Email Settings

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In this section, you can configure all the necessary email-related configurations such as “From Name”, “From Email” etc.

WP subscription form pro email settings

Here are the available options within this section:

For From Email, enter the email address that will be used as the sender for all emails sent through the plugin, such as confirmation emails or download link emails. It’s recommended to avoid using an email that resembles a real person’s address, as this could cause the email to end up in spam or junk folders. Instead, use a generic email like noreply@yourdomainname to ensure deliverability.

The From Name is also used when sending emails through the plugin. Similar to the “From Email,” you should choose a name that doesn’t resemble a real person’s name, such as “No Reply.”

In the Admin Notification section, you can enable or disable notifications for new subscriptions using the Status option. The Admin Notification Email Subject allows you to specify the subject line for these notifications.

In the Notification Emails field, enter the email addresses that should receive notifications about new subscriptions, separating multiple addresses with commas. If this field is left blank, notifications will be sent to the site admin by default.

Finally, customize the Admin Notification Email Message to define the content of the email notification sent upon a new subscription.

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