Delayed Popup or Floating Forms

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To enable the delayed popup or floating forms for a specific page/post, there is an option box available in the page edit section from which you can enable the popup for that specific page/post.

Delayed popup or floating forms

Step-by-step methods for delayed popup or floating forms:

Step 1: Enable Status

Begin by selecting the Enable Status option, which provides two choices: Global and Override.

  • Global Status:
    When Global is selected, you don’t need to configure fields like delay, display type, or subscription form. These will be automatically set, with the system using default values from the layout settings. The default delay time for popups and floating forms is set to 10 seconds, and the first created subscription form will be displayed on the page.
  • Override Status:
    If you select Override, additional fields and options become available. First, enable the option to override the global settings.
    • Configure Delay Time:
      Set the delay time for the popup. If you prefer not to have any delay, leave this field blank.
    • Select Display Type:
      Choose whether you want to display a popup or floating form on the page/post.
    • Choose a Subscription Form:
      Finally, select your desired subscription form from the list of available forms. This form will be used for the popup or floating form.
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Delayed Popup or Floating Forms

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