Layout Settings

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Paragraph Template Layout Settings

In this section, you can configure necessary settings related with the layout of the paragraph templates. You can choose any one templates from our 10 beautiful pre-designed templates of paragraph type.

Here are the options available in this section:

  1. Display Section – This option includes the dropdown of display section like  beginning of content, end of content and both.
  2. Display Type – This option includes display type like paragraph and block.
  3. Choose Paragraph Template – This option includes 10 pre designed beautiful paragraph templates, you can choose any of them.
  4. Heading Text – This option is to set heading text to display frontend.
  5. Word/Character Count Message – This is a textarea option to display word/character count message in frontend.

Block Template Layout Settings

In this section, you can configure necessary settings related with the layout of the block templates. You can choose any one templates from our 10 beautiful pre-designed templates of and block type.

Here are the options available in this section:

  1. Display Section – This option includes the dropdown of display section like  beginning of content, end of content and both.
  2. Display Type – This option includes display type like paragraph and block.
  3. Choose Paragraph Template – This option includes 10 pre designed beautiful block templates, you can choose any of them.
  4. Heading Text – This option is to set heading text to display frontend.
  5. Word Enable – This option will enable the word count section in frontend.
  6. Word Label – This option is use for word label for frontend section.
  7. Character Enable – This option will enable the character count section in frontend.
  8. Character Label – This option is use for character label for frontend section.
  9. Read Enable – TThis option will enable the read time section in frontend section.
  10. Read Label – This option is use for read label for frontend section.
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Layout Settings

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