable the double opt-in feature in the form which means the entered email address won’t get stored in the Site’s Database and won’t receive the download link until they confirm their subscription through email.
After enabling this option, the confirmation link will be sent to the subscribers as soon as they subscribe to the site.

  • Opt-In Confirmation Message – This is the message that will shown to users on your site as soon as they click the confirmation link that is sent in the email. You can configure the confirmation email message in the Email settings which we will describe later within this documentation.

5. Don’t remember email – Check this option if you do not want to check if the subscriber’s email is already subscribed.

6. Redirection – Enable this option to redirect subscribers to a specific URL after a successful subscription.

  • Redirection URL – Enter the URL for post-subscription redirection.

7. Form Success Message – This is the message shown to the users when the subscription is successful.

8. Form Required Error Message – This is the message shown to the users if users don’t fill all the necessary required fields.

9. Form Error Message – This is the message shown to the users if the email couldn’t be sent to users due to an invalid email or any other server-related reason.

10. Unallowed Email Domains – This is also a new option which we had added in our Plugin Version 1.0.5. With this option, you can enter the email domains which you don’t want users to enter in the subscription forms which will then prevent the subscribers from entering fake email domains for receiving the download file.

11. Unallowed Email Error Message – This is the message that will be shown to the users when they try to subscribe through any of the unallowed email domains that you have entered in the backend settings.

12. Mailchimp Lists / Constant Contact List – Please note that this option will only show if you have configured the necessary credentials in the “Settings” section of our plugin which will be explained later within this documentation. If you have configured the necessary credentials and fetched the list of Both Mailchimp and Constant Contact then that list will show at the end of the General settings panel like in the below screenshot through which you can choose the required list in which the subscriber will be automatically subscribed.

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General Settings

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